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Season 1 - Episode 2

The Rise of the B2B Chief Growth Officer

B2B Marketing Talk for CEOs, VPs & Sales Pros

In this episode...

There has always been a disconnect between sales and marketing. Well, that’s what everyone in sales and marketing keeps saying.  But is it really true?  To understand this anathema, you have to get some background on where the two departments evolved from.

To begin with, you have to look at what drives business and commerce - money.  Who drives money - bankers, accountants and investors?  Right there, there's the fundamental problem.  Money people who maintain that a set of accounts and more importantly, the P&L account, is expected to have two descriptions - Sales and Marketing. Yet these two 'departments' have been in need of change for decades, but no one has come up with a new plan, until now.

Key Takeaways

Everyone is looking for the 'golden egg', 'the silver bullet', to propel their business to the next level, but business owners don't realise that they are being hamstrung right fro the start and end up spending their whole business careers trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, i.e. trying to get sales to work with and without marketing. 

Find out how and why this has happened.  Find out what the solutions can be.  Find out what they proposed solution is, without paying thousands to a management consultant.


About the Host

Nigel Maine is a sales and marketing veteran with over thirty years experience. He has a knack of calling it what it is without dressing it up! If you're a CEO and want to get a good handle on B2B Marketing, not because you have to do it, but to quickly learn, Nigel's your man...
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