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Increasing Revenue QA for B2B Tech SaaS Services S03 Ep09 Transcript

Well, welcome, of course, and turn that off first. There we go. Welcome to the ninth Live show. Thank you for joining me. And today, as I've promoted and talked about, this is a at a very, very live show. And the reason I say that is previous shows, I have prepared kind of multiple slides and it's been, as always, be more like a just a presentation, more than more than anything else.

Yeah. And what I want to do, what I want to try and get across is the logic of this, the ability of you being able to do this and I suppose it's, it's showing there are two ways of driving this. One is very organized, very prepared, and the other is kind of on the fly. And for me, it's it's a bit like what you really want to do that And I my, my kind of my thought process, my kind of response to that is, well, why not?

Because apart from the whole stream thing is a kind of a big deal. But there's no editing in. I could knock out videos. Anybody could can get videos organized, but by doing this live means, you get to see me, you get to see how I respond to different things. And isn't that what we all want? We want we want to see the authentic individual that's that's part of a organizational or group or whatever.

And part of the problem is that businesses tend to have a a shield up in front of them. You know, they want to kind of be slightly hidden. They don't want to be open and transparent for fear of failing. Yeah, everyone in business says, I've got to fail fast. Nobody really wants to fail in front of anybody else.

Whereas live stream, if you've got people with you and you're doing this as a as a, as a team, well if you make it, if you cock it up. So it goes wrong. But the point is, is that how else could you ever, ever connect with your audience? Because, you know, if you if you've got issues with distance and accessibility and getting in front of them and so on, how else could you ever do this?

And that's what I want to talk about today is kind of along the lines of it has to be a Q&A, it has to be a Q&A. And so what I'll do, I'll just go over to the kind of the fairly kind of familiar format, if you've been with me before, what we're what we are and what we're about.

And for those of you who haven't seen this show before, and there are some we have some faithful followers and we have people that kind of dip in and think, well, what's this all about? So those exchanges is a B2B, live streaming, new business development consultancy. And there are, to my knowledge, no one else around that is doing this.

Do what we do. The shows are about presenting a different way of generating new business unlike anything that you've ever done before. And the problem is everybody knows I say everybody and everybody in sales knows marketing doesn't work, digital marketing doesn't work. It's a complete waste of time and money. And because of that, it's essential that for people, sanity and financial stability to understand what they can do, which doesn't depend on marketing departments.

I mean, it's desperate and in certain instances it's a desperate situation. So we're about communicating this, this different methodology and approach to reaching out to your total addressable market. And the scale of this is is quite breathtaking because to give you a bit of an understanding about this, I'll just make sure I'm not going to jump ahead if you know who your total addressable market are and you should, because that's why you're in business in the first place.

You could have as many as one, two, three, five, 10,000 people that you could potentially sell to of companies that have over 50 employees. There are 44,000 companies in the UK, So say you went for ten of them, 10,000 name database, go see three and a half grand. You could never, ever speak to them ever. An impossibility unless there was a methodology that you could adopt that would enable you to do that.

And that's where this comes into, effectively comes into its own because you're able to message everybody, say, Hi, we're doing the live show, come and watch us. They get to see the authentic. You get to know like and trust you. That's what this is all about. Nothing complicated. These are the basic tenets of selling. And so when people do get to know, like and trust you, they can dip in, they can see what you what you're like.

They can look at your different shows, look at what you're talking about, but also go to your website and learn from your website. Maintaining their anonymity the whole time. And so because of that, you're able to reach a a significant number of people and that's why livestreaming must replace current marketing activities, because they are a waste of time.

People that people don't want to engage, they want to self-serve self educate and marketers have known this for ten years. Yeah. And so people that are pushing demand and leach and ABM keep give them a wide berth. You don't need it doesn't it doesn't. It doesn't work. Everybody knows it doesn't work or someone is rambling and everybody knows it doesn't work because what you're like, you have got a pipeline, you've got no leads.

It's you're down on your target, you're down on your quota, and yet you're being told to do the same thing over and over again and make more to do more business. Absolute insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So that's why I would say that's why we're doing this, is to demonstrate not just to present all the time, but to demonstrate this is what you do.

I haven't got a script. There's no there's no teleprompter in front of me at the moment. And you're thinking, I can talk ten to the dozen. I could talk for England, but that's another, that's another, that's another matter. But the point is, is that how difficult is it going to be? You know, you sit down, you sit in front, do zoom or teams, you're talking to a camera.

Why not just talk to a camera and reach hundreds or thousands of people? And it costs pennies by comparison to everything and anything that marketing's ever done. I mean, it's really it's it's breathtaking how little it costs. Anyway. Why should you change your strategy? Well, you should change your strategy if the existing one doesn't work, whatever that existing one is.

And if you're not getting the business, not doing the business, you need to change. You need to look at something else. Does it matter what you do, who you are? You need to evaluate something else because you can't keep doing the same thing over and over again. We broadcast from the middle of it. Middle of England, give or take, which is stone in Staffordshire.

And can you do the same? Well, you decide. That's just what this is all about. You decide. So let's go on to the next one, which is the shows that we've done so far, the eight that we've done to date. Ali, I'm not going to read through every single one of them, but we've we've covered lots of different areas, lots of different subjects.

And like I said, they tend to be kind of more presentation related and but the point is, is that it explains the absolute 100% unequivocal relevance to every single department that exists in an organization. And I think the most important thing is, is that it's what your prospects want. So in a way, it doesn't really matter what you want, it's what your prospects won.

So here we are increasing revenue like you and I in an update. Well, I've mentioned to you about an update. I'll just give you an update on what we're doing, what's happening over the next few weeks and so on. But also asking anonymous questions. Why would we do that? Well, if your prospects want to remain anonymous, self-service of educate, why would they want to why would anybody want to put their name out there?

Think about it. look, they're looking at doing something different. Less or less or less. Okay, let's all contact them. I find it myself. You can join us. You can. You can join a a live show and everybody sees that you're at the launch. we were on the same five show together. Can I come and sell you something?

No, you can't. So any opportunity people see is they just think it's this. Well, let's let's go for it. So anonymity is critical for business development. It goes against the grain. But it's again, it's for every single CEO or business development, not busy CEO or managing director or decision maker wants to be they want to be anonymous. They don't want salespeople chasing them down.

They will make a decision to do something If there's if they can proven why, that's it. So stay anonymous until you're ready. Get in touch. But if you're doing this excuse me. You know, that's why it's life. Because otherwise, if it was a video to cut it out, if you're doing this to get to know you, what would you do in an appointment?

And that's that's the point. If you can deliver exactly how you would behave on an appointment, you've achieved it. And if you do something that I'll come on to my numbers in a minute, you do something that the people get to see on a regular basis. You can't touch this. You know that your beady eyes can only get in touch.

It can only ring 300 people a week and get in touch and find one person who might be interested, might be interested. So you're talking hundreds, thousands of people engaging with this.

It's scary. Good to hear. So what's the next one? Our live show. Allow a Q&A. We've got my you can contact me obviously on LinkedIn. You can if you're watching this on through on LinkedIn at the moment. There's the comments. So you can put messages in the comments that makes you visible. You can text us. I haven't got your number.

I don't know who you are. It's just going to be a phone number, text in text messaging or you can email either way, whatever you do. I'm not going to contact you unless you ask me to, but I'm not going to contact you. So there's going to be no comeback whatsoever. And you can you will remain anonymous as far as all this is concerned.

Our update. So we're looking at this. This is kind of not something that naturally anybody and everybody is going to keep it, keep a focus on the life shows that we've done. So we've done eight live shows. We've had 565 people look at these live shows of our social for four, which is that our strategy of producing graphics and as far as the graphics are concerned and the graphics promote the content.

Okay, So we've had 797 people engage with us through that, not the impressions. The impressions. I know 10,000 impressions or whatever, but not 797 people have have liked or clicked or whatever. The live shows are converted into podcasts. We've had 100, 112 downloads of the podcast since the 28 September. And then in terms of our website, just for the past 30 days, because that was the quickest one I took off from analytics, 55% increase in sessions, 71% increase in users, 157% new users over the past 30 days and an increase of 34% in views.

Happy days. Now that just there says update engagement. To date, familiarity equals 310 to 1. I mentioned this the other day, 25 years ago. It would take 30 attempts to become familiar, so 30 adverts or attempts to get in front of somebody, it would take about 30, 30 attempts and one in three got through, which means that for every Fraser it took ten attempts, but one in three got through, which mean which meant you needed 30.

Okay. Before you became familiar, people, as you and I became familiar with a brand. Now that was 25 years ago now, because we've got LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, X, Instagram and so on. There's a lot more noise and now takes nigh on 20 to 30 touches to become familiar and one in ten get through, which means you need 300.

And that's why we do social four for four, which is we produce lots of adverts. The adverts go out automatically linked within LinkedIn and other platforms and people are able to engage with us in that way and we it's automated. So that's as a result. All of this is as a result of our strategy. And the thing is about this, it's now nobody buys something as soon as they see something, Well, if it was jeans or trainers or something else, I don't know, something that consumer related.

But when it comes to business, what we're saying is this is a quantum change in what you're doing in terms of your new business development. I'm kind of I'm sidelining my marketing. Everybody's banging on a drum, banging the drum about marketing or waving flag banners. And so I'm sidelining the marketing. I'm kind of pushing them to one side.

You're you're not involved in this anymore. You shouldn't be because you've failed. And so this is why doing something different takes a significant amount of time, because it needs to become kind of repetitive to an extent. But people need to see you on a regular basis. They need to see sales. It's changing the branding and all that kind of stuff on a regular basis to to gradually warm to it.

So and the same will apply to you because you start doing this, you'll start reaching a new market. They're not going to just drop everything and come and buy from you. It takes time. But the key, the key is for it not to cost a fortune. And that's what's been happening for the past 1020 years. Marketing has cost people tens, hundreds, millions to maintain this activity.

And if people don't want to fill out forms and don't be found and don't want to be taught to be and want to remain anonymous, what a waste. So let's go on to the next one. Okay. Well the lines are open haha. Excuse me. So what I'll do is I'll go back to this view here. I will click on here so there are the details.

You can text us, you can email me, you can chat with me on LinkedIn and that's it. Which is way now. Shall we? okay. Yeah, I did. Like I said, we did have some earlier, so it could be really bad. But this is the whole thing isn't it. I mentioned I'm one of that, one of the posts that doing this, it it's warts and all.

Yeah. It goes, it goes well great. If it, if it tanks, crashes and burn say crashes and burn. So what would do another one next week. But the point is, is that it. It's authentic isn't it. Yeah. And people will either, you know, you continue listen to someone who you don't listen to someone think, well, that person is so boring.

Or actually that was kind of a bit upbeat. I was I could look at that. So let's let's just crack on with this. This is the first few that we got through. And what are the biggest challenges a company will face by moving to live stream biggest challenges and I think that the the challenge is going to be kind of twofold.

Salespeople gagging, I want this now. Yeah. So there's no issue with them. The challenge is going to be, I'm way beyond being diplomatic. Yeah, way, way, way beyond that. Having spent ten years looking at this and realizing how badly companies have been treated by marketing. Yeah. So, so you see where I'm coming from and to give a bit of a bit of kind of, I don't know, background or support to what I'm going to say.

CB Insights said that 52% of marketing was responsible for 50 to of the businesses that failed marketing activities were responsible for 52% of them. So all the marketing ideas and all the things that marketing tell people businesses to do, they're responsible for just a fractionally over half of all business failures that that should be shocking. People. And the trouble is, is that how on earth does anybody change from that or shift away from that?

You know, you're looking at challenges. We're going to face Kit, Kit, couple of salespeople sitting in front of a camera. That's a lot of fun. It's not, you know, two buttons go like, that's it. Finished. So so the delivery of it isn't a problem, but is what happens prior to that happening. And the problems that you'll face are with marketing and potentially with people on board of directors, because certain boards of directors think that they know about marketing and they have endorsed whatever marketing is said, like blanket, whatever you like.

There was a there was a guy called Daniel Cayman and he was a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and he wrote a book called Thinking Fast and Slow. And the point of I'm mentioning this is that there was a couple of things. One of the things that you mentioned was about repetition, which is what marketers do. And the other thing was thinking fast, which is when you when you think something is you make it an instinctive decision.

That's something that's fast. If you research something because you're not sure and so on. And and you research and evaluate have, that's a slow decision, slow thinking. So combine repetition with fast thinking, you got you've got a marketing conundrum. Marketers love it. Business owners think they know it, and your CFO can see the figures. It ain't working. So you churn the marketers.

So the problem in moving to live streaming is it it exposes everything. It exposes what people have been doing and go right. So it didn't work. In fact, I actually hung it. I was like, let's look at this. he's never worked. Just does. That's a that's a bit of a bitter pill to swallow. So some people don't want to expose that.

Some businesses might be very open and transparent about no, no change, change, change. Now do this now, do it parallel, do whatever. And you've got sales managers, sales directors of copies of sales going, Are you kidding me? We should be doing it. We should we should jump on it straight away because our pipelines are dwindling. So you end up having these different factions within the business.

One one side, again, we can't do this. It's going to expose us because that group over there in marketing are being a salaried then entrepreneurs. They're not they're not responsible for deals, sales coming in. You are salespeople are, your business owners are. So you're responsible for business coming in. They're not, but they're paid bonuses and KPIs, etc., etc..

So they've got a great deal to lose because how diplomatic can I be? Not if you employ me at second, will I get rid of marketing completely and people thinking, you got to be kidding me. Yeah, but you got to know inside out to be able to say, get rid of them. If you don't know inside out, you be frightened to do anything like that.

But that fear comes in. False expectations appearing real. It ain't real to no good if not dead, not did, not contributed or delivered. So so the that that the problems you know, challenges a company face is going to be based upon. I'm not going to say ego, but fear fear of being exposed. That's a big deal. I was a big thing for companies.

Whereas, you know, when people talk about failing fast. So something something in that respect too, to kind of consider that the technical side and everything else. No, not not an issue at all. And the next one we got here is how important is the content part of it. I'm not being particularly specific about that, but I mean, in terms of there's two different types of content.

You've got the, you've got the, the kind of the live content and then you've got your website content, your kind of your static content. And when you're looking at that, it, it has to work hand in glove. Yeah. Because the point, the point being is that what you're after is engagement and stickiness. You want, you want people to keep coming back to you.

They will not come back to you if you've got four or five paragraph blocks, the stats you read about that saw something yesterday actually, was it this morning or last night? I remember about has has Google kind of done away with blogs because of their algorithms and changes and so on and the the really useful content update and all that kind of stuff.

And the reality is, is that businesses should be doing blogs anyway because your, you know, you sell product to businesses that need to establish an R, a Y, So you're not you're not doing blogs, you're you're producing articles that there should be educational and informative. So if that's the case, then what you need to do is understand that you have to get your your content structured in such a way that you're happy really very happy for people to read it and engage with it.

And if you think that, you know, Google even say that your content should be between two and 6000 words long. So if you if you put that you use those lenses to look at what your content is right now, you'll see that the the impact your content is already having because you don't need loads of it and you sell X product for argument's sake, you can say so, you know, with all the different things that you do, all that all the specialist areas that you're involved in, ten, 15, 20 documents, that's it.

You don't discuss your how often is your product actually updated? Not very often. And so with with that content that you have, you are able to then use this social form for forcing and produce adverts to promote content again and again and again. So your, you know, the way that your, your, your content works. Okay, I've got another message here.

I will have a look at that in a second. And the point is, is that if you, if you are producing sufficient content, you're you're on a winner. If you have, say, for example, you had say, for example, you had ten documents, ten really good documents like engaging. They've got an indexed list at the front, they've got pull it list, number lists, graphics, infographics, links to videos, everything great call to action at the bottom if they need to.

But it's a really useful, informative document. So you know, that's a great document. Talk about it in a light show. I mean let's talk about show Flow next week. I'll come on to that in a minute. But, you know, in in terms of content, it is absolutely endless. What you can do in terms of your your show. But the important thing is, is that you must absolutely understand the content and who is writing the content.

I mean, I can't tell you It is for me, I just kind of say it's gone messy salespeople should be writing their content because they sell it. They know the questions they get asked. They know how people like to have things communicated to them. They should write the content. My salespeople said, Can I talk to my content? Well, tough.

Well, you can either do that or sit in front of the camera and become hosts. Yeah, but that's but that's what this is about. It's about, you know, in terms of content, what should it be like? You know, what can you produce? What's the best thing to produce? And I kind of think that the more varied, the better.

Come on to that later, but the more varied the better and the stacks of it that you can talk about like doing this. But if if you're not talking about live streaming content, you're looking at other content. We did a live show about it, you know, just about different types of content. Now that's how to structure it. Okay, let's have a look at this.

Some this message here. Okay. Is this the kind of thing new businesses can just give a go or does it really need to be a committed all in for it to work? I've heard people suggest B2B businesses should basically focus on becoming media companies in many ways, but this seems a big jump for some B2B sales teams that have relied on traditional prospecting practices to this point.

The question and the thing is, is it all in? Well, okay, well, take back my prop. So mobile phone you could without a shadow of a doubt put that phone on a tripod and stream right now if you've got a minimum of 150 people on your company and and or your name, I think that's the deal on on LinkedIn.

On on, on YouTube. You go live on on Facebook. You go live straight away. So in terms of all in kind of it's this is a strange one. This part of it is really simple and yeah, we got we got we got some of the best kit that we could get our hands on. And then we found out this is the kit that they use.

So it wasn't it actually not very expensive, you know, a camera that has an HDMI cable and some kit that can play video playback, I mean, and switch cameras. I mean it's not, it's not a big deal in terms of kit. The big deal is is committing to do it on a regular basis. And kind of parallel to that is you want people you want to connect with people with new businesses.

The critical fundamental problem that I've seen with most companies, most companies is that they don't have a database. yeah, they've got Salesforce or part or or no part of Salesforce or any other CRM. Yeah, and they hook it up to Pardot, Marketo or whatever, whatever the deal is with it, with marketing, automation and they employ their big deals to keep phoning up people, to get the salespeople in touch with them for discovery calls, etc..

So the problem there is you beat your can I make about 300 calls week and that's 60 calls a day and they'll find maybe one person or so. I mean, it used to be 400. I'm saying that because I saw somewhere that I said it's 400 to 1, but it changes and, you know, it goes up and down, but it's it is a lot.

Okay. So in terms of the your ability as a company to connect with new businesses, it is a nightmare because you can never get hold of enough people. If if if it's 300, you want to find someone that might be interested. We also know that you might get through to 5 to 10% of them. Maybe if you're lucky, and then most of them are say, not interested and one of them might turn around.

Go, Well, yeah, so that's the first part. So it's your ability to actually reach and connect with any audience. Don't forget this, just your company's ability to reach an audience. So if you had 10,000 leads coming in, you couldn't you couldn't cope with them. You have, say, for example, a total addressable market of about 10,000 if we if we work with that.

Yeah. So that's everybody above 250 employees and some people between 50 to 50. So you've got a database of 10,000 people, you've bought that for three. And after Grand however long ago, it doesn't reach, you know, it could be three, four, five, six years ago. Some of it's going to be out date of course, is because some of those companies would have gone bust.

So you've got this database, you can't find them all. And the ones that you do phone the council lunch, come to the loo on holiday, on leave in a meeting. And so on. All those same reasons why you can't reach the numbers of people that you want to reach. And the most common is get lost, not speaking to you, not interested, I'm not put you through.

So that's the first part. This. So the problem businesses have is actually is actually connecting with target companies. The next part of that is even if you could doing it manually, how would you engage with them? It's really difficult because people do want to talk to you. They want to remain anonymous and all the other reasons. So the only way of doing it is it's our way, always the only way anyway.

So the only way it works is so you've got your total addressable market. You should have that database already. If you haven't get one rule 1 to 1, then for your marketing people that haven't got you one. Secondly, email your total addressable market to say we don't love show, come join, come and watch us. That's it. Come and watch us to go.

Interesting, because as you know, you know, we're all salespeople here. Yeah. As you know, between one or 15% of your total addressable market are looking to buy your type of product or starting to think about buying your type of product, starting that process every week. And the reason you won't challenge me on that is because that's why you went to business in the first place.

Yeah, you can't turn around, say, no, no, no. Those, those figures are absolutely ridiculous. What you're in business for. You must have a market that you can sell to. So let's, let's go. Between one and 15% are thinking about your type of product and buying into that. But starting that buying journey now, if you've just met all these 10,000 people, between one a 50% could watch you that week.

This is where it gets really interesting. So when you think about should I go all in? Is it all or nothing? Well, it depends. Depends. It depends how you look at it. But if you're able to tell everybody that you're doing a live show and then do a live show and enable every to watch you, however many may or may not watch it, you've achieved that.

That first element, that that first calculation of that formula for sales being a numbers game. And nobody ever, ever, ever told you how to do it, They kept telling you, get on the phone, get on the phone, get on the phone because of the number of phone calls you make and introductions you've gotten into meetings, demonstration, presentation, close the deal, ring the bell.

That's what you were told. That's what we were all told for year, year in, year out, for the past 30, 40, 50 years. But nobody ever told you how to manage the numbers, ever. And this is the only way you can ever, ever, ever do it. Yeah. Because if you got 10,000 that database, take MailChimp. MailChimp, that's not a that's not one of those pukka pukka business platforms, is it?

That's just consumer rubbish. I'm saying get rid of, get rid of all the other automation platforms. 10,000 database message. You can message them 12 times a month, 10,000 people, 150 quid. How much is your marketing automation platform costing you? And it forget all about Zoom info Cockneys, Dun Bradstreet only that Jenny that for you just need to know can this company afford to pay me are the big enough They got enough staff that this product works within that type of organization.

Yes no the reason you're going down the cultism and the and the the the firmer graphic data route is because you can't phone enough people. So the people that you do phone, you think, I'll find out about them before I speak to them. Whereas if you've got a database that says call anyone, we don't mean that. What's the point?

Chris Let's not call anyone at all. Message them, say come and have a look. You go over email rates are rubbish. Yeah. So once 2% that's, that's the response rate that's not viewing. Right. Yeah. So it's more than just to open right. You just want them to know you do a love show about this product, this subject. Come join us then park that, upload the same database to LinkedIn and put banners on LinkedIn to pay in the same news as all the people you just email.

This is not rocket science. So I mean, don't go back to this. I just reread it. So the first part was do you have to be committed to go all in? And this could be a B2B businesses should basically focus on becoming media companies. And so this is a big jump. Well, it could be, you know, because if you're relying on traditional prospecting, but traditional prospecting doesn't work, that's that's the challenge.

This is what I said about this thing about the biggest challenging and a company will face moving to livestream. You're challenging the status quo and challenging people's decisions. That's the that's the challenge because becoming a media company defined a media company, really because there's something like this. Yes, there's there's the gear. But once you've got it, as we know, it's a revenue expense set up in an office, a couple of salespeople sit in front, press a button and have a chat.

You know, you've seen podcasts. People that do podcasts are not considered being a media company. They just do a podcast. Some mates get together and do it. So for this to be perceived as being a media company, well, when you look at the numbers of people who are prepared to engage with this, that would dispel any challenge about becoming a media company.

There's not a point where if you've got a managing director, CEO, someone says, Look, we've come across this idea and this guy, he works alone, he's at over a thousand plus people, 1500 people. Look at what he's doing in eight weeks. You go, okay, calculate that back to how many people are in your company and what they and the engagement you've got specifically on what you're doing.

Yeah, not looking at a tweet or whatever, specifically your new strategy, whatever. That's what this is about. You cannot cannot touch this because if if you as a body are or as a telesales person, you would only be able to find one person that might be interested per week and 300 calls, one person. So if I'm reaching two or 300 people, 500 people a week, you need like two, three, 400 bidders.

If you just a hundred people a week, every company in the world would be ecstatic, selling B2B. It would be ecstatic coming across 100 people that were interested in their product every week. And it's spectacular. So there's no in terms of being a media company. Yeah, if that's how it's perceived. So here, but what you're doing at the moment doesn't work.

You know it doesn't work. It needs to be something different. But the challenge is I think when people think media company, they think I know GP News or I'm an Internet news company and stuff like that. And it's not, it's not that. It's just these are the tools that have been around for a long time. They are free to use.

So the fact that they're free to use is just exploit them. So I think I hope that's answered your question. It's not enough for salespeople to have a bit of banter in front of a camera. And once they've once they've kind of got used to it and their nerves have settled down, if they have any, they shouldn't because they're used to speaking people.

You know, people do zoom calls all the time. It's no different, honestly, it's no different. I'll tell you that from from personal experience. No different. Yeah. So let's have a look at another one. Glasses. And does it have to be salespeople doing the show? We've got other members, members of the team who would like to get involved. Well, funnily enough, I'm doing a show next week about show flow.

You know, the sequences that you can have within within the show and the ask that is anyone, anyone who's prepared, who knows about the company, get in front of the camera. And that's part of the way that my mind works, is that you should be able to sell your product. Whoever's going to sit in front of the camera should be able to sell the product or or sell the company and.

So that's that's kind of one one part of it. And it's about being relaxed in front, in front of the camera. If it's a couple of people, then that's that's great. As far as other people getting involved, I actually think everybody should get involved. How do you expect a prospect to get to know, like and trust you if they just I mean, I was going to wear a white shirt today.

You don't know that. You just don't know what it's like. There's no make up. But you should wear white shirt where collared shirt, where a striped shirt wear a patent shirt, comber patent shirt because it affects the camera anyway. So you get lots of different people on that because it is fun. It's this is great. I get to speak to however many people just by pressing a button so you can have a show that talks about the latest deals, the latest problem, the latest release, the latest partner, the latest, the changes here, what we did there, customer experience, information, customer success information, case studies.

It's if you liken this to a magazine, then that's what this is. It's a magazine show, you know, And the thing is, you can have all this all this technology where you can have multiple cameras, you know, and you think, well, look at that. Yeah. And once you know what what is and how it works, once it's set up, it's not a problem.

So the more the merrier in terms of people getting involved because it's is completely communicating your company and that's what you want. You want people to get to know and trust you. And, and if you if you do this, I mean, bearing in mind I know a finite number of people unconnected to a finite number of people. So you listening to this means that you're a minority, which is brilliant because it means your competition isn't is probably not listening to this.

Yeah. So if your competition are not listening to it, go and blow them out of the water. Yeah. Think about. Just think about it. We were talking pennies. For this to be implemented, you got to set it up because you got to set it up. I've got another one here, you know, Second, it says, I like your thinking and you make it sound simple, but it's still feeling over overwhelming to start what would be needed for you to come into our company and set out for us?

And do you provide training within the team to help adoption? Yes. Yes, Yes. Next question now. Yes, we do. And what the point of this I love these questions. The point of this is my my nature is to if if I wanted to go and do something, I'll learn how to do it and I'll I'll pull it apart.

But does it matter what age I put it apart? And you can probably gather from what I'm saying when it comes to marketing. And so we just get rid of we don't need them. And all the marketers listen to me, okay? See? Strange, but it's kind of true and I'll qualify it. The strategies that are being used within businesses are consumer strategies created by the MarTech organizations to sell their software.

B2B is adopted. The software caveat emptor, it wasn't designed for you, and when it didn't work, those very clever people in marketing these software companies came up with things like, let's call it IBM. So when you turn ago, those marketing automation stuff didn't work. You go, and what are you doing? Well, we just put in the stuff out there, it's just not working.

Ah, well, you are using IBM, aren't you? Maybe. What? you're not using IBM. silly. You know what IBM is, is account based marketing. What you have to do is communicate to every single decision maker in the whole company. It now stands at about 17, 18. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. Well, will message all of them to you.

Go back again. You're still not working. What you doing? Well, we. We write this content and send out to everyone. silly. You're supposed to write individual pieces of content for every single person in each department. That means you've got to be writing 18 pieces of content for it to work. Really? yes. Meanwhile, pay for this ad on this IBM ad on.

Can you can you hear that sarcasm? So so the point is, is that we businesses have been sold a pump. It's not working. And when it comes to doing this kind of often tangents, when it comes to doing things like this, it it is something that we have structured specifically by we do it in kind of stages, coming to talk to you, come and talk to your board, allow your board and anybody else that you think is relevant to quickfire.

Question Is it me face to face or would you like this? We then have workshops and so you understand the implementation of structure that needs to be adopted and we provide workshops. We can do everything 100% for you or we can coach and or will coach and train your team to be completely self-sufficient. It can seem overwhelming, I suppose.

I'm uncomfortable with cameras. I'm uncomfortable with this type of technology, but you've probably got people that work for you that like doing videos. Find out, if not that there are thousands of people that would want to do this inside a B2B, because otherwise they've just got the the film and television industry to go and try and work in.

Whereas this gives them so many opportunities staggering. So we would have everything up right, right from the outset. We would do everything for you 100% and gradually you can switch and move over. But this is a process because you've got to look at your content, you've got to get your emails together, Stop saying it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, and then start presenting it.

And we this face it, we would sit with your guys doing it. We'd either sit in on the call, on the, on the, on the live stream. We would get them to do test calls and test streams and practice practice streams in the first place. And they can see themselves and it's all before they even go live and like I said, you know, start living our life.

And one of the very, very first time you really got me Will, and you're thinking, I don't wanna mess up. Here you go. Wait a second. If you want it to be that perfect, do a video. And there's that. There's another there's another part to this as well. I know it seems this whole thing about it being overwhelming, you can record a stream like this.

Okay, shoot a stream, record it, but then broadcast it at a later date or re stream it at a later date as often as you want. So you go. I liked that. I didn't like that. I want to adjust that. I don't like the way, you know, we have three people sitting there. What we're going to do is, you should have got cut to them earlier and you could edit these cuts afterwards before you push it out to be streamed.

There's lots of ways to skin this cat, so it shouldn't be overwhelming because the sales people are not being told and won't shouldn't be told. You have to learn all this gear that's that's wrong. I wouldn't advocate that because I want them selling in front of the camera. This is all about engaging with prospects and getting to the point of saying to prospect, look, messages talk to us.

I mean, we've had a couple of messages come through already, talk to us, and having other people involved in the sales team going message you, I'll speak to them. So from the sales team's perspective, they just have to talk about what they're good at. That's it. Setting this stuff up. Well, once you set up, someone knows how it all plugs together.

Like I said, you press two. Okay, there's 14 switches to turn on. Press two buttons your way and that and that is it. And you'll have techie people that would want to adopt this and would be up for this. So I don't think it. And then you've got to contrast that against what you're doing at the moment. You've got graphic design.

Is this done at this person and demand gen and this person and that person. You've got five, ten, 15 people in marketing. What are they doing? Nothing So if you kind of best case scenario, they all went out and learned how to do this and made themselves really useful, right? Or they might want to leave again because they don't want to do it because they haven't researched or done any work for the past ten years.

So let them go and get people in that would want to do it. But the critical thing here is the delivery of this must be done by people to understand your product. Forget the kit. I don't want salespeople worried about the kit unless of course, they want to do it, which makes them even more valuable. And the thing is, is even if you've got, you know, you don't have to have a studio, you could have a salesperson at home with a green screen or doing whatever, and they could be driving this from home.

So again, lots of ways to do this. And you can do shows where you've got people coming in, feeds coming in from different different countries. So, okay, I hope that answers that one. Do you see livestreaming completely replacing all of our marketing function? I think I've answered that one kind of back in the day. And some people will will remember this marketing used to do business cards and they used to do brochures and mail shots.

That was it. And predominantly those people were the graphic designers that did that for you. So digital came in and marketing basically hijacked the sales process, which is where we are now. Sales process as the operative word sells. Selling sales. Yeah, not marketing. Nobody makes any money. Nobody buys something because of marketing. They buy something because of sales, because of sales people.

So marketing to an extent, they become irrelevant because what we're saying is when you've done all that, you've had 20 years doing what you do. So what? they'll argue, Bring it on. Just look at the numbers. Average income per person per annum for businesses in the UK is 120 grand. That's it.

You have to you have to fully understand what I just said. The average income per person per annum is 120 grand turnover. So if you're paying someone 70 grand, if you were paying will make it easy. If you're paying everybody 40 grand and you've got a 30% margin, so you're making certainly per pound of 40, you're out of business, all it's going to get investment.

So what investment companies that get invested in something happens, 40% go bust, period 75 don't achieve their own targets that they set 95%, 95% don't make their investors any money. Your average run of the mill business is 20% go bust in the first year, 30%, the second 50% in the third, and by year ten 91% of businesses have gone bust.

Why is that? Because marketing does not work. Am I laying it all at marketing's feet? Yeah. Salespeople are told to follow the marketing compliant salespeople that they've been told to follow the marketing marketing because think, look, we're on target. We're doing a KPI as we get have bonuses, look at you lot over they're selling you useless really it you want some of that you know but at the end of the day it it's about the business.

No sales No business. So it would replace the marketing function because it is quite simplistic because what you're able to say on a a on a live show is infinitely more than you could do in any piece of graphic or whatever. And your your other content is there to support your the education of your prospects. Now, quick another one here is how quickly could we get this up and running?

It kind of it kind of depends on your content because you need to have your content ready. You need to get your adverts ready. These are just graphic adverts. They're nothing, nothing special. I say nothing special. You know, you can use me journey or, you know, or any of the I stuff you're producing. Just simple graphic ads with links to your content.

So your content needs to be right, the graphics need to be right. And while it's in my head at the minute and it means you don't have to do the paper click because you're not worried about SEO, because SEO is only valid if Google chooses to index your content. If it doesn't choose to index your content, your efforts are a waste of time.

Therefore, you write your content, produce your content, advertise your own content, happy days. Okay, So how long does it how long would it take? Depends on your type of company. The type of a number of products that you have. However, and a few months I would say best the best thing, because you can do this in parallel. I wouldn't suggest straight A you wouldn't nobody would do anyway, but you wouldn't just go all in and stop everything and start this again, because there will be things that are already in place.

So I wouldn't take it would take that long. And the thing is, is to sit down with the sales people and craft your shows, your future shows exactly as I've done here. We've just we've got different subjects for different weeks, so it wouldn't take long. Give yourself a few months. And the thing about it is that when you're when you start a business, what tends to happen is people go all in and they they want to get investment.

They want to go all in, here we are, you've got the money, it's do it and then try and sell. And the problem is, is that they don't know the frequency of people buying. Then they go bust. So doing it the other way round, you say, okay, well, how long is it going to take before we actually get any businesses?

I don't know. It depends on your prospects, depends on how you've warmed up, it depends on your content and so on. But if but, but the fact remains, if you're reaching your total addressable market every single week and you're engaging a percentage and you've got you bearing in mind 300 touches, become, you know, 20 to 30 before they become you become familiar this time you say, you know, you can bring someone up or come across somebody and they go, You know what?

We were looking at you right now and it happens really quickly. We've all been there. We've all had deals that are coming really quickly. But the bottom line is, is that if you can captivate your audience and and capture your total addressable market, it means your competition on. So if you're all over your target market like Arash and your competition and not doing this, you've got more exposure than they have.

It's a numbers game. Yeah.

So we've been on for an hour. I notice that in the long term, could we do this on our own? What would your involvement be? You kind of just covered that because yes, you can do it on your own. Yes. Which set you up so that you could do it on your own and then we're there for support.

You've got a problem. I mean, the beauty of it these days is that if you've got a problem, so will show me. So just point your camera at the screen or where things are plugged in and so on. So support can be so easy. But the you know, the point is, is that you have to put yourself in the shoes of your prospect.

That's it. by the way, you're the prospect. It's how you react and respond to people trying to sell to you. Yeah. So it's not a complicated thing to look at. You get. Well, I wouldn't want to do that. I wouldn't really engage with that. Or would it? Fine. Don't do it. So that the important thing is, is that you, you be the prospect.

And if you don't know what they're asked, what they want, what they really want is no song. And get your salespeople to ask your prospects when they are going out. What would you like to see? What would you like to have seen? Even existing customers research them, find out, and then go do it. But the point is, is that ongoing costs for this unit or one of the kit one or for the database, you got negligible 150, 200 quid for a bit of SAS for for research, for streaming and for email.

The only thing left is some costs to put some banner adverts out, to get people to follow you or to look at, you know, the people that you're going to, you emailing the people and you put in banner ads on their news feeds. So your marketing budget has just been completely demolished to sound it. Of course, it sounds too good to be true.

I didn't get where I am today, but I've been doing this. I mean, I I've been selling since 1994, so I've. I've been there. I've got the t shirts. Yeah, I've trained. I've walked the streets in. That doesn't sound right. I cold, cold in the rain, sleet and snow in the west end. Cold, cold, done all of it.

The most people employed as 40 people didn't like it. Don't like employing lots of people, managing lots people. It's just. Yeah. Yeah. So this has come out of a a quest. This is the combination of a of a book almost a lifetime in, in selling and being forced into marketing because I thought, why is it selling looking. So why did it.

You don't have to this is it. This is the solution. This is the solution everybody wants. I mean I would put up the the Roger's technology curve, you know, the innovators early, adopters early and late majority. And so but but that's where we're at. I mean, this is like the Wild West now. This is like the gold rush.

So you made a big deal about anonymity. Well, yeah, I know, I know. I know that. And it's when you understand, you know, marketing people go, you're making this big deal about anonymity. Go in, ask a managing director, ask your boss what he thinks, not your marketing boss, your CEO. Does he speak to anybody to see allow any through?

Will you respond to emails? Will he respond to phone calls? And the answer is no, no, no, no, no. That's why employs all these other people. Keep, keep people like you salespeople away from them. You better, bigger and better and more important things to do than speak to sales. People want to come and tell him how to run his company or her company.

So anonymity is paramount. And that's why if you can demonstrate, we don't we're not going to call. You don't need to know when you start looking at numbers and ratios people, you might need less. B Most definitely will need less people. So not only have you decimated your marketing budget, you can have reduced the numbers of people that you that you're employing in the first place, but reaching even infinitely more people in first.

And anyway, there's a final one here. I work in marketing, but I'm not the boss. But you're critical of marketing, so where does it leave us? That's a difficult one. No, I in my business career, I have read a great deal and I recognized that there was a problem. There was a problem with my sales, my sales team and I not that I had a problem selling arms.

I've sold millions, millions of pounds worth of gear to sell all over the place, all of the UK. So it wasn't that, but it was making it consistent because the consistency has to go hand in glove with your life. And life happens. Yeah, to everybody. So Something knocked you for six. Now you're supposed to continue. Surely there must be something else rather than like spinning plates.

So I read and learned and read and learned and tested it and work things out. I researched. Yeah. What of marketing done? Marketing. I researched you. That's what you're so market research. I mean, it's a job, but it's a market research, marketing research, and you haven't done it. You sat down and taken a salary from the from the guy that's probably got his house on the line.

Feel for the company. You've taken a salary and bragged about getting on with marketing automation and pay per click. This what everybody else is doing, trying to play that nobody ever got sacked for by an IBM. So I'm not very sympathetic towards anybody marketing. However, if you want to keep your job, I would suggest you learn about this.

I would suggest you start reading it. I mean, there's three course of a million words on my website. There's videos and downloads and everything. Everything you'd ever need to know is on there. But if you have to show your commitment, your your desire to be involved with this to your bosses, because it's going to come like a moving train, it really is.

Because nobody nobody wants to spend stupid money when there's a better, more efficient and more engaging and more accurate and profitable and and massively profitable alternative. So it is up to you if you want to be an early adopter. You know, I'm I'm the innovator. You're going to be the early adopter. If you're in marketing, you bang a drum for this because if you don't, you'll be I believe you will be looked at as being someone that's not pro the company.

But that's that's my thought. I have one I have one last one where we've just gone past the past. Here we go. We've got if you're suggesting salespeople should reduce their cold calling and personal email prospecting, are you suggesting they spend more time managing their pipeline? If so, we would effectively need less salespeople too. I know your view on the marketing headcount.

Well, yeah, well, in in terms of that about spend more time managing their pipeline well, the trouble is with a lot of companies, they haven't got pipeline pipelines like diminished and got smaller and smaller, smaller. And so you end up becoming a pain in the backside trying to manage your pipeline because you're trying to are you going to buy are you going to buy?

Are you going to buy? So do you kind of turn it around a bit? I'm if if you say, for example, your company says we're absolutely up for this, we want to do this. Yeah, right. Okay. If you've got two people hosting a show, who's the salesperson, The people that are hosting the show or the individual that answers a text call and that person says, I love your show, can I do blah, blah, blah?

And you go, Yes, you can. Well, can we arrange something? I'd like to do X, Y and Z. You go, Yes, we can do a Zoom type call, do a demonstration presentation. So so that person that received that text message or chat message the following day jumps on a Zoom call, does a presentation demonstration, gets the deal, who gets paid for it?

That's the conundrum. Personally, I think it should go into a into the center personally, but there has to be decisions made. It could be that you want to the people to become the hosts don't do talk anymore. They don't need to. You have to look at the levels of income. But I think that in terms of who should do what, when you've got salespeople that can put shows together, salespeople that can talk with their customers, go out to their customers, shoot an interview with their customers, bring them into the into the office, to your studio, shoot a show with your customers, and prospects may if the prospect will come in direct.

There are so many different things that are needed where you have salespeople involvement, which is essential. You don't want someone from marketing on your stand an exhibition, for example. You want someone that can sell. You want salespeople that should. That being the case, if your salespeople are are gregarious, outgoing, engaging, and so on, you want them in front of the camera, but you also want salespeople to put together shows to be involved with the shows.

So you've got people that can do research, people that can go and interview because they are salespeople. You don't want someone that, you know, they a salesperson goes to interview a prospect or no prospect to an existing customer or someone, and they there's a buying signal you got. I don't do that anymore. I'm going to count. I'll get someone to sell it to them.

Take the order. The point of this is it's about the the the pre-sale engagement. That's what this is about. There could be salespeople that are great, would be absolutely brilliant in front of the camera, like the crap in front of the customer. Yeah, but they're great. They're gregarious, They're they know the product. They've got it nailed there. They affable and so on.

You decide it's your company. You decide should they be sitting in front of the camera or do you want them out in front? There's this balance. But the deal is if there are people they can't sell, tell tells self they'll leave. If they don't want to do it, they'll leave. There could be a dramatic reduction in the numbers of people that are required.

But a massive flip in productivity and sales because you bring this around so people can do this online and not need somebody go face to face. What what would change for the future? I don't know. You could, you know, your salespeople, the people that should be writing the content, if they're writing the content based historically, yeah, you should be selling, but you can't get out that they don't want to see you prospects don't want to see you.

So it depends. You know, if you get if you're able to lose a marketing department or most of most of the people in market department, what are the people in selling in sales going to do? Well, they're not going to necessarily become superfluous because there is content to be written podcasts, to be recorded, live shows to be recorded, engagement with video, potentially going to record customer stories, written content, graphs and diagrams, things that need to be brought together.

So it's and the that this is critical. Yeah. Yes some people all lose their jobs. Yeah that's that's unfortunate that's what happens in business because it's it's a realignment of of what's needed if you think that the business in the first place is overpopulated it's got too many people working for it in the first place because of the blacks and crap that came out from marketing saying we need to do all this, that and the other and take all these people on and look, it doesn't work.

So people end up getting fired on, especially PDAs, get fired or get let go on a regular basis because they're thinking it must be the BTR that's got the problem. You No, it's not. The PDR with the problem is the the actual infrastructure that the business has to try and sell its products. It doesn't work. A market is a swanning around.

They came swanning around making out that they're the be all and end all. I mean I've heard the most most incendiary comment I heard, which was from a CMO from a very big martech company begins with DE saying we are calling the shots as marketers. We're calling the shots, we're controlling the narrative. It's down to us where we're the ones to do it.

And if you're getting a hard time regarding your marketing budget, you let me know. I'll come in and help you defend. So there's going to be not just natural wastage, there's going to be a paring. Yeah, a culling almost of businesses going, Wait a second, we're reaching more people doing this. What do we need them for exactly? So get rid of them.

When it comes to sales, it's it's an important measurement of who's doing what and why and how.

And if you go, well, we I've got my target. I want to earn what I was earning before. Well, let me let me let me let you into a little secret. Those days are gone. They're finished. You might want to be paid on target on what you want doing as an individual, but we've just proven I spent an hour and a half whatever saying it doesn't work because nobody wants to talk to you.

So the the mechanism that you had before that accompanied what you're doing with, your target that used to be cold calling. You used to do it, used to do the cold calling. Go find a prospects, go meet them, go see them, go and do the demonstrate demonstration close. You did all of it and rang a bell. Now you don't you don't do anything in the in the first instance because you've got beady eyes and tell you sales people are doing it and you've been told to wait there for the late.

So how can you be paid in the same way? So if there's an adjustment and a restructuring in how people the way this process is applied? Well, it could be How about getting, you know, like in banking, banking at the end of the year, bankers get massive bonuses want to work on that happen in sales. I think I'll leave that with you but but that's these are my thoughts.

These are my thoughts. Now, what I'm going to do, I'm going to come into land now and take that off there. I'm going to put that up. I'm going to go to this next one. What do I think your next step should be? Having listened to me answer these questions and so. Well, talk to your colleagues, have a chat, look at our website.

But you have to think about it. There's no there's no like call to action here. Close contact me. And so now you've got to think about this. Your current methodology doesn't work, so you have to do something different. I've got a solution nobody else has. And that's really a spectacular. Yeah, nobody else has got the same solution. All of it.

Although I'm. You can go solo. You can or you can engage us and make it happen quickly. All the information that you need is on our website. Or you can contact me and I'll come in and do my thing. I make it happen quickly and like I said, you can put you can do it in parallel or you can go all in.

But I would probably most people would get parallel anyway. Think about your content. Think about what you're what you've got. It's really important to enable or to allow your prospects to remain anonymous as the critical thing. And once they know that, then they will be more prepared to engage with you and look like it says that don't don't keep throwing good money after bad.

Yeah, but on any marketing spend, I'm sure every CFO would welcome that. And that's it. Next week's show, Show flow, Show, flow time, how to put show together. Well you know, whether you adverts or different segments, how you move from segment to segment, all that kind of stuff and to the different kind of technologies that that we use that you've seen issues and that and that's it.

I mean, I, I think that, I think the most important thing for you to know is that once it once you see this and understand this, this is not complicated to use it. You kind of need a sit down in a quiet room to realize the enormity of this compared to everything that you've ever done over the past 20 years.

Nothing touches it. Scary. Good. So that's it? That's it for me. I have to look away before I. I, I don't. I think we've got on here. I have a button on here which I press, so this is what I'm saying. Anybody could do this. I've got a button for camera one. A button for camera two, I've got a lower third, which is my my name.

And that comes up and that stays on there for a little while. This is all like macro buttons, and then it will sweep off to the to the right or left and then that's it. That's, that's all you need to do. I'm sure anybody can do that. And I'm just looking for right button to press. I don't press it again.

Bye for now. See you next week. Join me then.