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Digital Marketing SaaS Killing Your Business S03 Ep04 Transcript

Well, welcome to the. I think this is the fourth one. This is a fourth life show. Is this a sales exchange like show? My name's not your mind. I'm your host. I'm the founder of Sales Exchange. And just a really warm, warm, warm welcome. Excuse me a second. It always happens, but that's life. What I like to say just before we kick off, I want to say hi to the people that are listening, listening as podcasters.

Because what we do with this show is and once to be recorded and once it's been shot and broadcast, we then record it obviously, and then convert that into a podcast. And so we have people that don't know who don't have the benefit of seeing some of the information that I put on the slides. However, some of the information I do have, or rather the information I'm going to show, I am going to make that available, just message me afterwards and I'll send you a copy of the PowerPoint.

It's 30. Make. Just so you're aware. So it won't it may not go through is just typical outlook. So if need be, I'll make it available so you can download it. So basically, I mean, I hope you have you've had a good week. Lots of things have happened in the past seven days around the world and we're trying to basically keep focused on what we're doing for us in our in our businesses.

But one of the critical things and as we look at the look at the information we've got here, what we have, I always forget to do this. I think I need to set this up so it happens automatically. So I'd have to touch it. But the point is, is that whilst there is lots, I think there's a lot of things going on in the world we need to keep focused and it can be really difficult if what we're doing isn't generating the levels of business that we want and so on, so and so we can kind of get a bit of a double whammy.

So what I'll do, I'll just pop over to this screen here and this is what we're doing. This is this the title of the show, you could say, which is a digital marketing on digital marketers and SAS killing your business. Now, the bit of a kind of a caveat because I have created and intend for the focus of these live streams to be directed towards people that are running their own show, people that own their own businesses in technology, SAS and Services is really very, very specific to many organizations out there.

Dismissed the difference between B2B and B2C. So I'm speaking specifically to two senior people in businesses for them to understand what's happened over a very significant period of time. Now, yes, this is kind of like a monologue. It's been like, so what the bottom line is within is this kind of 40, 50 minutes or whatever. What I'm going to say will potentially change your outlook on your business for the rest of your career, period.

And you might think, well, as a bit as a bit highly inflated. No, it's not. Wait until you hear what I've got to say. Don't take away this note. There's no point to otherwise. There's there's no point. There are people there are organizations and people that run businesses in marketing that would never watch anything like this because it it kind of demands of them to change.

But you know, you've got to understand the upside of changing what could be different, what could happen if you changed. I'm going to come on to that. So everybody's seen and heard of these funnels. So it's a very typical marketing sales illustration that they, you know, we've got to get them into the funnel. And so I'm gonna go through the stages of the funnel.

You recycle them, send them back up to the top. But the reality is less than 1% on there, but less than 1% of people that traverse that funnel actually become paying customers. They generate revenue. So therefore pushing people towards the funnel is quite negligible. Excuse me. So and you got the next part of it, which is why 1% nobody's got nobody knows.

So they say, no, I've no idea. But now, now they call it the dark funnel. Fancy that got a name for everything. So marketing call this this inability to to generate revenue through the activities that they're doing because the nature of what they're attempting to do now, those customers prospects go into a quite dark funnel. we just don't know what they're doing.

They they could be talking to each other on Slack and we haven't got access to that. give me a break. So the the issue here is me. The issue here is why why is this problem constantly prevalent for B2B? And the absolute nailed reality of this is that digital marketing, technology and automation was designed for consumers. In fact, absolute fact.

Eloqua, Marketo, Pardot. It doesn't matter. Yeah. HubSpot, Smart Spring, constant contact, whoever. Just, just doesn't. Doesn't matter. They were designed for consumers. I sign up to stuff, I've got problem with it. Businesses not interested, you know you're not interested if you will not put your name onto a form because you do want to be pestered if it's never worked as promised and in genders.

This kind of empire building within people, within marketing, why is this happening? Well, the marketers are whispering in the ear of the CEOs, talking about the this potential that could happen and with give or take, for goodness sake. And the second give or take, most directors have been involved in selling most. And so they know about cold calling and knocking on doors and the whole process that that's involved.

But this marketing automation software and everything else like that could change everything. With this time next year, Romney will be millionaires. For some reason it's never happened. And so you have to understand what what's been perpetuating this, why are we all why have we all been doing this? Why is every company out there doing the same thing, enabling your CMO to say, put something wrong with me?

It's the system. This is this is why this is how it is. We've just got to get on with it. Big tech MarTech Tell the salespeople what to do. The salespeople, Sorry, big tech. MarTech Tell the marketing people what to do. They sell marketing people to convince their companies to buy the technology in software, which they dutifully do because everybody else does it.

And this is what I used at my last company. And so and so on. So you're a bit of a catch 22 here. You have no way out because you've got nobody in the past 20 years. You've got nobody looking at this and saying, wait a second, this problem. Till now, it's been quite easy to put up salespeople, easy target.

Now why is it happened? What list? A couple of factors. This guy, Daniel Kahneman book Thinking Fast and Slow. You may have seen it, heard it, and thinking fast is when something happens repetitively, it gets on the inside and we think that we know what we're doing. We instinctively do things with 20 years of marketing telling us that this is how it does, this is how it happens.

Most people in business believe that they know what they're talking about when it comes to marketing. Thinking slow is about being considered and researching and not jumping in with both feet straight away. And the reason that the Big Tomato MarTech have been able to do this is because of repetition, television. You know those adverts again and again and again and again.

So that's, that's the simple, basic fact is that you've got repetition and you've got I'm not going to say great, because that's wrong, because we're all in business to make money. We're not a social service, we're here to make things happen. So we want to be able to do it more easily than we've ever done before. That was the idea.

And so implementing with this technology was the right way to go about it. We thought that be kind of nice. No, it's it's never changed. I've been doing this 40 years. It's never changed. I know it's never changed. So no, no one in marketing and blackmail go. you don't know what you're talking about. yes, I do.

And I'm about to upset everybody in marketing in about the next five or 10 minutes because I won't tolerate this anymore. This is this is wrong. It's fundamentally wrong. So if you look at the answer, why you? Because you're people. That's that's what we do in business. We look at our online how much money is being spent now on marketing because what's the comparison?

Well, the comparison is so what we're doing now is some companies are still saying to salespeople, get out there, get amongst it can find you new logos, can find companies that we can sell to. So we've gone back 70 years because that's what we do 70 years ago. Tell the salesperson to go out, find the deal, find the customer phone them up, get in front of them, do the presentation demonstration, get the deal sign, come back and ring the bell.

That's what happened 70, 60, 50, 40 years ago. Now they're still doing it. Why is that? If we've got all this technology or this marketing automation technology, why are we still doing that? Why don't people just buying stuff from us flying off the shelves like it does in consumer land? It's because it doesn't work because we don't buy like that as business owners, we're always busy.

We don't want to talk to anyone. We're not fools. We run our own businesses. We don't need some salesperson to come and tell us not to run our business. You know, you want to. I want to come and save you money. No, I don't save any money. I've saved loads of money, so I can't do it anymore. We send it to the bone.

We want to make some money, show me how to make some money. I'll. So the bottom line is, is that we, through our own activities, we know what technology is available, what it can do, what it can't do, whether we want it or not. We'll find out and evaluate it for ourselves. And if we can prove to ourselves that it can generate and deliver an our way, we'll do it.

We don't need to be sold. It. But this process, we know this process. Otherwise it would what I'm saying would make salespeople redundant. Now we've made marketing people redundant, not salespeople. Bear with me so that the processes and what we do have some for many, many, many businesses terminally damaged them that never got back up. They've gone down this path.

They've believed it again and again and again. They've listened to the govt and have done it. And then of course you've got this problem, you've got this pipeline is getting worse and you've got the inability to connect with people or businesses, business owners, because you want your salespeople to go and connect with these people. But the irony I guess is they have to use a director.

You will not speak to someone. Sometimes you won't speak to them. No line. But all these businesses out there expect their salespeople medias to be able to get in contact with other people. They're not interested or talk to you. And so we've got this issue about I mean, I had someone that watched the show the other week and and he said, wow, everything you're saying is completely different to what I've been taught.

Taught, said, we were told to just like, sell. It doesn't matter what the value was, sell it as if it was really cheap, as if it was inconsequential. It's like, you know, you think selling a hundred grand of 200 grand or 300 grand's worth software is inconsequential. You try and sell it cheap. You made it look awful. And one of the problems, fundamental problems with marketing is they've never sold direct ever, and never seen the whites of someone's eyes of a prospect eyes and asked for the order.

They just want to sit, sit back and hope for hope for the best. And maybe they'll buy online. And then the final thing, you know, parts of people, they want to be completely responsible for first contact. So that's why you got certain senior marketing people, CMO's having BTR teams in their reporting line, because if responsible first contact and then they want attribution from the sales people, be talking about attribution.

If it was cut and dry and crystal clear where business was coming from, what was happening. But no, nobody want attribution. We want marketing and marketing to, to steal the deer away from sales people. I'm not talking to some disgruntled salesperson. I was doing that 30, 40 years ago selling. I'm talking about the way that marketing has kind of emasculated people in sales.

They can't do the job. And it's it's a real shame. It doesn't need to be that way. And one of the problems, I mean, fundamental problems is this it's not it's not a an abbreviation multi-touch familiarity, is it? How do you get people to get to know like and trust you? It takes time. And back in the day, 1997, I can't remember.

It's on another site. You know, when you you absolutely know something and you go, I'll do that in a minute. I can't recall the guy's name, but I've got a picture of the book that he he published in 1987, and he said you needed 7 to 10 touches, 7 to 10 visuals that your prospect would see before he became familiar with you.

Familiar, But that's just familiar. This is not getting a deal. This is just familiar familiarity. But there was a problem that when you when you would try and deliver this information, you wouldn't always connect. They might have gone to the loo, they might be on holiday, they might not have received it. They they might have been busy, they might dismissed it.

I mean, it could be anything. I mean, just about anything, any reason. But one in three would get through. So you want ten things to get them to become familiar with you. So it will take you need to produce 30 things, whatever those things are that can appear somewhere for them to see become familiar with you. That's 25 years ago now it's 20 to 30 touches because they're everywhere, aren't they?

And it's between 1 to 5, one one in ten. So now you need like a hundred things to 300 things set up to be able to communicate with your audience for them to become familiar with you. So how many do you do you post out a week? How many things you push out, push out there every week? That is the burning question and what you've got to consider like your shows on the slide, that the critical thing is you're not just competing with other B to BS, you're also competing with all the brands, all the luxury brands who've got just spectacular short videos.

we like them. And they're the ones that are getting our eyeballs and attracting us to watch them and stop thinking about all the other stuff. It's really quite difficult. It's a lot of work, isn't it? Typically. So we have to kind of take a pause for a bit because I can't I'm looking at my screen, can't read it.

All right. So so the critical thing is so there is kind of some of the problems. And so, I mean, it's I'm not I'm not saying tongue in cheek, but you see where I'm going with this. There comes a point where I'm saying the marketing doesn't work. You know, it doesn't work. Everybody knows it doesn't work. But the reason you've not done anything is because you don't know if anything else exists.

And if you did, how would you even start? But the the important part, the most important part, if you don't know where you are, how can you make a path to somewhere else? That's that's just a fact. So if we look at we could be being really critical, looking at what's happening right now in marketing. So okay, marketing, what do you do or why do you do it?

Treat me like I'm stupid. You're good at that. So here I am. Tell me. Explain to me what goes on. You go. Okay, well, what is Let's start with pay per click, because everybody's pretty much aware of that. Okay, So so what you do with pay per click say, well, we do an advert, a text advert and we put it on Google and when someone's interested they, they click on the advert and then, you know, we give them some information or, or it becomes a lead or becomes a lead.

So you do pay. We click to do to get leads. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so what you just, you just put the one advert out. Yeah. yeah, yeah. Just put one advert out and then people come across and see it and, and we've got some keywords in there so. So you don't do ABC split testing on multiple adverts because of multiple people looking at it.

we do sometimes but not all the time. Okay. Just so, so that's fine. That's fine. So, so so you do pay per click to get leads. Yeah that's, that's right. And so what was out so. Well will the pay per click goes to a landing page. okay. Okay. And what happens then. Well when it goes to landing page and the landing page tells them about what we do and then we ask for them, ask them for the email address and their name and so on, so, so we can contact them later.

We and that goes into our, like our marketing automation system and, and what's the objective of that part of it. Well that's, that's, that's, that's the delete that's, that's for us to get to generate leads. okay. So do pay per click is the cost for that because we're looking at money as well because it costs money. So you got pay per click budget for pay per click, that's for later got dimension or an automation.

So that's for leads. It's do anything escalates. Well we've got standard lead generation and what you do with that. Well if we do events and stuff like that or we might put something out that that we can identify if someone absolutely wants to to buy something from us or use our services and we kind of couch in such a way.

So it's so it looks like it's so it's lead gathering. Okay, So there's more things to do. It leads obviously. Well, yeah, Yeah. So so where does IBM come into this hour with IBM? What we do then is we, we then have a structure where we communicate with everybody who's in that buying chain, that buying connection, and that can be anywhere between eight and 18 people.

Wow, that's a lot. So how do you approach that? Well, what we do is we we get our content and we send that content to those different people. Okay. So so you're sending the same content to multiple people? Yeah, that's right. So I'm I'm, I'm not following that because if his account based marketing for IBM, surely you would write to a managing director in a different way to somebody further down the feeding chain because he's got a different view on it in terms of he wants to establish an hour away and this person down.

He just wants to keep his job and contribute in some way, shape or form. Well, we can do that. But we actually a letter, he said, just wait. This is just a lot work. You know, if you go, we write one piece of content to multiply it 11 times is a bit too much. So we just we just do the same document.

Okay. But the objective for overall is, is generating leads. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. Okay. And so what are you telesales and PD rs do a well they follow up the people that we've that have gone to the paper click in the demand Gen legion and IBM and they, they do the follow up to like a gentle introduction.

If they haven't done anything or so they cold call and basically. Well yeah but but they have they know who we are because have to download something. Okay okay. And what's their ultimate objective. What is to get latest course. yeah, yeah, yeah. I see what you mean. Yeah. Yeah. And, and you do use anything else? Well, yeah, because if any of those people that we've downloaded stuff, we've already got their email address.

So if they go on our website, we can see it now. But even if they don't go now, even if they're not download anything, we can use the same type of software that links with consumer, with consumer data, and we can find out the, the IP address and the mobile telephone number and email address of people, even if they've not contacted us.

And so what you do that with the telesales people ring up and try to make an appointment, try and speak to them for leads. We aim for leads. Okay. And as everything else that you've got, well, we've got we've got a bit of an integration and API that enables us to create and do gifting, gifting. Yeah, Yeah. We, we, we dish out Amazon vouchers and, and so on to people that we think might be, you know, whether they're stage level two, three, four or five or whatever.

But, but yeah we, we apply it to that and to keep them interested, you know to, to get in there and so on. So you bribing them basically. Wow. He wouldn't call it bribing. It's a bit harsh calling it bribing but yeah. Yeah, bribing I suppose if you want to go with that word, it's up to you. So everything that you're doing, everything that marketing is doing is looking towards the leads and getting leads done.

Yeah. So where are they? Do you mean where are they? Where the leads, all the salespeople I to speak to, they go, Marketing's rubbish doesn't work. We get nothing. They don't give you the big one and say, we, you know, we've, we've, we've, we're on target. It's just as a salespeople, we just can't sell. Is that right?

20 year veterans as being involved in selling for goodness knows how long can't sell. You can do the same thing over and over for 20 years and you're not giving them the lead. Has anybody seen Glengarry Glen Ross? If you haven't, go on YouTube, go and have a look. Have a watch. Is Alec Baldwin, Kevin Spacey, Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, and the other guy.

You come back to me. I remembered it last night and it's about the leads. You like this. For those who are not watch, who are listening to this on on podcast, it's a picture of some people gifting, some leads to the salespeople. The issue is, is that leads are for closers is what happened in the in Gary Glen Ross sales director sales manager pitches up in his BMW says you know you kind of the leads because you're useless leads are for closers leads you know everything that you've got the lead to great the lead to this and again but the leads have never been any good thing.

And the lead to the leads a gold is what you need. And that's crept into marketing speak how marketers are talking about salespeople with division. It's not good, it's not good and it's not going to end well. So if you kind of looking at what people are doing right now, some easy stuff to understand is to say, right, well, what what are the processes?

What would I what would I suggest? Well, first of all, stop the blog. You haven't got a blog. Get rid of your blog, for goodness sake. Europe B2B, you're not a travel company or travel couple or business or blog. Yeah, you don't need blogs. Blogs are personal logs. You have articles. Trust me, you have articles. Get rid of blogs, get rid of the terminology.

Blogs. Get people to stop thinking about it. You don't need to do weekly blogs, updates, articles. It's not necessary. You don't just need to check out a blog once a one off on social media, which is what most people do. They write an article or blog and use the picture that they've got The stock picture that they've got on that they're chucked on the blog because it needs a picture, Right?

And they chucked that on social media. Do it once and then tell everybody on teams, share it with you, with your audience, with you. That's a, that's to some extent of putting articles on social. And one of the big deals is when it comes to articles, who is it for? Why was it written? How was it written? How long is it?

Why was it was there in the first place? What's the objective of it? So the reality is you got to stop it. You got to stop the blog. You got to see how people go, yeah, we got to see how everyone's got to do it. So you've had a as a company director, you've had loads of people talk to you about SEO.

you must have SEO and your. Yeah. yeah. Yeah. And you pay it whether you're paying through platforms like Sam Rush, Neil Patel most whoever. Yeah, sure. You need it. Sure need SEO. I think about this, everybody says you need it and I'm saying you don't, so I must be mad. Yeah. The thing is, is that why do you use SEO?

Because you want to be the first first page. Yeah, it's a passive activity, so there's nothing you can do about it. Once you've once you've done it, you just leave it there and hope the best. Is it thought leadership? No, probably not, because there were blocks in the first place and they're not educational, which is what people want.

They're short, but they should be 2 to 6000 words long. And then you've got ITI and topical authority expertise and experience. Authority and trust needs to permeate that content that you've written, and then you've got topical authority. If you're an expert in one particular area, you can cluster in bits, pieces of information around and put them together. The people don't do that.

It's just doesn't happen. Too much effort. And then the worst part of your whole SEO experience is you can write an article blog, write an article, and nobody ever gets to find it. I mean, ever, ever, ever, ever. Because if Google doesn't index it, I mean, if it's not on your site map, if you haven't got a detailed site map with an item by item piece of content on there, you won't get found.

Well, what about blogs? We're not talking about not talking blogs, which look at individual items. Okay. It's critical because the item in your site map, the Simon case is Google. Google says, yes, now we know it exists. That's good at stage one. So then you got discovered. It's nice to it's just discovered Google says, okay. Yeah, yeah.

Thanks. Let us now come back to you on that then accrual it comes back crawl not indexed schools going on all we had to look at didn't like it much so they still do see it and then what you do when is crawled and indexed they go on us not so bad. We quite like that. But what people don't realize is that the articles that you produce, the content you produce, is not for you, it's not for your website, not just yet is for Google.

You are writing for Google for their search engine to deliver suitable content for their customers. And then you're competing with everybody else. So if Google doesn't think it's good enough for their customers, it's not detailed enough, is not in-depth enough, it's not long enough. It doesn't cover the subject well enough. They don't index it people. That's unfair. Is it why Google's commercial company?

Why should they? Why should they worry about you? So you've got you've you've gone through all that work and effort and you paid someone to come and do SEO for you still, you still not getting your content out there. Makes you wonder if. Yeah. So we won't worry about we won't worry about that. yeah, there's a stock press thing and it wasn't really useful.

UPDATE Really useful content update happened recently and people have seen their content fall off a cliff because it's not really useful to Google's customers. So you've got, you've got an openness, your director Buck stops with you. You've got to know about it because your marketing people won't tell you. They just make up excuses and then blame it on sales pay per click.

Same thing. You want to be on page one, your paper is passive, you sit there is not so it's not thought. Leadership isn't educational, it's not the content. Not long enough or good enough. Still about talk about topical authorities still relevant. You've got to have a link to a landing page. You've got to do the landing page properly above the fold with a picture of an image, hero image and so on.

Just obtain their contact details, they go and download it. You've got the follow up and a customer unsubscribe straight away because they don't. It wasn't good enough for them. Yeah, it wasn't detailed enough, so don't worry about paper click. So the bottom line is stop, stop automation, it does not serve, makes people ill, make people think, what I'm going to do, how can we not have automation that is bigger than that way, way bigger than not?

Just have an automation content minute. So, you know, we've got we've done we've done these these interesting kind of infographics, cold calling, waste of time. Please someone accept this. It's a waste of time. You can have someone on the phone all week. It's just reach one person who might be interested and then deal with all the callbacks, ring backs and then pay fortunes for your fee.

Salesforce license to make sure that you can ring the bank. Come on. They don't talk to you anyway. All them. And everybody knows the people that are ringing up are not the experts. They're they're the the private, say the soldiers. Yeah, the grunts. They're just trying to trying to play the numbers game. Try and find someone nuts. Absolutely nuts.

Don't call. So our digital market is killing your business 100%. Yes, 100%. Yes. Solution for them in a good then a good year. You can go. You can you can't turn around and fire all these marketing people. But I've got a problem that scenario. You're in financial difficulty. You haven't sold enough kit. You don't know what to do.

You become a statistic. You go bust, you lose your house. What happens to your marketer instantly gets another job because it does the same thing again. And this is the trouble with marketers. I know 100%, you know, you go back to that picture of of I can't word that the Lord of the Rings picture showed earlier with spring in the year.

Marketers, I'm not calling marketers liars. I'm saying that they will say anything to get their product out. There we go. But we didn't get our product out there. but they did. They got the big tech martech product out there and kept their job for a given period of time. It's not about your product because they come working with so you each you've you you can look at it with rose tinted glasses if you want but that's not that's there's no point you you have been I suppose the best way to put it really.

You've been told what you what you're supposed to do when you're writing a business plan and you're looking at selling to your market. There was an accepted structure that you would have this many people in these people doing this and those people doing that, and you would have directors and managers and people working and so on and so on.

And the reality is, is that for the past 20 years it's never really worked the way that people want it to work because I'm probably jumping ahead. But the average turnover per person per annum is about 120 grand in the UK. That might be high for some people, might be less. The average turnover for business process management companies around the world, 75 companies.

I did the research on $144,000 per person per annum. Very simple calculation. Add up or get the total turnover divided by the amount of staff gives you the figure look complicated. So if you pay in a very simple calculation, isn't it, if you if you you would do an undergrad per person per annum and you paid your staff 50 grand each and you got 40% margin, you go bust said, I'm no problem saying see you later.

So can one person be more effective than a team of marketers because you're going to say straight away, prove it. So what we've been doing, this is the fourth show. Okay? I've done four shows in over three weeks. It's just the end of the third week. They're brown out. Yeah, Give or take. I've got 250 connections on LinkedIn and a combination of the live shows and converting the live shows to a podcast.

It's 100 views, downloads, views combined per week, it's 100 per week to achieve that type of engagement, to find people that are interested, I would need 100 mediums, but I've done that three weeks in a row. That's 300 people have looked at and downloaded this information. Now I'm recommending do something very different, something radical, and I've been in business long enough.

You're not going to fire everybody. You might eventually make them redundant. You're going to fire everybody overnight because. What we do is we go, I see what you're saying. We might do it in parallel. Easy to in parallel. Perfect. And then you can lose them. But if you look at what you're doing at the moment, PD are 60 calls a day, 5 minutes to set up the call because you got to see who they are.

And I think if they've got enough, you know, you look at your own firm graphic information, you've got all those people through Zoom, zoom, if I will, or Corbynism or whatever you use, I can make it here. And of course, a week 300 to 1 shop, absolute madness. Absolute madness. And as a small company, you don't get any smaller us.

We've got a very large website which is complete. Open access is no forms, no nothing on it. Podcasts, live streams, videos, articles, documents, downloads, infographics. We've, we've got loads of stuff and we're on all the social policies. But once it's set up, it's managed, it's easily manageable. We mention recap us last week we used a company called Recap Post to automate sends out like at the moment 180 adverts a month every month.

Hero to four or five have gone out today on my account and we are the other accounts that you can nominate if the information goes out to their followers on their accounts and come to the the details of how to do what to do and everything else later. Not not this show. Not the show. But the bottom line is, is what are you doing?

What are they doing for you? What's your exposure? You ramp it up, says one of me. I'm doing this and I'm I mean, I'll just I'll show you. Here we go. Let's look at it. We funds first. And if you go. So this is the set up, okay. To a camera one, camera two, camera three. Light, light screens and stuff.

All of this. So I can I can communicate broadcast. I can communicate broadcast to ten people to 10,000 people. No difference in cost. You can't you haven't got this. And you need to you need to have this. So. So that's what this is about. You got there, you got that this the serious close up shop. This is this is this is life changing for your business to dramatically reduce your costs and infinitely increase your exposure to your perfect target market.

So as we as we kind of move forward with this, the whole the whole thing about this way of communicating it is simple. I mean, honestly, and if you know anything about plugging in your television, you put a plug in the camera, an HDMI plug in a camera and plug it into the box. It is so easy to set up.

Well, someone said, Well, you know, we can help you do that. And later. But but it's so easy to set up. You think it's difficult to sit in front of a camera talking? It can be. I mean, I've done it a few times now. It can be. But if you had two people then, Bob, one's talking, the other one's thinking what to say, and they can jump in and interject.

And it changes to the most popular live streams when there are two or more people talking. So it's just a bunfight podcast, but with video, I get some of these get millions, millions of views, but we're not after millions, okay? We're just after your active prospects coming in second. So who would do it? Well, you've got salespeople, you've got streaming people working for.

You've already employed them. You've employed them because you were really happy and saw that those people were good enough to represent you and your company. Being honorable and technically aware and having the ability to to communicate well. You employed them in front of a camera and I say, put them in front of the forget marketing unless marketing want to pull their socks up and go onto the university YouTube and learn everything they need to know about streaming and everything else.

Then to no good to you. But the fact that this is, you know, when one person is able to do this and communicate this in this particular way, that's been doing it long enough, a spectacular Now think about your competition. Your competition are doing exactly what you're doing. Demand login, IBM Paperclip ideas, reverse IP, look up, gifting it he wants is the same so stop wasting time, effort, money.

Do this. So just as a quick example, you might I don't know if you saw this earlier, but I did. I did a quick video, held up my phone, said this what I'm doing if you got my feet on Nigel Main on LinkedIn, you said 30 seconds. So if he was director, would you go and do this right now?

So you finished watching this, got signed records. My name is X. I run this. I run a company called X. We've got a new product out. It's great. You'll love it. Yeah, but Steve Jobs in Nice. This is beautiful. Look at it. Yeah. If you want to find out a bit more, get in touch. Called. Called my number.

Yes, but you get through the sales guy if you or if you want to talk to me, talk to me about doing that and posting that on your social feed you that are more engaging content, produce more engaging content than you marketing team has probably all year. It's difficult. Just need to be interested now, once you've got all this content, all this amazing content, and what you know is people are not putting it out there in the way that they should because you're just knocking out an article or knocking out, Yeah, a white paper of some description isn't, you know, this is all it is.

The objective for them to achieve their KPIs is just to churn stuff out, to get a name in an email address. Once they get a name in an email address through the automation system, they've achieved a KPI. Go and can stick two fingers up to everybody in sales. That's what they want. It's not about revenue. Your accountants, your, your investors and everything else.

Everyone else says, I don't care about a bloody email addresses. How much money are we making, how much, how much we selling to these people, how much time we're spending in front of these people talking to and selling to them. Because I want all we haven't done that much this year. Hello. So you like this? So Graham Norton, if you're in the UK, you know who Graham Norton is.

So is a show host. If you're watching this, listen to this in another country or whatever. I have a show host like you. Everybody has live show hosts. And so when when someone stars in the new film, new film comes out, book comes out, play comes out, whatever they say that the celebrities all go to Graham Norton and talk about their show.

And he's a funny character. And everybody laughs, jokes around in front of a live audience. So we're used to that. So you write this document, this hoping to contribute to the success of your business, and you just ask your staff to share it on teams through teams of show and the people that are on their you know, on their their social network.

That's it it's like I hope this is resonating because it's like, wait a second, you know, I can't I can't read, I have to put my glasses on. But you've got you sent it to magazines to review it. You send it to the press, to news wise, to other websites, you partners, you create graphics, so you bury one.

You've produced a white paper. This is what we use recur post four. So you produce a white paper. And rather than just punt out the white paper all the time, take a snippet, take a bit of information and put it on a a graphic advert, PNG, JPEG, whatever, and then post that graphic to linked it with a bit of text and a link bingo to again and again set it up.

You have at least 30 and that's why we've got 180. We've got all graphics all going out. Some different things, some, some other things are happening whilst I'm on the subject and what I'm thinking about it is that I tested this the other day. I can, I can, you can put videos on record, post and post the videos again and again and again.

You can post PDFs. I know get posted as a carousel. So you can, you can have some graphics, do whatever. But the point is, is that you can keep reposting it again and again and again because what you're doing is you're promoting and selling in inverted commas, your content, not your product. Then what your product does, it's not talked about it talked to them as to how you are going to educate them and engage with them and help them and get them thinking, okay, so moving on, moving on and one of the things I'm doing, I'm starting something this next week is doing short adverts because I want to see what the response is.

You know, we don't static stuff. I want to see what the response is doing. Show adverts promoting different content that we've got for short video clips, 20 seconds, nothing longer than that. And we put out a label so Adobe Max and there's Adobe Express and you can churn stuff out on that. So we play with that and see what happens and you'll see on, you'll see it online and then we'll talk about it.

So it's really good. no, it's not really worth it. It's not really changed. We'll find out. But that's the point of this. That's just a way of of communicating what we're doing. But but in terms of in terms of what we're doing with with with everything, it's all about getting the exposure. That's all accounts is exposure. Because without it, you're whistling in the dark.

Simple as that. Someone told me without doing this, without getting exposure. So it is like being a party and whistling at a girl or looking at a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing? She has got clear. So moving swiftly on to our terms and some. So the bottom line is, is you want exposure at the least cost with maximum reach if everybody does, this is the staple diet of every company but one.

Why don't they do it? Because marketing or relying on automation to do all the work for them to sit back and go, look at us. We've done it. So pretty straightforward. Your existing market need to know that you exist. You want them to remain anonymous. I'm just checking the next one. Yeah, they just decided. Don't talk about that slide first.

You want your prospects as you do want to remain anonymous, you will read thought leadership content and you want to self educate. You want to self serve. And like I said, you want whoever you're going to eventually buy from. You want them to be accessible. Not not just I want to bring you up when you answer the phone straight away, accessibility means, can I find out this stuff without having to speak to you?

Okay, so the next one. So we're looking at the kind of the process of doing this 1 to 50% of your total addressable market are looking to start their buying journey every week. The way that you do this, even if you went with half percent in, it's like 50 people looking if you, you know, getting a tiny getting a proportion of those people to look at you, to watch you and engage with you haven't buy database of your total addressable market.

Theoretically marketing should already have that. Yeah you should just say, well, give it to us, we want to do this. Shouldn't be a question. They should have your total addressable market and with the ability of saying right, we only want companies that have got, I don't know, 10 million turnover any, any permutation you want you get, whether it's a million, 10 million.

However it doesn't matter. But you know that you can, you can get this data drop off that email, you email your total addressable market every week and say this is what we this is what we did, this is what we're doing this week. This is what we did last week. That's what we're doing this week. And tell them about the your activities, your events, whatever you're doing with livestreams or podcasts or whatever.

And then you, you upload the same database, put it on LinkedIn, and you put your adverts on LinkedIn that will appear on the news feeds of the people that you're emailing as well. Even if you goes into a spam box, they get to see the advert because you've uploaded to the information. It's the only advertising on actually really, really, really, really, really recommend.

Simple, you know, two emails a week, one email a week. Not complicated. One person could do it, Tell me about it. So and the point of this is that if you've been in this game long enough, people will say to you, isn't sales is a numbers game? Yep, yep, yep. But nobody tells you how to do the numbers, how to play the numbers.

And the point of this, the critical point of this is about being entrepreneurially creative. You got to part nice to whatever you got and how you use it. So you're using this technology, whether it's Adobe Creative Suite, camera mikes and likes and your actual intellectual property that you've got, whatever it is and you want to write about it, want to produce visual content about it and you want to present it, you can communicate it how, however you can communicate it.

So there's two parts to it. So your product becomes this, this kind of stuff, worry about this, don't work. You've got people worrying enough about the product and you have the suitability and effectiveness and stability of your product. That's somebody else to worry about. But for sales of sales, you product is, is this information that you're able to communicate who you are.

That's what you need to be concerned about. Because once you've got all this gear, this these camera mikes and lights, you could do this. You know, you could say, Right, okay, well, we could do great screen screen. You think, where are we going with this watch? I'm not going to do a complete demo on green screen, I think.

Don't worry about that. But but basically, this is all multi-use or multi-use equipment. So you see these types of things. You got Tucker Carlson. Now Biden And and then that's me. You go, wait a second. Okay, he's lighting's different, but I've got a ticker tape background. You see these on our website and you can do this every week, every day if you wanted to.

Once you set up, you produce loads, show segments. You can only really talk about three if you're doing like a show host type thing. But you couldn't you could really talk about more. You would want to talk about more adverts, adverts of your own that you post on the site. You know, we'll be back after these messages. I'll do one of the future ones.

I've got adverts, but you know, an advert pops up of your product and you put the same adverts and banner adverts on your own website to promote your white paper or product or whatever you want exposure. This will get your exposure like you've never ever had before, and your marketing people will be sitting there going, we should have done that.

We should have read some books, we should have learned about this when this stuff came out. How long's YouTube been out? How long's life stuff been? I've been around on Facebook and YouTube and even LinkedIn. A tiny fraction of people using it effectively. You know, we sound as it may seem. Yeah, we don't need sob stories. People want to know, How can you change my business?

And one of the things, I mean, we're kind of coming towards the end of it now, but what we do is help you to do all of this. Everything I've said, you don't need me to tell you that your marketing isn't working. I know it isn't, you know, isn't a bit of might kind of creep in there. Go.

Well, we don't really know what we want to admit it. Well, don't limit it. Just do this in parallel. Everybody saves face then. But the bottom line is, if you don't do this, your competition will. I'm, I'm not playing but I'm not a big player if that if that makes sense because I would say look at the website I produced every single page on our website.

It's three quarters, a million words, I produced every single piece of content. So I'm pretty well positioned to advise and practice what you preach. I mean, I'm doing it. Yeah. And you're looking at the the I was talking about before this this piece of kit over here with the red button over here, that's a switcher. And this little device here enables me just to hold that up against the camera.

This enables me to go to camera one, it's camera two and back to chemistry. So I press two buttons, one to record everything. I want to broadcast it. These two top buttons here, just press that. And all of this broadcasts. Absolutely. Anybody can do this. Nothing can touch this. But it is absolutely everything you prospects, one anonymity, visibility, engagement.

And you know, if you had two or three people to view this would be a lot of fun. And that's what people want to see. They want to be educated as to why they should buy your product and they'll buy it. But being passive and sitting there waiting for them to come to you will, you know, it doesn't work.

And so kind of help people with what we've what we do. We've got one of the Web pages is all about how to start this from start to finish. But the critical point going back to this one is that we can help you do everything you, know we can do everything for you, do part of it for you.

We I would come and talk to your assessment, even your marketing teams and let them quick fire anything at me. I'm and you sit there and, you know, give me a third degree in front of your, your board of directors. But you know, if the gloves come off then then I'll explain exactly what they're doing and get them to explain to you why they haven't done what they should have done.

Because that's the reality of this is, no, you know, you are not running a social service. Yeah. It's great to have you here. Do what you like. Said nobody ever you've had expectations of turnover every single year. And you you were promised by all these different people. Yes. It'll increase an inevitable. So you're going to go live tap right across the top.

All the information is there step by step. If you don't, it could mean I'll help on advise and we'll just see see how that goes. But we are here to help you do this. It doesn't matter where you are because we've got all of this. Yeah. Looking at your competition, it's really important. We, you, me, right now, we're at the beginning.

You know, we, the enthusiasts. Okay? You don't want to be a laggard in this because it's bad enough people thinking that they're getting visibility because of Google and and so on. But the 80 and topical authority and the really useful content update, less and less people are getting visibility but I'm going well so what does matter is it as long as you got all of this, you know, we're getting thousands, thousands of impressions every week just on LinkedIn.

And when I press those two buttons, it streams on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube simultaneously. And I got I think it's about 5000 people follow me on on YouTube. But, you know, how many people have you got following you and part of your part of your communications process and everything else could be, well, we want more people following us.

We'll do that first. Start with that. Can following you. But there are there are processes in there that this is a strategy to be implemented. You don't go you could go off straightaway. You know, you pick up, you pick up your phone and they say, right, we think we are. We go like now, but is planning for it.

And that's the perfect preparation prevents poor performance. We all know that. And so we are closing. We are coming into land. You've got you've got to be creative, entrepreneurially creative. You've got to reach those people. I mean, and you've got to keep that selling process simple. You can't get more simple than I'm sitting down saying this is a real it's what we do.

Everything's online. Come and have a look. If you like what you see, give us a call. You can't do any more than that. How can you? You can't pressurize people into doing stuff they don't want to do. It's never worked. But if you're able to speak to tens, hundreds, thousands a day a week or tens of thousands every month, you know, it depends on the data that you're pushing out.

Come and have a look and you can serve it to anyone. If you work in Europe. Do you know that there's there was a there's a company that came across and it's just another another data company. But they they approached me. I'm having a chat with them and they've got a 50 million name database of businesses in Europe, 50 million.

So if you sell throughout Europe by database and databases, I think the last my last count was about £250. Don't about £350 per thousand. So if you look, if you want to sell to two companies that fit your, your profile, that you want it to your total addressable market, unless they were 10,000 people, there are 44,000 companies that got 50 employees or more in the UK.

So 10,000 is not an it shouldn't be an issue for archivists. So 10,000 people, I said about 1%, half percent, 50 people a week starting their journey. At least one of the questions is could your company, could your salespeople cope with that many inquiries? Well, let's find out. I'm sure that we're more than happy to to to be rushed off their feet, seeing and speaking to you people all the time.

And you can do the talking online messages can come in through June a live feed dot sky's limit. But the critical thing here is about one selling one too many. We've been selling 1 to 1 for 50, 60, 70 years. Nothing's changed today. And now we have this opportunity, this ability to do this at a very low cost, very high quality was just looking at the my streaming rate.

I think that it should look pretty good. And I've been on air for an hour and 10 minutes. I'll take it off. It's time to go. Let you get on with some work, and so will I. But until next time, I hope. I hope this was a hope. You got something from this? I hope it's is started some folks churning.

And for you to think what if what if we did this? Yeah. Pretty much guarantee it would change everything in your business because what you want to do, you would at least already 300 grand per person per annum as double what you're doing. Dollars dollars dollars. Yeah. Well it's only 50 grand per person per annum in the UK.

Yeah. You'd love to do that. But you're marketing team have not got the first idea of a strategy to, to help you achieve that. I've just given it to you. So like I've said to people before, I've got nothing to sell. I don't sell cameras, I don't sell any this I'll help you buy it from someone, whoever the only thing I can offer is speed because I know how it needs to be set up.

I spent 40 years in this game selling direct, but specifically in B2B. And now I. Now I've got all this at my fingertips. I just. I can all this at my fingertips. So something for you to think. On needing help all the details, details, phone numbers, mobiles, everything. Everything's online and that's it. That's it. Until next Thursday. Have a great week.

Have a great weekend. If I look like I'm looking away, I keep looking at the screen here. And not just the camera, but you should be okay. But I've got one more button to press. That's the outro for now.