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CEOs Steering Towards Iceberg S03 Ep03 Transcript

Well, welcome to the third Live show. My name is Nigel Maine. You probably know if you've received an invitation. Thank you for joining me. Let me just explain what these live shows are about. I have been involved in B2B new business development for, nearly 40 years. And during that time, I've experienced and worked through lots of issues and problems to do with new business generation.

And one of the critical things is that the two ways in which we were told that new business, new business development, new pieces, generation should work, don't work. You know they don't work. So why? And everybody knows that. It just works. After a fashion. You have to kind of put up with it. But it's just this is just the way it is.

And so keep quiet. Carry on. I'm not one for rolling over and just accepting the status quo. I don't believe everything's got to be challenged. And that's that's what we've done. We spent a good few years ex exploiting, but pulling apart the things that the large organizations said are supposed to work and analyzing them to understand why they don't work.

The bottom line is you you don't do enough business. Nobody does. And there doesn't seem to be a mechanism to change that. So we're kind of left in this this limbo of what we can and can't do. I didn't mean to mean to say that one of the one of the things, you know, starts off a show and it's a live show and it's like, Hi, how are you?

What have you been doing? Have you had a good week? And I'm thinking, I should have said that right in the beginning, but I didn't. But we have to look at the things that we do in the course of a week and I think that's partly where part of that kind of some of the problems exist, because we look at what marketing is supposed to do for businesses.

You have sales people that are expectant of receiving some kind of information and you have marketing in these large teams that you expect great work from them. When I migrated to websites this week, from an older version to a new version, I had to update loads of software. So they both operate. They're both up and operational and they've both got a great on.

It's a platform called G2 Matrix, which looks at speed and and so on. And you know, I sent emails out to the list as I set this up. You know, you look at all of the work that's being done, I think, wait a second, that's just me doing it now. When I set all this up, you think well and well.

The thing is, is that for one person to be able to do this work, how many people have you got working in your organization? Doing what? Now, one of the things I'm going to go and onto this excuse me, it's not what's happened. I'm going to go back and see if that comes up again, because that shouldn't be offset like that.

But let me just go back to one. dear. We have a we have a technical problem. You I do about this and what I might do. But you have to see this is why life, okay. This is the whole thing about life. So what I need to do, I need to ex out of my sight show here and then go back into it.

Glasses on, go back into it and erratically. This should be okay. what's do these things? You know, you have. Everything's been working, Everything's been fine. And now it's not. And you will bear with me. This is just. It is what it is. It's life. So I'll unplug that and plug it back in again. Wait for that to fire up.

Welcome to my world.

The thing is, is that, you know, when you when you have it, when you're using all this technology is part and parcel of it is to let me just go into it again. Bingo. hang on. I've just got I'm just going to introduce you to someone before I go to the next part. Can we come in? Hello, everybody.

I'm Liz, and unfortunately, I can't join you today because we're really busy on calls. And so I just thought I'd pop in and say hello to everybody and I'll leave in. Nigel's capable hands because, as you can see, he's very capable with like. But yeah, hope you all have a good week. Enjoy the show and I will be joining Nigel at some point in the not too distant future.

Great. Thank you. See a bit. I think, you know, one of those things is that it's. It's important that you know who we are, what we do, how we work. I mean, even even with things going wrong, I say, yeah, this is this is part of the technology environment that we all live in. And so theoretically, if I go to this next one, there you go.

CEOs stop staring towards the iceberg. Now, the point about the CEO bit, yes, it's pretty obvious everyone wants to sell to a CEO, but the trouble is, it's who who is giving the CEO's the advice. Come on to that in a minute. But this this show in the other shows, most of the other shows except next week, most of the others most of the shows are geared and tailored and directed towards S.O.S., RC Geo's VP of Sales and People in Sales.

And it's essential that you understand there is an alternative. It's really it's really, really important because if you follow the narrative, there isn't This is it? This is this is what you've got. Get on with it. Keep quiet. And if you don't like it, you can get lost. That that's that's the attitude in companies from big tech, MarTech and so on.

So we look at this. Why what's the crux of this? The crux of it is that digital marketing technology was designed for the consumer market. It was not designed for business to business consumers by in a certain way, you and I buy in a certain way. We do not buy our software or products for our business in the same way that we buy a pair of jeans does not work, or how we buy a car or how we buy insurance or how we buy a house.

We just don't. Do you like it? Come by when it comes to business. If it can't produce an hour away, don't talk to me. And that's the absolute reality. That's that's just absolute fact. You know it. I know it. And because it's never worked as it was promised, it creates I hope you can read that writing at the bottom.

It creates little empires for people in marketing. It's critical. I am critical now that the thing about this is that my kind of shocking way of presenting this is what I would suggest is you remove your digital marketing teams, stop using them, and you're thinking, Now wait a second, this guys is already not even 10 minutes into it.

And he is talking about getting rid of a whole marketing team. Yep. You think I'm mad? I'm not. I'm furious. You have to understand, this is absolutely critical. I've been doing this for nearly 40 years. And what I'm talking about, this is what's going on. This is what the marketing fraternity are doing inside businesses. As they come out there, they're whispering into the ears of CEOs, and it's killing businesses.

And you saying, okay, I can see that salespeople watching this are going, Yep, yep, yep, yep. The guy is on the money is on the money. Yeah. So who why, what is it? Just like a silly theory and silly look at that. And you go, and actually who's driving it? Will big tech market take a drive again? Why wouldn't they.

Why shouldn't they. It's they are in business to sell SAS. They don't need lotus salespeople. They employ you employ them. They're called marketers. It's the marketers that are telling you what to do here and do that often enough. You believe it. So says annual Cayman. So Daniel Kahneman writes his book, Thinking Fast and Slow. Some of you may have heard of it or read it.

Basically, to nutshell it, you've got three elements. You've got thinking fast, which is instinctive thinking because you understand this and thinking slow very obvious, but thinking slow is being considered and looking at research. So the third element to this is the marketing industry, which functions and operates on repetition. If you think about it, you've been told the same thing for 20 years by everybody associated marketing, all those marketers you've hired and fired, every single one of them has said the same thing again and again and again, and you fight them because we've got rid of them or they've left because they haven't got the most.

They haven't actually made it happen. But you've heard the same thing again and again and again. And therefore you believe and perceive that you know about marketing. But you do. You do, but you kind of don't. But why should you? You're not going to go and do a little research to attempt to justify the employment of somebody else.

You're not going to do it. You're going to accept you do what Steve Jobs said. We employ employ highly paid people to come and tell us what to do, not for us to tell them what to do. And that's that's the reality is absolute reality. So if we look at business, if we look at what we've what's been going on, what's happening, we have to define success.

So you look at the the average tenure of a CMO is eight months. It's been like that for nearly four, seven, eight years now here in the States, Zero's two and a half years and they start on their per CEO seven years. There's a pattern. Why? Why is this happen is because of a lack of business. It's not actually happening.

So the seat M.O. is the one kind of at the rock face almost. He goes first because he's ill, come in, get a new job, three months to get it all set up and decide what he's going to do. 12 months to execute in three months to find a new job. And the S.R.O. will go through a couple of CMO's and realize actually it's still not happening.

And then the CEO speaking to the investors says, well, I'm I'm changing these people and it's still not happening. We're still not getting the figures that we expect. We maybe be we need a new CEO. Shocking. It's really bad. I mean you're looking at that, looking at the the business failures is that sign is going after. Let me know if that looks okay on them on your screen.

But for basically first, second, third year, 20, 30, 50% of businesses go bust. 70% you I think that all adds up if I've got my maths right that 91% businesses, the start up go bust and the thing is with the business and we looking at turnover, the average turnover per person per annum is about 120 grand. Smaller companies, it can be less or not, it's not that much more.

I mean it's between 120 grand pounds. Okay. Pounds I did some research on business process management companies on enterprise architecture and RPA, robotic process automation. All of those companies, all big companies is on the average across 75 companies was $144,000 per person per annum, which is hundred and 20 grand. So you got to hold that. So you've really got to hold that soul.

And while I'm thinking about it, I am doing this because I want you to get this out there. I've got nothing to sell. There's no pitch at the end says, I've got this bit of software. It's not pitching in. I want you to get this. I'm going to be doing these streams every week. You can watch them all catch up.

You can look at how I can come to the website later. But but there's loads of information content because I want you to get it. I want the business community to change the way that they market themselves and generate new business because you can. Okay, okay, come back to us. So come back to it. So here we are, we do 100, 120 gram per person per annum, and then you realize that Google to 2 million per person per annum.

And I've got something for you on Google a bit later, don't think. Well that's Google isn't it. Microsoft or a mini IBM of 500,000, Amazon are 300 and something thousand and it multiply that by the number of staff to go, okay, you will arrive at their turnover. So you think, okay, well that's business failures. What about businesses that get investment?

Well, you've got 40, 75, 95, 40% go bust, 75% don't achieve their own targets and 95% don't achieve a return on investment for the investors. So all in all, it's pretty poor picture, obviously, of other reasons to invest in businesses, tax breaks, yada, yada, yada. This information, this data, the business failures comes from sifted and financial times and invested businesses.

Information comes from Harvard Business Review. So we think, okay, okay, So just just kind of just just allow this allow me to say this and you'll see how it all leads to a conclusion. Typical business, business structure. This will be two piece two. You've got marketing automation modulation, IBM, everybody, and then you've got your tactics, which is your blocking pipe.

Click reverse IP, look up and gifting because remember this icon. So we've got 95% of businesses hateful out forms and that dates back to 2014 and now demand by say, 100% of businesses don't want to fill out forms which renders your demand your login infrastructure for market automation completely useless if you can't get the people that you want to speak to and get and engage with to get them to fill out, you've then got telesales.

Most people got telesales videos dressed up as BD. It's still telesales and they've currently got a 3 to 1 success rate. But the tragedy of this is that marketing are given KPIs and they are rewarded for achieving those KPIs, and salespeople are certainly going like that. You've seen the mean with John Travolta, you know, he's from Pulp Fiction.

He's like, So where's the business? Where's the leads and marketing? So I want to go. You've got all the lead you need, you just can't sell. And you got these people thinking, I've been doing this for 20 years, I know how to sell. The reality is marketing. I've never sold, never sold direct, never seen the whites of the eyes of the person selling.

So there's this, this, this like I showed earlier from from all the rings, you've got this evil being spoken into CEOs who who are being forced to believe it because there is nothing else. And the marketers are kind of hiding behind the CEO's going, see, so you can't see, you're not doing it, we're doing it. We've got our KPIs.

Mind you, you pipelines crap. And it's just you can't you can't have that. And so looking at your, your analysis because that's what you have to do, you got to do an analysis, you got to look at what you've got, what costs are being incurred through this activity called new business development. Don't call it marketing, just new business development, but it up because it encompasses everything.

As you can know, marketing SAS recent research between 30 and 70, 3472 platforms start again. There were 30,000 SAS platforms in the world. Half of the SAS platforms are marketing. Most businesses now use between 34 and 72 SAS platforms, bearing in mind half of them are marketing using tactics, which is pay per click banners, ads and expression. You've got all your your marketing employee salaries to take into consideration video and telesales salaries, all the costs, it costs, office costs and so on, and recruitment costs.

Because bearing in mind you're churning your CMO out every 18 months, so you're having to stump up 20% give or take or 50% or whatever of it is of the 150 grand. You're paying your CMOs every year in recruitment fees, such I call a shed load of money. So where do we go with this? What we supposed to do was anybody supposed to do?

Because the critical thing is, is that if you haven't got people to sell to, you screwed anyway. But if you know who to sell to, how do you go about it? Well, how are we supposed to shift from this this problem you've most people have seen TAM, Samsung's total addressable market, serviceable addressable market, serviceable, obtainable market. Now in essence is just is the simplest thing in the world.

Just tell the market that you exist in actuality else, Hey, I'm here. Is this what we do? Come and have a look. Is it? It is no simpler than that. You've got to enable businesses to stay anonymous. You want to be anonymous. Why shouldn't they? You wouldn't entertain these salespeople the way salespeople sell. Why should they? Your content needs to be thought, leadership, high level, informative, educational.

Because people want to self educate self-serve and just be able to contact you when they need to. So you think, okay, what is fine? Whatever. Gartner you've heard of Gartner Gartner have maintained the and do maintain to the technology strategy across the board for for for for marketing there's a guy that worked for them for 25 years producing all these white papers and documents and content and he very senior person is is his last article that gets published in Harvard Business Review says actually businesses want to self-serve self educate and buy to buy from you when they're ready when they can establish an R, a Y, and you can help them do that online.

The old sales thing doesn't work. by the way, I'm leaving. He left. So you think everybody's banging this drum for technology? Why wouldn't it be high paying the marketing dollars that come from big tech MarTech is significant. Just keeps keeps the pressure up. A kind of something I guess is pretty obvious. No one's looking for you. The people that you want to sell to are not looking for you.

They're busy. You're always busy. They'll dip in when they want, when they need to. We as business owners, we're not force. We're pretty bright, actually. We run companies. We employ people. We we we know what our business needs. Pretty much we know what's available on the market because we employ lots of different people and is lots different people know what the products are and if it's relevant, they tell us what we already know.

So we don't need is if it was a car, we don't need somebody come and tell us, Can I have a look at your car? What would you want to do that? Because I want to see if there's anything wrong with it. Why you want to do that? We've got to see if there's anything wrong with it. I can charge you some money to fix it.

And the bottom line is we will will only we'll only buy something. We only invest our time in something if we know that there's a a definitive or definite our way to be obtained. Because that's how it is. It's always been like that. It's never changed. And the salesman pitches up as if they've, you know, God's gift. And it's like, Who are you?

You've never run a company before in your life. Are you telling me how to run mine? Really? So it's difficult. It's constantly difficult. And so, you know, you kind of get onto the the these different areas, what what people are doing. Well, you know, you've got this mechanism, what this strategy in place. And again, I kind of come back to the central point here is it's imperative that you understand what you're doing, why you're doing it, why it doesn't work, and what the alternatives are and why you have to.

And you could you can walk away from this. You go for not interested. You can pick away now, not interested. So the politics. But the critical thing is, is that it's like, I wonder if Nigel's actually got something here. You know, 40 years is a long time to be doing this. He must have learned something. And that's what he said.

So look at something like Echo. Why do you see all these companies use our CEO, do this, do that, yada, yada, yada. I said earlier on that these mechanisms were designed specifically for consumers. So if people that you want to sell to don't want to fill out forms and are not looking, why, why, why do a CEO it's a couple of things.

There's a desire to be on the first page of Google pricing so that you look at that. Some of the stuff you see on the first page of Google is user. When it comes to beat piece years old, it's just not you know, it's not updated. There's no competition. People don't know how to do it in many cases, but not in many cases.

They don't know how to do it. So the whole thing about SEO, it means you're passive, you know, your salespeople, you want to you want to beat them up with a stick, beat them with a stick to get out there and get amongst it. But your digital marketing is passive. You're sitting there waiting for some to find you.

So the content has been produced, not thought leadership. It's scant, minimal information. You know, a certain number, few paragraphs in a blog with a dark picture and it's that bit of information that you are link is chucked onto LinkedIn or wherever you want to put it and say, Read our blog and tell the rest of your staff to go share it.

It's like not doing that. And the thing is, is that what people don't realize is apart from having to be educational, is that it needs to be of a certain length to is recognized by these by search engines. Google coca with Google. So what's the what's the idea? I don't want to but between two and 6000 words, you think, well I'll take some a forever too, right?

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. It will take a long time. Yep. Yep. But because you've got blogs, there's this thought process that you've got to keep producing it again and again and again. I've got to do another blog this week. We've got to maintain our visibility to keep the blogs going. Now, I don't know to why you shouldn't have blogs anyway.

You should have articles for style because you know your market, you know your target market, you know who you're writing for and why. And so now you've got that identified. You want to produce information, education, information that will educate your prospect for them to go. You know what? That company's nailed it. That's really good. I like that. You can't do it on a blog.

Google want you to do pull it pull it lists indexes navigable so you can click on it to go to different sections, each 1 to 3, pull it list number lists, graphics, infographics, video. They want you to create content that is really juicy, that really, really sticks. Get people to read it. Businesses don't do it. Too much effort.

Tell Locatelli suddenly. So then you got these other two things Eat, experience, expertise, authority and trust. Your content must exude and your website must exude those four things. If just I. I should have put it on there. Forgot the really useful content uptake just happened. People have seen their content go through the floor because Google is looking to ensure that they're delivering the best content.

Yeah, Google because they're not your customer. You might ultimately be writing for your customer. Yeah, yeah, I get that. We all get that. But you are writing on behalf of Google, you are writing content for Google. Google has the pick of the crop it will put forward what it thinks is going to be relevant to its customers, not yours, Google's customers.

Google wants you to write for them, so people keep going back to Google and engage with the Google ecosystem. Never forget that. And once you've done all their hard work, you've written it, you've edited it, you've asked people what you think, you put it on your website, you've got to make sure you've got a sitemap and then you can upload and refresh your site map pre post that Google.

And then once you've posted at Google, you've got to make sure Google then discovers it. Once it's discovered it, it will crawl it, but it won't index it. Not necessarily. And then eventually you want it crawled and indexed by my crawled and indexed and crawled, not indexed off changes constantly. It goes up, goes down, goes up, goes down.

And Google can just knock it out. Stop it. So you've done all that work. Loads of content is not indexed, so nobody will ever find it. It's a scary thought. You have a massive website and you've got a tiny fraction of the amount of content that you've produced is actually indexed and visible on Google or any search engine.

So it makes you wonder what was all this ever for? Come to that paperclip then? Because if it's not working on paper, click, write, make sense. Same thing again. You want to use Paperclip because you want to be on page one as long as you as long as you run bidding higher than anyone else, you you be fine.

It's passive again because you got to wait for someone to come and look so they should be in the market. I hope content's not thought. Leadership is not educational. You still got these short articles that have been produced and not the the long form content. Still not adhering to eat. Yeah, it links to a landing page. On your landing page.

You want contact details. but we we know 97 to 100% of people don't fill out forms and if you do get a form filled out, it'll just be passed over to the PDR and you'll give them a quick call. Just to follow them up, which everybody hates anyway. And if that happens, end up normally immediately subscribing because the content wasn't good enough and so on.

This is critical. It's just again, you must understand this stuff that's going on beginning of the year. There is an antitrust case going on in the States between the FCC and Google that relates to you can you can see this on catch up and get the link at the top. But basically it says we got a bit of a problem here.

We're not reaching our target, says Google salespeople. We need to edit and skew what we present to people so we can get a higher yield from these people because otherwise we're not going to hit our sales targets in the same this same article, same. This is an email exchange between Google employees says some, you know, we need to maintain this this, this dependency on Google.

We want to get people young. We want to get them dependent on us, believing us and we doing everything and people trust us and so on. And we want to get them at an early age before they're even old enough to buy. So you've been given all this information is a lot of information to take on board here, but can you start seeing a pattern emerging?

Why aren't you doing a business? Why isn't happening for you is critical. So then good old day I call time out, Stephanie, a better way because you should. You have to be in control. What's the point? You can't be buffeted in the wind. Knock a read in the wind. You cannot have that. You must be able to control the path that you've chosen to follow or carve out for yourself.

You must be able to. The final bit about the the visibility is banners. Why do banners? Well, this is the beginning of bringing this all together, because you have a total addressable market and you combined some figures, some numbers around, say, for example, you want to deal with companies that have got 50 employees among their 44,000 companies, the UK, their 50 employees or more, 50 employees that do not on the same basis of doing circa 100 grand, 5 billion turnover.

They could probably afford your products for argument's sake. Yes, I go with that. It's quite a simple calculation. You're not going to sell to 44,000. That's take 10,000. So you go with 10,000 by 10,000. Name database cost you three and a half grand. Or you should already have it. Your marketing people should have already got you to buy that if they haven't showed them the door.

So you've got a 10,000 name database of those 10,000 people, between one and 15% are looking to start their buying journey every week. Let's go with half a per cent to 50 people. So 50 people every week you message them all, email them, every single one of them say hi to you, tell them you exist, and at the same time you then upload that information to LinkedIn, for example, and your messaging would appear on LinkedIn as well as the emails that are being sent to those 10,000 people.

So the point is that this is proactive. You reaching out, you maintain awareness is an invitation for them to follow you because they know what you do. You can tell them of the events that you're doing and we come on to that in a minute. And like I said, I want 50% by every week. You have to think about this to think about what I'm doing right now and how I'm able to communicate with five, ten, 15, 20,000, I could be 50,000.

It is irrelevant. It's not changing what I'm doing here. So it's really important because everybody in sales knows it's a numbers game. It's always been a numbers game, but nobody has put the effort into exploiting how to manipulate and work with those numbers. So that's really important. The other part of this so that you can email them and do what you want in terms of the direct contact details that you have.

But I'm we put out it's about to go up actually on that in a second to maintain visibility, just visibility on on social media platforms, plural we output 180 adverts. So these are graphic with links and some text. We output 180 adverts a month, tells people what we do, invites them to to look, to watch, see how many you doing that.

And that's we have to ask yourself, you know, well we've got all these people there or I'm only one man band do I'm only a consultant. Whatever I can't afford. I am a one man person, one man band. It's me. Unless, you know, we do this, we work on this, this, this stuff together. Yeah. This also has a day job as well.

So there's no excuse from anybody in any marketing capacity to say, we, we haven't got the staff or resources or whatever to do that absolute rubbish. This is where we start turning marketing on its head and it has to be turned on its head. So the point of this of sending this information out is I am encouraging and recommending people look at the content, not product, not consultancy that I can offer to product, the content, content content, getting people to look at the content because the content, educational, the content means they can stay anonymous.

The content means they can self educate and they go, You know what? I really like that company. I have a chat with them that is the best you can do, thinking that you can just find someone who's just looking to buy there. And then you both, we both know it's just never happens while it's happened to me, but it never happens on a regular basis.

You wouldn't start a business based upon that. That's just a bit of icing on the cake. We've got a whole structure called Social four for 40, which explains it is downloads and information on the website. And we use a company called RIP Post. Other people use Hootsuite. There's a variety of different companies that do the automated posting of information and video.

Video adverts can be posted on a regular basis and we starting those shortly because it's all about showing you what's achievable, what's attainable, what's doable, because otherwise it's it's nonsense. I mean, this is this is basically what we do. We've got we have everything. So we have a life show, we do videos, we've got recorded videos, we do direct podcasts and lift information off this.

This would be converted into a podcast as well. We've got downloads, we've got articles, we've got infographics. I think that's it. Yeah, all in all. And I published a book of Want to Go and a book as well. All in all, the numbers of characters that we've worked out is something like three quarters of a million words, no characters words on the, on our website.

So there's loads of information, loads of content there. And we've got companies pages, we've got group pages, personal pages, and it's all about distribution of information and making it very, very accessible for anybody because that's, that's how it works. That's how we all work in B2B. So one of the things that we can start with, I mean, I've jumped straight into green screen because this this is a just an interesting kind of first taster about this.

So we've got all this this livestreaming game. And part and parcel of this is, you know, you can have a single camera, we have multi cameras and and lots of different hosts. And you can there's so many different ways you can use this type of technology. And that's ostensibly what I'm advocating is do this cameras cost next to nothing.

I've got some kit here just show you this. I mean this is this is basically the set up that we've got with the different cameras, different camera angles. Helps me to put that different button. That's camera over here. You can see the kit. So we've got podcast and video players and a switch box here. I don't touch that.

I just touch this sim, this little device down here, which is called a stream deck, and that enables me, that enables me to to do the lower thirds or to switch to that view or go back to a main view like that. All of this stuff, this is kind of prosumer to not quite consumer costs next to nothing.

You can use that you can use an iPhone. I mean that's the whole point of this. If you follow the Apple stuff recently, the 14 iPhone 14 and 15 to the quality of cameras are so good. And if your staff have got them, you can use them. You can go live right now. And this is the point I can reach.

You know, over the course of a week, I reach 100, 200 people. I couldn't do that on the phone. I couldn't get that face time with them. I couldn't get them to listen to me on a call or a meet and a meeting. When you look at how how many minutes this is, how many minutes do your salespeople spend in front of prospects?

Actually speaking to them face to face is negligible these days. So you have to have a mechanism in place that enables you to do this. So with these new green screen stuff, if you've seen this, you've seen Fox News, you've seen all this kind of stuff in terms of the news. Yeah. Tucker Carlson Nigel, might it makes me smile because Tucker Carlson, Nigel Main is just okay he's is lighting's different.

He's a bit bigger in the screen. No different pop up a green screen. You've got Fox News plus one of these boxes. But but that's the point of this one person can do this. Think about how many people you've got in marketing. Think about how many people you think you should have in marketing. Think about how many people in marketing think they should be retraining themselves before they get fired, because that's reality.

If they're pushing, which they are if they are pushing, you've got the serious the serious angle. If they're pushing this, these strategies and tactics that were designed for me to see. Well, actually, guys, we're going to start selling to businesses, which makes everything you've been saying and doing redundant sear. is that too brutal? dear. Never mind.

I'm serious. I'm deadly serious because. What are you going to go. no, no, no, no. We can't. We can't get rid of the people. We can't. We can't fire them. We've got to keep them. So if I don't know where it is, it's a bit further down. But if they do what they have always done, you will get what you've always got.

It's fact marketing about 20 years to get this right. And meanwhile, over all that time, we've all been on a promise from people in marketing and they have royally let everybody down. It's a real shame, but not insurmountable. So this what we've got here, just this is to help you is this is a page on our websites that is go live is at the cross across the top of the the Met on the menu step by step.

Everything you have to do documents, downloads, videos, picture everything. Everything is there step by step. Follow that where you go. And I might mention this, the only thing I can offer you is speed. Can't do anything other than that just to help you make it happen quickly. And the thing is, if you know, people have got information, kind of what we've got this website, we've got all this information, what are we supposed to do?

Where are we supposed to start was the best thing. Well, that's that's where we come in. It doesn't take long. Won't take long. Even doing this. I mean, speaking to your staff, wherever they are managing this from wherever you are, it's not it's no problem. I mean, you've probably got space anyway for studio people working from home. I deal studio set up camera mikes and lights.

That's all you need and a box to switch it. Press one button. I press stream. Right now I'm streaming on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube simultaneously. Stop streaming, Stop streaming. And it's all recorded using re stream. I can re stream it again and again and again all week. It's things I remember and reach more people than your entire plotting.

Dunc how big they are. The difference between me and you is my database is smaller than yours, that's all. Because I can only deal with a certain amount of business at the same time, if you've got sales people Happy days, you've got people that you have employed that are gregarious and outgoing enough to do this in front of camera, they know their product.

They always have skim talking about it. You know, if you've got someone here, you know, you like this came in you got you got it during the the like podcasts you recorded podcast they're talking to each other recorded interviews and multiple person engagement has the highest watch rate than anything else because people, you know, people working for, they want to be included.

I want to be part of something. They want to be involved with it. They want to learn. So, you know, the opportunities are just like I said, the opportunity is staggering. And that's that's everything that you need to know. You take some time to look at look through on the website that the whole thing about this, you know, if this is about critical, this is about changing the way that you do business, is changing how you present to people, you know, put a line in the sand, stop listening to whatever marketing is said.

Stop, stop, stop, stop. You are now a media company. You are now going to do a show once a month, then once a week, you can put this out. You're going to have people sitting and talking about different different items and different different subject matter. They go, These are just 25 that I came up with different show segments you can talk about, and this is this is for the benefit of the people that are listening on a podcast because they can't read this, how to videos, how to live shows.

All all of this can be is interchangeable between a life segment and a video. How to views affect views about your customers, your markets, your company, deal of the week Value Management Customer Success news this week. Technical training scenarios that you can do and build products according to different scenarios, interviews, core products, learning and the list goes on.

Excuse me. You know, banter and that kind of general discussion podcast, you know, they're having a typical podcast, but with two or more people in a in the film, in the in the frame and partners video employees, hobbies. But bearing in mind I don't know how long I consciously don't look at my watch because otherwise I'll miss things.

But the bottom line is, is you can do anything you want to talk about. You want to film part of your your Christmas party Early on in the Christmas party, like first 10 minutes. Yeah. You always me if you want to look at your employees hobbies people people by people they always have. It's never changed. And if you are open and communicative to your audience then they can genuinely say, I quite like them.

They're quite nice company now as well as Goodness me, we've got everything we need here. So you know, you're all using Zendesk. She's like ten years ago, great product. So you've got fake focus on there. I'm assuming at the bottom of your fake news page, you have a, a contact box, a messaging box. So if the, if the answer isn't there, they can ask you the question straight away.

You have got that, haven't you? But the point is, is people have always got questions. People always want to know how to do things. If you look at the questions you're getting and start producing video content because it's the same camera, I can record video, I can do livestream or can take photographs. If you make a point of covering all of those points off, think about it.

You've then become a 24 seven company operating around the world. Does it matter what your product is? If you can service a product in another country, bingo, you've got it. You can speak to them, you can engage with them, you can do whatever you like. You think why aren't why aren't sales teams using this? we do you?

yeah, we use video. You can use a webinar with a dirty little camera in the center of your laptop and everybody hiding behind everybody hiding behind a video of a PowerPoint presentation. See, we're we're not using one now, but you see what I'm saying? Even when you're talking people, I'm. I'm looking at the lens. Yeah, there are little cameras.

You can buy their back, but that square and you can stick them on your laptop screen or on the head of the person that you're speaking to. You stick on it. And so you're talking to them. You can talk to them eye to eye, little things like that. Raise your game. I think the critical, critical thing about this is that the the kind of the cost involved with this kind of only would be the banner cost incurred because you're uploading your database to LinkedIn.

Okay. So because you're you don't need much automation, get rid of that because you only need to tell people what you're doing. So we send out emails that say, this is what we talked about last week, this is what we can do this week. Come join us last week, this week, last week, this week. That's it. And if you've got information that that is useful, anything, you're becoming an adviser.

It does matter what you sell. If you're in B2B, you're becoming a thought leader, an adviser, and you've got all the attributes and component parts. That means that people are able to engage with you, even though you're not there, you have to think about it. So it's no choice. I'm not saying I'll go go back and do what you were doing before and your salespeople don't know.

Don't We've got to change. We've got to do something different. And if you look at the numbers, so once all this is set up, so say say, for example, someone comes into your company and sets all this up, there's loads of people around the to say, sell this up. Yeah. So how do we use it. Well turn all the, all the buttons on and when you want to go live press that one button.

How hard can it be if all the revenue expense on a balance sheet three is just finished with and you can spend anything from five grand to 500 grand. I mean, you know, a camera might, a couple of cameras, some lights and a microphone and so on. So it's nothing you think how much money you spend every month on pay per click.

Yeah. So that's, that's the point of this. It's like, you know, thinking when we finish this very shortly. You think so? Let's just listen to this guy. He told me to get rid of everybody in marketing. Start again. Yeah, And we can reach more people than we've ever reached before. Yeah. So where do we start? Sit. Yeah. You're 70 down and have a chat.

Don't rush into it. Get them to watch this. This will be recorded. It will be on Facebook, not Facebook. It will be on Facebook, but it will be on YouTube. We can give them this link. If you if you got to this on a link, it stays on LinkedIn, I think indefinitely. I think. But but get them to to watch it to listen to it.

Well we'll we'll watch what the possibilities go Well this staggering because whether you lose everybody in marketing it's up to you I would I would say sorry mate, because you've been pushing this narrative for me to see. You've done nothing in 20 years to support us. All you've done is have done about what software we should buy or IBM software software we should buy, and all this software integration nonsense.

It's not got us anywhere. In fact, we're hemorrhaging money through SAS and not even broken promises. You know, we're not getting we're not getting the traffic. The traffic that we do get doesn't amount to anything. It's complete and utter waste of time. So you're no good to us. See you. So it takes a for you put it this way.

What would I, what would I like. Perfectly well, I'd like someone maybe sitting over there and changing the slides or even answering messages when they come in.

But you could probably. I would. It could be okay would be okay for two people. And then in terms of what I'm doing is a bit difficult for me to have more lots of people with me doing it, doing a show because this is this kind of is entrepreneurial, isn't it? You know, you look at something, you realize a problem, you spend years work identifying it, analyzing it, and then defining an infrastructure from start to finish, how to implement something like this as a defined strategy, documented strategy, and then put everything online.

Because what I do and what you do, you have to do everything in reverse. So you have an idea. Once you have an idea, you got to write about it. Once you've written about it, you put it, you'll do a website and gauge that, gauge the interest. As you're gauging the interest, you're creating content information, you've defined your product.

You could go down with an Eric Grace Lean startup and do a minimum viable product, or you can have a different kind of engagement process with your prospective customers and complete the thing in the first place without making them Guinea pigs, which nobody likes in business because this is critical. It's different if it's for consumers, very different. So, you know, you look to to do this.

So you you've, you've created the information, you created the content, you've got the content onto the website, you've got the product available on the website. People can go back and once you've got all of that done, then you can start talking about it to people, pointing them to the website to read about it, to buy it. You can't do it the other way round.

Same with me. So when it comes to what you're doing, I would say it's very feasible. You don't have to fire everybody, but they do need retraining quickly and they can do it in their own time if they value their. It's up to you what you want to do because new time, you know where I'm coming from. You know, the University of YouTube spectacular.

Everything's on their talk. MTV The website is a big website to read everything, consume all of it. There is no tracking, there's no email forms, no nothing on this. And that's what this is about. So once you've got all of that set up a couple of people from a technical perspective to make sure all of this is set up and then you've got the content.

We went through that, you know, these this, this list, here's 25 show segments you got to prepare for the shows, but then once you've done the shows, they're available forever. And that's the same logic to your content because you produce great content, not loads of it as in written content, produced great content, update it and change you. That's what, that's what your website and what the software structure expects of you.

It expects you to update it. For example, you've got a you've got a salesperson, they're not on target. What do you do? You don't just fire them straight away. You go What you do once you reach your target. What's happening? Right, Right. I can I ask what you're doing that wrong? You shouldn't be doing that. Change that. Change up it there and now.

Now go off and make sure you don't do that again. Same with your articles. If your articles aren't getting read, why no. So this is the critical part. Very difficult to do that when you're just when you're just relying on SEO. If it's not indexed in the first place, you'll never get read. If you're sending someone to read it, then you can use products like Google Tag Manager to see how far down the article people are actually reading.

Do you know Great spirit someone. If people are only being 25% clicking away you go. Maybe we need to change the intro. That's what the software expects you to do. That's not what happens very often, if at all, in B2B. So when it comes to your your your presentation of video and streaming stuff, you can do what you like.

You know, once this is finished, I can then put a transcript with it if I want to. You can get auto transcripts done in whilst you are actually speaking. It can be embedded. You can do it. Take those transcripts, put them on paper, put them as part of the document. It's all about if that's if you want to go and pursue this visibility through Google, but it doesn't work.

So no is no point. What you want to do is you want to be telling your prospects, come and watch this, go and watch that. Create multiple adverts to promote different parts of your of the content that you've provided. You could have 20 adverts for one piece of content, whereas the mindset before we want to have 20 pieces of content, No.

Two point that's the critical thing about this create great content. So when you know, even getting copywriters, some great copywriters around, get them to write really good long form engaging content and produce 20 adverts. And I say 20 adverts, these are graphics. You see my adverts, if you've seen me on, on, on LinkedIn, they are graphic adverts with information and a link.

The link goes to the article or whatever. Whatever I'm promoting, you can do videos for the same. Hi, this is Nigel. Come on. You know, if you're looking at generating more blah blah, blah, come watch our live show. Click the link above and just just get a notification. All using the same gear, same kit. So that the point I hope next week I'll not next week, the week after I'm going to show just show some of the adverts that we've done.

And again, if you've got a live show, we'll be back just after these messages and you put an advert on for your products, create a half an hour, 45 minute TV show, that's what it is. And you can choose. You can do it live life as this is. This is live, live as you saw. But you can also record it and push it out as if it were live.

But that takes editing, whereas live doesn't. That's why I say you can sit down ready to rock and roll. I've got a coffee, got this? Any other Go live. Thanks for that. I will see you later. Press stop.

No editing required, so you have to you have to think about all of these things because it impacts on the staff. But of course, you could have even you could have less salespeople. But some of the salespeople we have can actually go into or be or be moved across to answer questions. Here we are. We're live chat, chat.

If if I had another person here, they could be on on the chat go, we've got a message here from and that could be pushed to my screen. I've got a message here from from Steve in where blah blah blah. You know Steve is asking, well, how do we do X, Y, and Z? Well, actually, Steve, what you can do is you can make it completely interactive you can you can even use chat when it's recorded and have somebody answering the chat as a recorded live show.

But there's lots of permutations. But the bottom line is, is that you can reach infinitely more people than you have ever reached before in the history of your company. For Penney's, get rid of the tech to tech stack the MarTech Tech stacks absolute waste of time and money for B2B. People want to get to know like and trust.

You cannot do that blagging them to get to try and get someone to read something or download something doesn't work. How long would it take you to get to wrap this up? How many? How many prospects off you go? How many how many people have you got following you? Lots of factors, like a bit scary to put a line through, stop to do it parallel.

Yeah. The fact is some camera mikes and lights and a couple of people to learn how it all works and a bit of training you know way just me one will increase one and the other will decrease. That's how it's going to work. So if you've taken some time to see that. So there's your technology adoption curve. I know a f a fine, I'm connected to a finite number of people.

You have to think about this really pool. I'm connected to a finite number of people. We don't have 20, 30, 40,000 people watching us. I don't have thousands of people following me. Why would I? I mean, I've kept my head down for the few criticized many years trying to work this thing out. But you how many people have you got following you?

How many people you reach out to? That's what it boils down to. How many prospects have you got and where where are your prospects? Just regional, national, international. Imagine reaching every single one of your potential prospects at the same time, because that's the only way you can manage the numbers. If your numbers say this is our market, this is the percentage, this is how many we're going to see there, the numbers that you want, you virtually chucked Google Analytics out the window as well.

So you can see the logic of this. I could import a database and reach more people than you have reached in the past five years. You have to think about it. And when you you know and we know it, this doesn't nothing happens instantly. We all would love it. Take all the phones ringing off the hook. It doesn't happen that way.

People have to think about it. But when you look at your figures, when you get to the end of the quarter, when you're looking at what the year's demands are on you, you're looking at what you need to achieve. Look at the grief and the stress and the aggro of doing the stuff that you're doing at the moment that you've always done because just about, isn't it.

Yeah. When you, when you go through those processes think we've really got to look at this, so we've got to just look at it and see how it would impact and fit into your business. That's what you've got to do and it will change your business period forever and it will change the numbers because you're changing the ratios.

The whole thing is about ratios. You you're selling 1 to 1. Yeah, Yeah. And of course, we all think about it. You're selling 1 to 1. You don't want to sell 1 to 1, You want to sell one one too many. How do you do that? You do this. Someone can a prospect come in, work his way through all this, all the information of content that you've got, Watch the videos, look at the fake news reason, Watch the fake news, watch you live.

And the first time you hear from them and say, I've been watching you information online or your life shows downloaded some can Can I speak to someone about getting getting hold of this kit? And that's where your sales people come and go. Yes, Goose, See you on Zoom. Great looking zoom image and so on. And maintaining a continuity of professionalism with a little camera.

This stuck in the middle of his screen. How can we help? When I've seen this, I think this great. I would have salespeople with brilliant green screen backdrops, high quality cameras, the best audio gear going for them, sit on the phone again and again and again and take orders wherever they are in the world. I love it. Absolutely love it.

It's just you just have to be a bit creative, but not too much because I'm not saying I've done it all, but 95% of it's done. People will do better things. Office They are. I hope they are. I want to know about it. But that's what this is all about. The scope and the what you can do is limitless.

I mean, it's really without a shadow of a doubt. This really is for me. And I said 40 years. Yeah. For me, this is the most exciting time of my career, period. It's just spectacular. Can't touch it. And I've got a lot of patience. I had a lot of stuff happen, a lot of really sad stuff. Four deaths and my daughter dying and a lot of different things.

And being a business owner, you've got to pursue doing the business. Otherwise your business fails as well as well. But there's no guarantee in business because nobody knows how to work the numbers. Now you do. So that's it. That's it for me for today. Next week I'm going to be speaking to any marketer that has got their co-owners to listen.

Yeah, it will upset them, but they've got to know because these are the people that are telling CEOs what they should be doing. It doesn't work. So that's it. I'm think I'm done. Not sure how long we were. I'll find out in about 3 seconds. But have a great week, great weekend. And if you could join me next week, please do so.

And I wish you all the best for your business for now.