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Pillars New Business Success S01 Ep19 Transcript

Welcome to the six live stream. This will be a fairly important one. I think in fact, that's underplaying it. I think this is the most important live stream that I've done and there's, there's a real visit. Uh, an important reason for this is that what I've been able to do throughout my career is look and review and understand and join dots. That's all I've wanted. That's all I do. I joined dots and it doesn't matter whether it's business or person I joined. I joined the dots and joining the dots coming forward over the past 60, 70 years and understanding where businesses are now. Uh, like I said, it's got to be the most important live stream that I've ever done. I'm just going to be looking over here, glancing over here, because that's where my notes are. But the reason it's so important is because businesses have a difficult time generating new business. And so this, at the end of the day, this is the new business show. So let's run the intro

That did that play. Well, we have to say, I just want to check on that. I'm pretty sure that the sound is there and you guys, if you can just let me know if that played, because I don't, I don't need to get the feedback up here, but anyway, it doesn't matter. The point about this is that if we go back to the 1950s, give or take fifties and sixties, we had the mad men, we had the people, as you can see me down here, you know, you've seen the show, you probably seen the show, you know, that it exists. We've got a situation here that means that, or, or, or a business scenario here that businesses to sell their products, use interruption, marketing, um, TV, radio, and newspapers, but for that, but that was for B to business, to consumer, for business to business, it had to be done through cold calling.

And so that's how it's been for decades, absolutely decades. Yes. I know about the technology coming on to that. So allow for some, some timing here. So from the fifties up to 2000 roundabout, two thousands, CRM became ubiquitous. Most people installed, you know, whether it is goldmine, Salesforce, DyNet, Microsoft dynamics, whatever it was, but people went down the, the, um, the route for, um, they went down the route of attempting to exploit the data that they had, but use that for cold calling. So this is 2010 years later, as development evolved and ESP ESPs, email service providers evolved and so on, we then got marketing automation. And so everybody bought into marketing automation, great happy days for the marketing automation companies. And then 10 years later, where are we now to come on to that in a second, but parallel to everything to do with B2B.

And it doesn't kind of apply to, to, but we're B2B. This is the B2B position parallel to that. The, um, the established business practices that were called imparted, I guess, by the financial institutions, made sure that there were certain expectations of businesses. Businesses had to adhere to the financial, um, compliance of banking and HMRC and so on and like that. And we go, well, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. And I'm not challenging that per se, but why I'm challenging is the point that every business and I've got a slide, I've got to put the slide up. So we've got the financial institutions. So all of these, everybody, anybody that goes and gets trained and becomes an accountant, they go through various, um, bodies to become an accountant. And they say, this is what you're going to do. And this is how a set of accounts looks like, and this is how you would explain it to your clients.

And this is what HMRC expect you to do and deliver a set of accounts with two specific rows in it, on those rows on your P and L one for sales a month marketing. But the trouble is when people look at sales and marketing, they go all sales, marketing, marketing sales. We are going to set our marketing up in this particular fashion. And we're going to set our sales people up in this particular fashion. And you have your sales direct sales managers, salespeople, you know, Tara's your management, yada yada yada, and you have people in marketing field marketing, graphic design, blah, blah, blah, blah. So here we are. We've got an acceptable worldwide structure for sales and marketing interchangeable every in every country, no problem at all. However, in order to get, or for a business to function, it's got to generate new business. So what does he do? It goes back to cold calls. If you've been watching this over the past few weeks, I'm not a proponent per se of people in marketing at all. I know. You'll see why. So call quarter, everybody goes back to cold calling because that's the, the, the de way of getting business, because you can't guarantee marketing this tiny, tiny percentages, especially in business to business.

Now, when it goes, in terms of cold calling, one person can dial 1400 people a month about 70 or so calls a day, three 50 a week, the odds and finding someone that's interested in your product and bearing in mind, it's about 1% give or take of your total vertical market that you're going for are actually looking for something at any given time. So your tele salespeople, your salespeople making outbound calls can only make 1400 calls a month.

But they can only find maybe one person a week give or take that might be interested. That's not an appointment. That's just someone that's interested might receive something from you will accept an email from you. How do you scale that you can't? Um, if you, if you look at this, this particular graph, we know that the, the main blue bit at the bottom you've got,

I'm sure it's, it's up to 10 employees. Of course, there's going to be more of them. So up to 10 employees, about five and half million people, 500 million businesses. So that's up to 10, 10 to 50 200,000 businesses,

50 to two 50, 30, 6,000 to 50 and above 8,000. So based upon the numbers of businesses, unless you're selling to businesses that have got up to 10 people, you've got very, very little, um, movement in a way, certainly 16 to 212,000 businesses, um, up to 50 10 to 50. So that's it getting millions of hits on your website and never going to happen ever.

And if you sell to enterprises even less. So looking at that, the, the, the key thing about this graph is that you, you, you don't understand, you know, 80 grand per person per annum turnover up to 10, but there's only 130 odd up to, um, between 10 and 50. And then as you get bigger, it moves up to 160, 170, but you see, I think that's about 10 million as 5 million above 5 million. So once you get about 5 million, it's about 168,000 miles. Okay? So the point here is that if over the past three, four, five decades, the turnover per person, per annum for B2B your most businesses, but hasn't increased, there has to be a reason for that. And it's because you can't scale your approach. If you want it to sell laws, bonds, if sweets, food, whatever your market is in the millions, which is why you advertise in television, because you getting millions of people to buy it.

But when it's B2B a B2B product, you can't do that. We know that. And so, because of this problem, you've got the situation where you've got, um, business owners have an expectation of their staff and marketing people come into a business and say, I am going to set the world, set your world, alight. I'm going to make it all happen. And they go, okay, coming in, they come in, they fail. I spend three months trying to work out what the price is going to be. If you had done it at the interview stage, but they come in three months to get it organized, 12 months to execute. And three months to find a new, uh, find a new job because of 12 months, nothing happened. The average tenure of a chief marketing officer in the UK and in the States is 18 months. Average is 18 months. I know it. They know it. And the recruitment agencies and HR people know it as well. So everybody knows it. So that's the, I mean, I know Einstein didn't say it, but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. But that's what you've got with marketing people saying, I'm going to, I'm going to make everything happen for you. You go, well, what are you going to do differently?

So the fundamental problem is that you're, you know, people are using this. I'm just making sure you don't, I don't jump ahead of myself. I'm looking at that. You've got 18 months and people say, well, what we're going to do is maybe we should appoint a seat aro to get a chief revenue officer, and he'll take care of it and make it happen and bring it all together. Because there's all this always this tension between sales and marketing. But the reason there's tension between sales and marketing is because marketing provide the KPIs, give to marketing. They provide marketing, qualified leads, just a form being filled in is good enough. Sales, sales, a sales KPIs, how much business have you done? It doesn't matter how nice they are. How much business have you done very different, but there's a, there's a kicker. There's a big problem here in the, when it comes to establishing a process for businesses, they say, right, we're going to have marketing automation. We can produce content. We'll get an email from the person that wants to download the documentation. And then they will. Then we know they're interested in buying this product from us and we can find out and make an appointment, go and sell it to them.

So if that were the case, why have businesses not traversed 150 grand per person per annum? Why defy half a million businesses start every year and half a million, half a million businesses fail every year and they changed. Why is it, why hasn't someone come up with this great idea that that was supposed to be the, the next best thing was, was, was marketing automation. But it didn't work, work people. If they do find the content, they can only get it through a pay-per-click. Then they're forced into a transaction to download it. If they don't like it, you've lost them madness, absolute madness, but it serves a purpose. It serves a purpose because the marketing people get to wave a flag and say, we reached our KPIs. Meanwhile, the businesses businesses go bust all the time. So you've then got this thing to do is chief revenue officers and chief growth officers, I think, well, okay.

They, they tend to be interchangeable because businesses don't know what they're supposed to be doing really, because how can these two new titles traverse marketing and be better than what they would do before? When ever they join, they go and get people to go and do more cold calling, which is nonsense, which means they actually don't know what they're talking about. Fact might I can say this because I've got something special, but I say they, haven't got a clue. They've had years, decades to look and learn and listen and, and evaluate. And they've done nothing. They've done squat. As far as I'm concerned, you can see I'm a bit emotional about this, but I'm emotional for the businesses that have gone bust because they've trusted and relied on marketing people to help them move forward, to move the needle, to move the business forward. And they fail every time.

And it's a disgrace as far as I'm concerned, but there's light at the end of the time. So when you look could this, when you look and you understand the marketing, the key thing that we're trying to do and trying to get across is I want business owners to absolutely nail down and understand what's required in marketing and what's required in a business to grow it. If you're not growing, you don't stay where you are. You're going to contract with both. We both know that. And the thing with marketing is that there's an issue about when do you become recognized? And so if you have a situation, we know everybody's told that the psychology of buying, blah, blah, blah, blah, is we have to see something about seven to 10 times before we see a product or a brand or a name as being recognizable and have some kind of affinity with it. So you go, okay. But when we send stuff out through B2B, there's so much rubbish out there there's so much noise. The only one in three cases, it's true is therefore you've got to have lined up 30 things to send out in order for seven to 10, to be recognized. That's really important because what most people do is they fail at the second or third hurdle they do, or three go when it's not working.

But the reason it gets stopped is because it's so labor intensive to try and communicate with people and to get this information out, even if she wants to have a cold calling campaign, how do you one person a week, you can't grow a business on that. We both know that. So that's what we've got. So, so if you're looking at what's being done and what has been done, if we look at the, an engagement funnel going can come over here, um, in terms of the, this engagement funnel, this is available, this is on, on a wet on a white paper and it's on our website. So if you can't see if it's not big enough, don't, don't worry about it. But what we're saying here is that at the top end, where are we up here at the top end here? This is the, this is the, the, the low interest general content that gets created just about here.

And the point with that is that businesses need to get to know you. They need to recognize it. A C, a C, a C. I might read it now. So they see a number of times, but like I said, to produce lots of content for this is time-consuming, but there's a link from there because it goes, they start looking at the general content that you producing, and then you have secondary content. The secondary content is news news and information that could be produced and sent out, like doing livestream with news, sending out news, having news clips and snippets within your website that get recognized on your site map, file Google as news. But it's just, it just keeps information going. This news could be emailed to people. That's what if you wanted to, from there, you move down to your primary content, and this is the problem. Fundamental problem is that your primary content presents you as a thought leader.

It's you explaining what you do.

You demonstrating your ability and prowess and your structure to prospective customers. It's you being able to educate people before they buy from you.


Marketing came along and said, Oh, bit of content here. What we'll do, we'll Chuck it on behind, uh, uh, uh, uh, curtain. We won't give anybody access to it unless they give us their email address and bingo you, if they, if they download it, then you can speak to them, get an appointment. I mean, it sounds great, but we don't do it. Every business owner says, well, I quite like the look of that, but I'm not going to do anything because I know they're just going to pass to them the life out of me, but that's the, that bit there that's the important bit is to show people, this is who we are. We are really good at what we do, and that encourages them.

And then from there, you got the next part, which is your, And so then one links to the other links to the other. And once they've seen the product, so then it will and should link. If they're fat engaged with you, they will move on to speaking to you and you can present and do whatever you do. But the whole thing about this is scalability. Um, and structure is making sure that your people are tiered to a structure, because if it is, this is the big problem. Again, is that people knock out blogs,three, four, five, um, paragraphs of a blog, and think that that's sufficient. It's not Google expect between two and 6,000 words with a specific structure to it, which is here. And again, all of this here, this is the, this is all on our website.

You can download it. It's no issue. But the important thing here is to say that if you want to appear on page one of Google, Google reads your content. Like we've got here in this particular structure and says it is structured properly. It looks right. It's got embedded pictures and graphics and infographics and video, bullet points, number points, and so on. And it's written clearly. So a 12 year old could understand it. These people know what they're talking about. We'll put it on page one, apart from new competing with other people, but bearing in mind if the rest of your content or links and it's done properly, you'll get on page one, forget what the SEO nonsense, Oh, you've got to do this.

You've got to do SEO is about writing for people to engage and communicate with people. So that's, you know, this is all about, um, the, the processes. You must have these in place. It's essentially I have these in place. And the, the, the preeminent methodology to scale and grow your business is without a shadow of a doubt is live streaming because you can buy it. You can buy in a database, you can have a database. You can communicate with 10,000 people a week at 1% of them. But we actually actually be looking at what you're doing. 10,000 people, a hundred people to watch your live stream magic.

I mean, absolutely brilliant. I mean, it couldn't be better. And this is what this space our livestreams are about. It's showing you a different application for something that Heather too has always been used, either for something that's a bit geeky, you know, someone doing knocking, knocking out a live stream from their bedroom or, or from a, um, you know, selling perfume or selling, um, Car.

But the thing about this, this is becoming more and more popular. We don't want, you know, we're not talking about doing multi multipoint zoom calls, but it's about communicating with an audience that are looking to buy your products and telling them that you do a live stream, creating a schedule and so on, but the kicker would that it doesn't matter what you do. The bottom line is if you are drawn towards having those two rows on your P and L that say sales and marketing,

And you just fall into the trap,

Obsessing up your sales and marketing, like you've always done before. You're not going to move forward. Now, the next slide, the next slide, the next graphic, um, you'll see me in the music. Um, the point of this is that the rows that people have on their, um, their P and L just their sales and marketing, but there are problems within that. This, this column here for technology technology is something that every business uses. Yes, we know that, but with so much MarTech, as they keep saying, being managed in an organized, within marketing, you then look at the churn in marketing means that intelligence comes in and keeps going a rate of every six to 18 months. So you can never keep people that are doing the same thing again and again. So you keep losing your staff, not, not good,

I'm going to as madness.

So if you shift it away, sorry, it away to, uh, move it over to technology, to, uh, a technology. I don't wanna call it a silo, but you know, a technology department, then they can organize and manage everything that's required for everything in marketing, everything in the business, everything to do with it, with the laptops and drives and pubs and everything, everything that is required, they look after it because they have an aptitude and an ability to grasp this stuff quickly. And with a bit of training to them,

Then, they can do the necessary work that they are instructed to by the people in the middle. Now, the people in the middle, it used to be called marketing, stop calling it marketing, call it content of a chief content officer. Or you could call that chief content officer and editor in chief, but you can see what technology content, these content people do, the writing, do the videos, do the podcasts to the live stream. They reporters and presenters and interviewers. Yes. You have graphic design. Yes. You have people that would place adverts, but the adverts there to drive people to your live stream. You've just, if you think about this just for a minute, if you start doing live stream, start marketing, your live stream, people can visit you and see you anonymously


Went out for a minute. You would, you do. I don't know. Who's watching

No idea

Apart from people that are messaged me saying yeah, it works. And that the sound's okay. And the music's okay. Apart from that, I don't know. So it's an anonymous way of communicating about your business, to the people that actually want to look at you. So you tell your target market, Hey, we're doing a live stream on Thursday about this, and here's our next 12 weeks. I go, well, I don't, don't not interested in that. I'm not interested in, Oh, Oh, that's interesting. Oh, I'll watch that. And you can put, like, I've done with it with emails that you've seen put links in there in, in, in emails that say, click this link and it'll take you to, it flips your exposure exponentially. So we'll come back. I'll come back onto the onset of technology and content in a minute, just move on to revenue revenue, chief revenue officer, would that make sense? Revenue is every single penny that comes into the business. Someone is responsible for presales direct sales, new business sales operations. Um, as you are, you can read it as well, but you know, you've got, you've got everything to do with the way that they communicate product and, and, and, uh, uh, what you do as an organization that has the outcome and expectation of generating revenue.

And then you've got, of course, you've got installation, training, installation, training, um, service and support all of those generate revenue. So therefore a chief revenue officer to be in charge of that makes a great deal of sense. Absolutely. To me, absolutely happy days. Good luck to them, but don't let them get involved in marketing because they're still on the cold calling mentality. Keep them away from marketing, but get them to concentrate on revenue. So that leads me on to,


I just got to make sure I've got it all set up here because I haven't this picture and picture picture of pictures, man. Anyway, what I've got here is a spreadsheet. Now this spreadsheet, um, you can see, but it's, it's just scroll just up a little bit. Yes. You've got the CEO. Yes. You've got the CEO at the top of the tree and you've got all the different respective departments, but the person looking after technology content or revenue is the chief growth officer.

To me, that makes so much sense because if you've taken away the,

The selling bit, the sales call, the sales row and the marketing row, this infrastructure, this organizational chart flips it and says, right, we've got some, we've got a group of people running our software and our, um, our software engine, our business engine to drive this company forward. We've got a group of people that are producing content and doing interviews and zoom. And, uh, just, just having a blast, doing it, to attract people into this ultimate funnel. That means if it's done properly. And if you just scroll down on this middle one, you're looking where we've got attraction. You look at all the editor-in-chief, I'll read this off. If it might, if it might be too small for you, I'm not sure, but editor in chief approves, everything deals with PR, um, within, with internally with external agencies or whatever, and has a dotted line to legal, which makes sense.

You've got a content and schedule manager, copywriter, videographer podcaster for a photographer reporter presents a graphic designer. E-commerce people looking at product, product pricing and image management for e-commerce and advertising content placement manager. So I saw the persona of a vertical analysis, SEO pay-per-click pay-per-click if required. And so on. I said a lot of activity there. It's not dissimilar to what you've experienced or what you understood to be marketing, but this is driven towards attraction and where we've got here. We've got this videographer, the thing about video, and this is a, this is a key thing about digital transformation. Everybody talks about it.


Talk about the emperor's new clothes. Not if I read it, I read a statistic, 90% of digital transfer transformation projects fail.

It's like, man, that's nuts. But I,

I have a few, which of course I would have a view, which is, I think that it's actually jobs for the boys. People want Jen to generate new business. He's like, well, we cut. We can't get it in cold calling. We can't get marketing to do it. We can't get sales to do it. They're just doing the same old, same old. We've never moved the needle. We've never increased our turnover per person, per annum. So we might as well look at digital transfer transformation and CX and UX and UI and customer experience, user experience, user interfaces, and all this other stuff. Maybe we should be doing that. Maybe we, maybe we do need an app. I don't know, but let's do a transformation project. And then look to engage all of our customers who are your customers.

They include your staff.

Your staff is still your customers, but they still interact. They still have it depending on size and the size of your business. So you have to look at your business with, through different lenses, with it, with a different understanding of what's achievable and why, and then work towards something for the future. And that's, that's, that's one of the, one of the big issues is that people find it very difficult to do this because they've never got enough money. They've never got enough new business coming in to Warren, splashing out loads of money or something. And I they're going to get a loan or get investment for it because they think that's the best thing to do. And it's just madness. Absolute madness. So the, the, the, the approach that we suggest and recommend is that if you are able to hold back the flood Gates and the massive employment that's required of managing a large marketing team and a large sales team and BDRs and say, okay, we've got the Easter break coming up. My suggestion to you, as you think about this is really, really important.

It is possible. This is a bit tongue in cheek. It is possible to fire lay off or make redundant your whole marketing team, all of your BDRs and half of your salespeople, your sales team, not straight away, but that's, that's, that's, that's the, that's the plan. Just get rid of all. And in their place, you gotta have a handful of people doing live stream like this. I mean, I sent out an email a half 10. Yeah. You got the email after we know that it's just one click. I could have sent that out to a million people. It's one click.

It's not rocket science. This is not difficult. You know, you you've installed printers, copiers, computer systems, different software. You've had people come in and train you to use them. This is no different. I'm sitting in front of a laptop and a camera acts a bit, some, some other bits and pieces, but you can set this up just with w w we just put in your mobile phone onto a near-field communicating disc and it'll turn everything on and set everything up. All you have to do is just click go live. That's it. And talk. And if you don't have you're talking, I have someone sitting next to you. Talk to them. I have a third person, have an interview, have a chat video podcast, but do it life because it means there's no stress this enough, because I know how long it takes me to edit requires no editing, not at all. And when we finish this, it'll be by just watch the intro. There's some links on there. See you next week. That's it finished? Watch it on, catch up on Facebook or YouTube or on your website.

Handful of people. So you lose it. You don't need all these people because you now know what your content needs to look like. Get your content done, get your primary pieces of content done. Get them on your website. Ungate everything that you've got. Let people find it. No, all your content will have your contact details on it. Pictures of you, all the necessary things for people to go on, quite like, look at the quite like, quite like the look of that company. I could do business with them because that's what you want to get across. You can't get that across. In some technical document. You want to, you know, people by people, you know, you want to see the whites. They want to see the whites of your eyes. You don't want to forget about you seeing the whites of their eyes. They want to see what you're like. They wanna know. Can I do business with these people? And the flip side is, do you want to do business with those people? Some people, you doing some people, you don't a Tim Ferriss on. If you've read the four hour workweek, he, um, he ended up selling, uh, puts the people in charge of his company, did an analysis of all his customers and got rid of 90% of them passed them on to other people didn't want to deal with them, kept the best, and then hoofed it around the world.

You think about this, you know, you only need a handful of people who could reach tens of thousands. Like we said, depending on where your, where your, what your market is, you've only got five and a half million, 200,030, 6,000 or 8,000. That's it in the UK. That is obviously, and if you, if you sell to different, you know, to, to, to turn them happy days, you've got 250,000 maths abroad fish. Yeah. About 250,000 businesses up to 250 as intended 250. So whatever, whatever your, your market is, there's a finite number. There's all these people. It's all selling all, doing the same thing. And then you come along and say, right, what I say, I've had enough of this. I've had enough grief to last me a lifetime. I'm going to do live streaming, cut my costs, increase my reach. This is, this has got to be him. It's got to, if this is perfection, you can slash your costs and increase your reach, change those rows on your account, your set of accounts, because accountants

Don't care. You know, people, they go to a council

And go, what am I supposed to do? And they go, Ooh, I dunno.


They're there. They are. Number specialists. They're tax specialists. They are not new business development specialists because they still understand about cold calling. They understand about networking because that's how they get the business. They understand about referrals,

Which are,

I was going to say something that not rocking hot, but they're few and far between. So the only way how'd you generate new business, you've got to have a reach. You must have a reach.

But if

We were saying, go and do something like this, and it will cost you. It was only you that 500 grand, you wouldn't do it. Go on television. You wouldn't do it. It's too expensive. This is about laser targeted marketing to your vertical market. To tell them that they can watch you. And this is the top of their, that, that the, the fee, the fictional funnel. And once they get into that and they keep watching you and they can go to your website and they can look at everything about you, they can look at what you say, what you think, what you do, everything is accessible. And if you want an example of that, go to our website,

I don't want, you know, what many

Messaged me? Yes, of course. You can message me right now on Facebook and say, hi, would you like it? Don't like it. What about this? Ask me a question. Put hashtag no name. And I won't say who you are, but I'll answer the question. But the point is nobody to my knowledge,

Which I spend a lot, a lot of time online, nobody to my knowledge is saying, go live slash your costs.

Exponentially, increase your reach and get profitable and decide what you want to do in the future. You want to exit and have something to exit from, you know, so bottom blind, you don't want to just keep working and busting a gut just to, just to tick over. You want to get to a point where you can say, right, well, we we've done this. We can control how much business we've got coming in. This is great. We just ready to extend that database. This is amazing. We've got a hundred new people joining us every week. Is it brilliant?

But you got to do something

And cold-calling and marketing, current marketing methodologies, pimps don't work. They've not worked for decades. And you say you, you have been firing marketing people every 18 months. And pretty much everybody we're in the marketing space. There's a constant churn. Recruitment agencies love

Marketing, constant,

Constant churn because the marketers either see the, the, the, um, the writing on the wall. Well, you find them. So it's really important that, you know, you've got this week, you've got this weekend next weekend. Think about this. There's no that you can't rush it. This, you just have to think about it and go, or what would it cost us next to nothing? I mean, the fact you can hold your phone up and go live. So you could say it costs you absolutely nothing, and you can go do it. But I said this, a lot of things said this last week, but you wouldn't do that. You go, and actually we want to look smart. You know, we were an X million turnover company. We're not going to knock out a live streaming on an iPhone. You'll set up a studio, you'll get some templates done, some graphics and green screen and this and that and the other, and set it up and just do it properly.

And we come and set it up and we set everything up for you and train everybody and get all the ticket. We'll do everything for you, but that's, that's further down the line. The main thing is, is for you to, to kind of grasp this and go, I see what he means. I get it. It's not rocket science. It's just that. Why wouldn't you set up a P and L with sales and marketing, everybody does it. And then you start to realize that there's there's, there is a problem. I think I'm just going to scroll down and make sure I'm pretty sure I have covered everything. Pillars of growth, technology, organizational chart, we covered everything's downloadable offer from our website. So, um, you know, in terms of resources, there's white papers. The last slide there's, there's, it's a, um, we've got a, uh, a playbook and a white paper or another downloads that, um, we've everything we produce.

We produce in house, everything that we do online, we produce, we do every, everything that you see, everything, it, all the technology, absolutely everything is done in house. We have absolutely no external support or agencies whatsoever. That's the whole website infrastructure, every single brochure. You know, we use those people. Some people will know what I'm talking about. We use the complete creative suite with Adobe. So that's premiere after effects, audition, illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, but dream Weaver. And then all of this with all the, all the, the streaming software, um, multiple locations. So we, we stream, um, to Facebook and to YouTube at the same time, still waiting on LinkedIn at the moment. What can you say? But then it will be to LinkedIn. So we, we stream in three, the three different locations. And if more for new stream, the better because people get to recognize it.

However, what happens from this, this live stream is recorded. Okay, fine. You can watch it on, catch up on Facebook or linked or YouTube. We also put it on our website. So therefore, so we've got a recording. We then take the audio, put the audio on our podcast platform. So now we've got a podcast. We then take a transcript from this. We put it throughout our system and it, it creates a written transcript. And we put them, put the transcript on our website, which means Google references the transcript and confirms that this is what we, this is what this, um, this page is about on our website, regarding the video, we put the transcript into the meta data of the video, and that tells the voice search engines, what the video is about as well,


Well as putting the captions from this onto the video that we have on our website. So we're talking about massively increasing the usefulness of just sitting there, talking to the camera and anybody that thinks, Oh, I can't talk to camera. You can trust me. Especially if there's two or three of you or four of you, a bit of banter, a bit of a laugh, doing what you're doing. And then start looking at the, um, the shadow that you could produce and say, why don't you, we can do this one week. We'll do this next week. We'll do that. Oh, then we'll get so, and so we, we use them a lot. We get our supplies and we get, Oh, we get, we'll do some, some live streaming with our customers. We're getting our customers in. I think, actually this, this room's looking a bit shabby. Maybe we should spruce it up a bit, make it look like a studio. Come to our studio immediately. You are leaping ahead of your time.


Staff can get coming in a pair of jeans and give them a paint brush. But the bottom line is, is you could spend millions on this, but we haven't. We've gone through the learning curve and the pain and all that. We didn't do that. What did we did a live stream the other day? And I had an adapter on the top of the camera, which meant that the sound was going to the adapter, but we didn't have any microphones plugged into the adapter. The microphone was plugged into the camera.


Sound was very good. So, you know, you live in node, but if anything goes wrong, it's like, well, we, we look to support you

At the beginning

And handhold and do the hosting. If you want us to do the hosting, we're going to do those things as well. And I just realized I've got a blue shirt on. I'm not sure if that works particularly well on the green screen, but nevermind. Good job. It wasn't great. That's it for me? The point is, I'm just going to check this last bit, this bottom bit,

Um, it's food for soul. Okay.

It has to be food for thought. We've got a very different message to every other. I don't want to use the word marketing, but if we were to every other agency marketing agency or new business development agency, whatever you want to call us, we have a very, very, very different approach, different approach. I've been in business for 35 years. I know what it's like to call, call. I've employed loads of cold calling. I've done the CRM. I've done the automation. I've done the integration, done dialing from the screen. I've done all of it, configured and set everything up myself. I've done absolutely all of it. And I've had it been on a quest to find out how do you scale get a new business? And this is it. It's like, I'm just saying my work is done here, but I'm, I can't tell you how relieved I am having been searching for this.

And I, I had to pull apart marketing to find out. I realized that marketing was a waste of time in its current form. It's, it's a mess and it's people just sit dropping it so well. So that's it from me about next week, next week. Um, there'll be more than one, two, maybe three of us. Are we going to talk about the different applications? This can have not. So we're not just talking live stream, but we'll talk about all the other different applications is, can be used for and how versatile it is. And some of the experiences we've had and so on. And then a bit later that the week after that we've got a completely new format. So we're working on that with all the sliding titles and all this kind of stuff. So we'll get onto that as well. But anyway, that's it from me? How are we doing 45 minutes? That's not so bad. Um, I could talk for England, but I won't. Anyway, I have a great day tomorrow and Friday have a nice weekend and I'll see you in the next one. Bye for now.

Where's where's it gone? Where's my outro gone. Let's come back to the green screen. So see, this is, this is a great, a great, um, uh, way of looking at this. So you go, Oh dear. We have a problem. I'll go back to the other screen first. Let me just go and find out where, where it is. I might have to, I won't have to look at it and go, Oh, it's got rid of it. Well, I'm a bit flummoxed. Really. It's not so much, um, all the gear. I no idea, but, um, I think what I might do this should work and I'll see you in the next one.