And I'll start again when you do these shows. One of the things that happens is that you think, I've got everything done, I've got I've got the intro done, got the intro music that sorted. All the levels are perfect. Everything's working exactly as you need. I want you to just before just before we went on, I just muted the microphone because I wanted to cough.
No problem. I forgot to set it off to turn the mic back on. Anyway, we, we, we moved up here three months ago. I'll just quick recap. About three months ago. It's minus five last night. So we're kind of coming to terms with that. But apart from that, apart from that, everything's working out really well up here. And I think that the the most important thing is that we're able to actually deliver these shows on a regular basis.
We've got more space and all those things that go with it. So today's show, the point of these streams, as I said before, of course. Yes. Ultimately I would like to and I will and I do provide consultancy services to companies. Fine. But the point is that there there has to be a change. And when it comes to new business development, there is a fundamental problem that every business experiences.
And it's it hasn't changed and won't change until people become aware that there is an alternative. And one of the problems that you will find and I'm I'm speaking in a way to sales people because if you're a CEO, then you know what the score is. You already know what the score is. We've all we've known it for a long time.
We're told lots of things by lots of different people, and we trust that they're telling us the truth or telling us or being being genuine about what they're talking about. But when it comes to changing and this is directly to the salespeople, when it comes to changing people's minds, you could you will come across problems because what you're going to tell them is along the lines of what we've been doing doesn't work, and we have to change it.
And I've been listening to some gone on on on LinkedIn or YouTube or Facebook, and he says it doesn't work because of these reasons. And he's got an alternative. Now, if someone is set their marker and put their that stake in the ground and said, this is what we're doing, telling them when it doesn't work and that there's an alternative might not be received particularly well.
I've had very large companies say, we're too small for that. I mean, you don't get any smaller than this. So so people's perception of it is always is it's too big, it's too grand. And it's like, no, no, it's not too grand at all because you could use your mobile to do it. So we're not we're not talking about that.
We're talking about a a a fundamental change, the way that new business is generated. And that's why it's critical for salespeople to understand it so that you can recognize where it's going wrong. Someone gives you a hard time about your your pipeline, your target. You've got no response. I've said this lots of times before. Sales people have been sidelined.
You will do as you're told because everything's happening in marketing. They're the ones you got to follow and marketing up, pursuing a, a strategy series of strategies that they have been told should work and then go look at our tech stack. And that's what creates the problem. That's, that was, that is what the, the fundamental problem is, is that the technologies and strategies that are required to communicate to new businesses to get them onside kind of don't exist because they are passive.
They're waiting for a prospect to click on something so that they can get details from them and so on. And as I said last week and the week before, business owners do not want to fill out forms. They hate it, quote unquote, that the marketing fraternity have known about this since 2014. And at that point, 97% didn't want to fill out forms.
Now it's 100% according to demand base. So if you're looking at a demand Gen leach and ABM mechanism to provide you with lates, it ain't going to work and it ain't going to change any time soon because it's the the mechanism doesn't. But but conversely, for consumers, it does work because we haven't got a problem filling out a form on Facebook over Instagram or whatever and giving our details.
And that all feeds into a market automation platform and keeps us and we get emails and information from them and special offers or whatever. We good with that, but not when it comes to selling high ticket products or services or whatever. So so that's that's kind of a brief kind of overview. What I'm going to do, as I have done before, I'm going to go into into our kind of our see our sequence or series and so on.
For people that don't know or haven't been following this or haven't seen this, this show before, just a very brief overview. Who sells exchange? We are a a new business consultancy use that uses live streaming to attract new businesses and to to to to show companies how to engage with very, very few people, but to engage the to the largest, potentially the largest possible audience you have ever experienced in your history as a company Titan, especially.
And the shows are about explaining the historical problems because it's no point anybody pitching up and saying, you're all doing it wrong. And the response is, So who do you think you are? And so I've got nearly 40 years experience in direct sales in technology and services, and latterly more in marketing, because I wanted to understand why it wouldn't work properly in terms of what we're recommending.
Why should people change? Well, if you know what your figures are and you already do, they're probably indelibly imprinted in your mind that your your turnover and targets and profitability is not where you want it to be. You want it to be higher. Nobody ever said, I tell you what, listen, guys, we're going to increase your commission and we're going to decrease your targets and we don't want any new logos or any new business, said Nobody ever.
So everybody wants more. I get that. We all get that. But the the the the logic of getting more business you think should be formulaic and it's not is finger in the air all the time. Why is that? It's because all this money has been spent on marketing and it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't deliver the rewards. It doesn't deliver the business.
We broadcast from Stone in Staffordshire. We do a live show specifically to show businesses like yours that it can be done. Does that sound a bit straight? No, it shouldn't sound strange, but the reason being is that you need to see it before you will do something. You want to see someone doing it naturally. You couldn't just have someone pitch up at your office as they all go and do live show.
It's like you can't relate to it. Whereas even at the beginning of this so a microphone wasn't switched on is like, I've got a red button here and it's a red button. I can see the red button, but I missed it. So things go wrong. But you've got to be you've got to see people being comfortable in front of the camera so you will know about being comfortable in front of the camera, that that's what this is all about.
And it's another fundamental part to it, which is this doesn't require editing. You can you can do it, you can record this beforehand or you can record it as you're doing now, as I'm doing, I record all of these. And after which you can edit them. You can say, Right, well if you if there were three or four people, you can, you can adjust it.
But that's another that's a complete other life show, I think. But the point is, is to see it happening. So this is life and the point of today, which will come on to impact the show flow is about who does it and how do you do it and what should you do. And finally, it says, How can your business do the same?
Just you can start with one of them. Yeah. It's not quite this is not complicated, but as we move through this and if you look at some of the previous shows, you will see that the the potential for this is beyond anything that anybody has ever communicated to you in the past from a digital marketing perspective. And that's why I say digital marketing for B2B does not work, works for consumers, but not for B2B, because you and I as buyers, we don't want to talk to salespeople.
We never have. We we will do it in our own sweet time. Thank you very much and I'm glad I one. Yeah, I constantly get me. I'm sure you get them as well. So I get this message through from LinkedIn. I'm not I've I've seen your profile. It's pretty spectacular. I think we can work together and we can show you how you can generate more income than you've ever done before.
come and show me. And I look at this guy. You must be about 20 to nothing more with age. So you're really bright, but you clearly haven't even bothered to look at the profile. Read the profile, look at the website. So how many people do that? So that's what buyers have to contend with. You know, all these people that they I'm going to show you how to run your business.
So the point the point is, is that it's I've got some a couple of posts in. I said I mustn't Fossett forget to mention so so the point is, is that anybody can do this It's it's it's it's it is not complicated. And the more I suppose, the more technology you acquire for this, it's to increase the professionalism of what's being done.
Yeah. I'm not going to read every single one of these out. We've done a sit. We've done This is the 10th live show today. These are nine live shows. You can go back over this and look at them either on YouTube. If you go to our YouTube channel and they're all in sequence there. So you can go back over over each one of them.
And naturally there's our website. But I think like last week, someone mentioned last week about you seemed really complicated and my response was, yeah, kind of, but not for you. Because if you're in sales, you are employed for your brain and your mouth very politely and nicely. It's your intellect and ability to communicate your business to a prospect.
And that's what this is about and today's about. It's just that point. It's not about the ticket, it's not about the technology. Spend days talking about technology, but it's just about how you communicate this information there. If you want to get in touch, please do so. So the point is, is that it's it's it's what do you say?
What do you say to people you think on your feet you go to an appointment, the few that you do get or you do a webinar and or webinar, but a Zoom team calls. And the thing is you have to think on your feet. You look at the person you look at, you look around their office, you think, Well, okay, what if they got there?
And what, what can I try and glean from, from looking at this person online? And the point is, is that you you know what someone says, you process it. I will respond to them and that's what communication is about, isn't it? It's nothing else. And so when it comes to doing these live shows that there's a is a there's a sequence to it, this is what you've been used to in it.
And it's a bit like a like I've said on, on there mastering magazine style broadcasting and it is broadcasting. This is broadcasting. And you think just sitting in an office with a camera. Yeah, well okay, I've got two cameras. Yeah. So we can go over to camera too. But the point is, is that if you if you've got if you've got this look, no hands, you've got all this technology, you can communicate something quite spectacular.
And that's the point. That's the absolute point. Because, you know, if I make a mistake. So you seem to make a mistake. So what is because I'm human and that's what you want to get across as as your company. You want to communicate your authenticity. And it's it's far better to do it this way round than I can't I can't reach the camera.
But, you know, being right up close to it, to a webcam on your laptop, people are sick of it. It shows a proper a lack of almost respect for the other person. Are you sending hundred thousand or whatever price value product it is or whatever you're selling and you can't even be bothered to get a webcam, you know, let alone cameras like this.
But it's not that. It's how it's received. And that's that's that's really, really, really critical. So so what we're doing here is we're going over to we're going to look at your topics, whatever your topics are. Yeah, I'm just doesn't matter. But whatever they are, you have a variety of different topics. The order of a show and looking at different content and graphics, what you would present and what you would put, what we, what would be used and different overlays and a call to action is the critical thing is a call to action.
These are put doing all of this without saying what would you see next week. It's got to be if you liked what you saw, if you're in, if you started looking, get in touch you. This will help you do this will help you do that. So so so that's that's kind of the critical thing. Now talk about critical areas.
The three three business stages are outbound engagement and inbound. And you've heard this set again and again and again. And the question is or the issue is, so tell me not literally, but how many hours over the past five working days? How many hours except those in the states you had Thanksgiving, but how many hours have you spent speaking to prospects in the past five days, new business prospects, you as salespeople?
I'm not talking about podcast. Telesales just salespeople. And there's your answer. No, enough just is never enough. But the issue here with outbound engagement and inbound is outbound. Well, you have to understand, we do understand that marketing company marketing departments don't do enough outbound sitting on their hands because these inbound they want known about that. They do all the amount stuff you all the social media, blah, blah, blah, you know, keeping that there so we don't have to do anything.
We just we just waiting for people to contact us. We're putting all this information out there really. That's why you got no pipeline, because the people that are really interested are not going to contact you ever. Why would they not until they're ready and they are few and far between. So starting with outbound, how how do you how do you make sure your company is doing that properly?
Because the engagement bit is where you're involved. You know, cameras and everything else have have come to that in a minute. So outbound is it's absolutely critical that it is a daily activity. However, that that that works. I mean just however that that works out because without it who's your market now kind of gone through this this stuff before so you got chilly prospects you exist I mean it's is 1 to 1 Yeah but if you go and if you want to really go up say everybody go find out how much how many people have been contacted in the past four weeks who constitute your total addressable market because I mean I'm massively hot on
this because marketers want a big budget and a massive tech stack to put on their CV. you're you're being churlish now, Nigel. You shouldn't be. You should be saying that. Come on, now. I'm serious now. How beneficial has it been? Zilch. It doesn't work. It's not supposed to work so good. So put that to one side. So the only way sales is numbers game.
You know, we're in sales. We can. We can talk, we can talk on a level sales is numbers game, right. So if if you have to start with the biggest possible number, that's a good starting point. So if we said for example in the UK you could sell to 10,000 companies, this does not unreasonable because companies with a companies with 50 to 250 employees, there are 36,000 of them, companies with to 50 and above there's 8000 of them.
That gives us 44,000 companies that have more than 50 employees. 50 employees will have a turnover around about five or so million, which means they could probably afford what you're selling them. So a quarter of them, 10,000. Yeah. It's fair enough. No, making sure to to analyze this because this is all in preparation for you sit in front of the camera because if that isn't done, sit in front of a camera.
Complete waste of time, double bother. So you know who you've sold to. The company knows who it has sold to over the past 1 to 5, ten, 15, 20 years. Right. What are the CAC codes of the companies that you sell to give them to a database? Come to go. How many companies can we how many names of the companies are are there in you just deal with the UK in the UK that we can sell to with these as I see codes you go in, that's not enough.
We need some more time, get some more. But this is absolute 1 to 1. So you've got your, your two now you've got your 10,000 name database, your 10,000 name database is your total addressable market, your ten. That is why the company went into business in the first place, because it recognized a total addressable market and knew it could sell to a small percentage of them.
Now, what happens for the past 70 years everybody's been using PDAs and telesales because telesales will bring them up. Go Do you want to buy something now? Do you want to buy something now? You want to buy something? No, it's nothing more complicated than that. We all know it. So the bottom line is, is that A telesales B or British are can only call Max does only call Max about 50 people a day, 300 people a week.
They find about one person a week. The might be interested 300 to 1 show. Not good enough jobs for me. Not happy. I'm not doing that. So you've got a 10,000 name database. Your message, 10,000 people. This is making sure your company is doing this. Yeah, this is a preamble. Make sure if they're not doing anything like this, that's another reason why you ain't getting any business and you're not getting any leads.
It's because your marketing people have missed the point. And that is that's what this is all about. You have to communicate with the largest possible number. From that there will be a derivative which will say this Many people are looking and all the all the clever people out there have said, about 1% between one or 15%. So if you've got a 10,000 name database and your message in them every week, 1%, 100 people every week are starting to begin their buying journey and they say it's between one and 50%, so between 115 hundred people are thinking about starting their buying journey every week.
So that's a good start. But that's just emailing them, which costs, I know, 10,000 emails hundred and 50 quid a month courtesy of MailChimp. And it's like you can send out in a 12, 12 times 10,000 emails as for a week, three week. So the point here is that if your if your company is not communicating to your largest possible market or number of potential prospects, how on earth do you expect to go to get any business?
It is beyond a needle in a haystack because if you could only phone 300 of them in a week and those people have gone to the look on to launch, got on holiday, not in, moved away from the desk and all the other reasons not happening. That's why it's so bad. So you take that same database, upload it to LinkedIn, and then put messaging adverts, banner adverts on the newsfeeds of all those 10,000 people to now you're emailing them and they see who you are.
There is nothing else you could do. You could if, if they were selling tractors, for example, or people were buying tractors, you could advertise in a tractor magazine or or direct a website, you get my drift. And put banner adverts on on those, those types of, of, of websites. But the bottom line is that there is another special way of doing this.
But if you listen to marketers, they go, what you do pay per click on Google. Really? But to do that paper, click on Google brings you back round to demand you lay janabi and fill out form. Nobody wants to fill out a form, so it's a waste of time. So so this is critical that this you could say this movement about moving away from digital marketing and moving into wards.
This community weighting and prospecting scale, that's where this comes into. So you've got to recognize what doesn't work and what doesn't work, recognize what can be done in its place. And then you realize, wait a second, so we can speak. You can message 10,000 people every single month on an ongoing basis. Yes, 450 quit blows out your your marketing automation platform costs.
And this is just think about this and the directors will know about this. So your marketing, your costs for marketing automation are based upon multiples of thousands of people that are contacts within your system. And this is like ten, 10,000, 50,000, 100,000. And so and that's how that's how they, they confirm how you're going to structure your monthly cost, your your subscription costs for the platforms.
Numbers are quite high, don't they think about that. Think about how many customers you've actually got. Think about how many deals you get a year. Yet demography automation platforms accommodate thousands and thousands of contacts. The reason they do that is because it's consumer land. It's meant it's designed for consumers. And you have thousands and thousands of people that you communicate to, which makes it all make sense.
But if you've got if you're trying to make this work in B2B, you're just not getting the ratios back. That's why another doesn't work. So so you've got your you've uploaded to LinkedIn, you've got your news feeds, you've got adverts are happening on the news feeds and you've got your you've also got adverts and content being promoted through those same channels, but there is nothing else.
And the thing is you want what you basically want them to follow. You don't, you know, you don't need a direct communication or conversation with them. You just want them to follow you to start becoming aware of you in the background. A new job once that's done. So you've told them who you are, you told them what you're doing.
Come on, have a look. Come and watch us. And so they say, Well, okay, so you just present who you are. That's what they want to know. They want to get to know like and trust you. They would be pretty much know what your kit does. US as business owners. We we ain't stupid. Yeah, so we pretty much.
But we just want to look out. I'll have a look. We'll dip in now. It might dip in again, but the bottom line is, yes, you can do the broadcast, the live stream series, because you never know who's ready. You have no idea who's ready at what time. And so one of the critical things, like I mentioned before, is anonymity.
You have to you have to allow people to be anonymous. They don't. And it's not it's nothing personal. It's just a lot. I don't want you to know who I am. If I want to have a look, I'll have a look. I don't wanna be pestered by your beady eyes that, you know. Look, we've got a hot one here.
So unlike I've said before, every time before, once you've done a stream, then you convert it to a podcast and you engage who knows how many people. But you have to you have to grasp the the significance of this. And I'm just going to touch on out but on inbound after this, because you've you've done the outbound, you've told them you exist, you're now able to engage with them, whoever they are, wherever they are every week at scale.
It doesn't matter where your sales people live, completely irrelevant, but you're able to communicate to your total addressable market and engage with every single one of them if you wanted to. If they wanted to. So whether you get ten people watch you or a thousand people watch you, irrelevant costs don't change. You have to think about this so that once they've seen you, once you've been talking to, once you've been communicating your call to action so you can have a look at the website.
We've got information on the book list we've got that says so. So from your streaming show, you can get pointed to your website. But also there are some specific elements when it comes to content. I'm not going to go through all of it. I'm going to blast through this really quickly because you're involved in sales. You're you're sitting in front of the camera.
That's the point of this. But again, it's for you to recognize why you're not getting the business and you're not getting the business because just recently, Google did this thing called a really useful update, useful, really useful content update, whatever. And lots of people found that they weren't that the articles or their blogs weren't getting fan traffic dropped off a cliff.
And the thing is, you have to understand that Google have a criteria that says that we want we're going to index content that suits our prospect, our customers, Every person that goes onto Google is a Google customer, not yours. Bitter pill to swallow. Yeah, big time. But they're not your customer. Google are serving them up free access to content that you've created.
If your content is not good enough, they won't index it and won't let won't point people to your website. End of story. Fact. So what constitutes what makes a piece of content valid, I guess is the best way? Well, it's got to be about 4000 words. Well, two to 2 to 6000 words. I just plump for the the middle finger between two 6000 words with an index click index at the top bullet list number lists all this information that makes a an engaging, useful, intelligent piece of information to read.
That's what they're after. But if you look at it in terms of I saw this a little while ago, it was a a a motocross blog website being set up by a group of people that just did blogging. They weren't motocross experts, so they've looked at all the other they seemed like a good niche that they were going to going to work in.
So they look around it, they go, you can write about this. So they look at all these other cut pieces of content out there. They they they could not copy all of them, but they take information from all of them, add pictures and graphics and this, that and the other and make it really, really interesting and get to number one on the blog list.
Why do they want to get to number one on on Google? Because they get paid by the banner that advertise on their blog sign. So you could be a blogger, but it doesn't mean you're an authority. And everything that you're talking about, you're just orchestrating content so that you drive traffic so they can earn a few quid by someone clicking on an advert.
That's the point. When it comes to your website, you're selling X, Y, and Z business, professional technology, social services. You have got other people's adverts on your website. Really, you want them to buy directly from you. So your website's going to be very attractive if you're not going, if you're not getting that much traffic, and if you are getting stacks of traffic as a business, you better look at it carefully because there are some very unscrupulous people out there that will force clicks to prove that you're getting traffic.
isn't that naughty? Absolutely criminal, because it gives a false sense of achievement by the businesses. They keep pushing money, keep throwing money at it, and it all goes down the pan. So the point is, is that you have to write for your prospect. And you know what you what you spoke to them about, you know, what they're interested in.
And if you don't go ask them what what what would you be interested in? But the point is, is to not worry about search. If you worry about search, it's the same thing. Search is designed predominantly surrounding consumers because that's the greatest traffic. Simple as that. But one of the things that we have is what we call social fossil footfall and it's you produce adverts, graphic adverts or videos, and you send those those adverts out automated every day for adverts four times a day for four weeks and repeat and you build on it.
We've got something like 300 adverts going out every month. Wait for it costs 50 quid a month. So this is not about money. This is absolutely not about money. And the adverts drive traffic to the content. The point is to educate the prospects. They want to be educated. You're teaching them how to buy from you. There's no wham, bam, thank you.
I'm doing this. This is teach them, Keep teaching them, keep showing them. Do it selflessly. And that's what we're going to lead into, you know, educating prospects to keep this isn't a wash. If you like this course, you can buy from us. We're always here. And that's that. That's the big deal. And within all of this time frame structure, you must always remember, go back to 1997.
Geoffrey Lant. Dr. Geoffrey Line says that it took ten touches 25 years ago. People had to see your content, ten times adverts and this, that and the other before they became familiar with you, looking to buy from you, just familiar with you. Fast forward 25 years takes 300 touches through now it takes 300 attempts because one in ten, one in 20 get through.
So you're looking. So I'm going to become I need to follow this. Yeah. So that now it's 30 touches and one in 5 to 1 in ten get through, go one in ten. So now it's 300. So you're looking at a massive increase because of the amount of noise that's out there. And the only way you can that you can communicate this and cut through that noise is through repetition, which is what marketing's always done.
But they're not doing it now, not in this particular way. And like I said before, the competition is not just be other B2B. You're dealing with the luxury brands and the luxury brands pump out a lot of good content. And I mean, in terms of our hours, the stuff that we put out, we've got lots of adverts. This goes onto social media and it links to our content.
This is just this is a fraction of it. So back to it now. Back to you, your live show segments. So if you think excuse me, second, if you think last time you had a meeting and you're you're communicating with whoever you're sitting in front of, and you don't go into your meeting and go, tell me your requirements.
I'll sell it. I'll sell you this product. There's the preamble, isn't there? Of course there's the preamble. So, you know, you look around, see What's that? See what pictures they've got Pictures, their family pictures, their sports pictures of hobbies, all this kind of stuff. What what can you glean from sitting there looking at them? Yeah. So you can communicate in a way that gets them to know like and trust you.
That's the point. Selling is easy is when you try and force it, it becomes difficult. So the same with live shows and the different segments. You're you're saying, you know, you're looking you're looking this way and this business that you're looking at has all these different things that we do and you're giving them a flavor of each part of your business each time you're communicating something and that the kind of the critical thing here is storytelling.
So here you are potentially sitting with one of your colleagues. So you're both in front of the camera and you're talking about this happened that happened something over to you that, well, whatever. But there's this banter that's going on. People are and the dipping into your conversation, that's what they want. That's what they want to see. That's what they want to hear.
They want to hear that authenticity, that authentic chit chat banter backwards and forwards. And as talking. You're probably looking at the list there. If you can see, I you've probably put a larger screen on your larger screen, but you know, you've got how to this is how you use our product. And I'm not I'm not going to read every single one of that.
I can't even read it myself. But you know, you're at this point of saying, look, these are all the different segments that you can include in your show. You know, you only need two or three. You wouldn't want more than two. More than two or three. Yeah, because the the point is, is that even if you're going to do a magazine type show, how many subjects do you want to cover?
This is kind of a bit different because your your customers are buying your product. Okay, with what this is about. This is slightly different because I'm saying when actually I suppose in the one. So you're telling us marketers are wrong. Yeah, Yeah, they're, they're all wrong. You need to do it this way. But I'm not saying but you need to buy this product here from me.
I'm saying you need to reevaluate what you're doing as a company and make the necessary changes. That's a, a slightly more complex approach because you're dealing with egos, you're dealing with people that have put a great deal of money into doing this and are desperate to get a return on it. And I'm saying, know, it doesn't work. So there's we have our own resistance to this, but that's neither here nor there because this objection handling is and of course is.
So with yours, you know, you you sell a product, you give them product and they they're aware of your product, your type of product. So you're looking at captivating them at that at the time they start their journey, we back to the 1 to 15% again. So they're only going to watch you if they're starting to think about it, which is great.
Whether you've got 1050 or 100 or 200 people, I mean, brilliant, But you will be speaking two more, same as I do. I'll speak to more people now doing this than ever. It's is jaw dropping. So the point is, is that you can pick and choose any of these. And the reason I say you use this because you're going to talk about it, I say that the salespeople should be sitting in front of the camera, nobody else presales me give a shout out to pre-sales but pre-sales.
And so you're in front of the camera. Nobody else needs to be in front of the camera. But I don't worry about all this. You can't see all the technology, Danny, But you know, you've got buttons and one touch buttons in this and that's, that's what gets set up as part and parcel but you choose what you want to talk about.
And the simple thing is you decide that in advance what an advance isn't like, right? We did turn the camera on now. Now decide what you want to talk about is planned weeks in advance. All the slides are prepped in advance. Everything's done in advance. So it's nothing to worry about. But what I'm saying is you. You should be in front of the camera.
Nobody else. You've earned the right to be in front of the camera because you are now being offered up to be the person that can sell at scale. You've never been able to do it before. Nobody has. Not until now. Can you imagine me? Imagine whatever your target is, imagine how many people you you get to see in a month.
Imagine making that ten times, ten times that number. You know what your analysis, your success rate is? Yeah. So however many people you speak to communicate with and from that conversation, Discovery called conversation, presentation, demonstration, meeting with the board, close the deal, ring the bell. You know those figures. Imagine increasing that ten times. You have to you can't not unhear that.
Imagine doing ten times the business that you did already. And if you're a director, listen to this. With a fraction of the staff that you've got now, That's a fact. So it's a it's a fact of life. I'm saying that the old work doesn't work. It still, this is just work. It's nothing different. It just requires less people.
But it's actually more effective than the work that you have been doing. The work that didn't work. This work does work, you know. So if we could kind of look at a couple of elements, you know, you've got your how to you've then got, say, news this week. What's new? It could be a new a new product could have come out and anything could have bought a new building, could have taken more.
So site doesn't matter. People want to know what's going on. And if you've seen all of these. Yeah you you've been watching television all your life. You know what a magazine show is where all you have to do is be there with you don't even need to make up. You just need to be there when the camera goes on.
Talk. And if not, if you know it is that the cameras are being switch between one and camera two or you can press the wrong button and there and the lowest third can come up. Still not a problem I just happened to touch the wrong button and or you can go to camera two so the hope the whole point of this is that it's it's just it's just not complicated.
But what your prospects want to hear if what you've got to say, you plan in advance. So, you know, we're looking at this We've got we've got I'm sorry, my 70 you know, you've got news, you've got interviews, customer, you've got existing customers, case studies. I mean, the list is endless. I mean, it just goes on and on.
You interview. So we've got, we've got 40 customers guide interview them all as 40 segments of your show. So what I want you to do is to is, is to get a sense of excitement about what you can do and to be able to communicate to thousands of people sitting in an office, you know, so the interviews, news of the week and then we've got adverts, Sugar bank.
So that was the last. And then we got adverts. So you've seen so the reason I'm putting this up, because I'm going to show some, some some clips in a second, you how you present is entirely up to you. I mean you can do it this way, you think. Well that's the part, that's the news. How well, how can you do that on the news?
You go, Well, just like that. The services on the website, it just kind of not sarcasm, but they were just news clips. You can do that as well. Press button, go live for 5 minutes. But news, it says it's as creative as you want it to be. But with the the constant thing here is communicating to your 10,000 people.
So then you got we've got these out, we've got adverts and I'm going, I'm going to go, I'm going to go through some some clips, I'm going to show you some clips and I'm going to just I'll show the clip and I'll explain afterwards. But it's it's it's more than just a bit of fun. It's How can you present your company to be different to everybody else?
Because that's what this is about, your competition not doing this. Absolutely not doing this. So let's go for the first one. Let's go for it is this is Stomp, and this is a type of music related. See for yourself. So that's Stomp. So you've seen this before. You just go to this next slide here and you'll see this is a adverts.
We'll be back after these messages. And the point is, is that we have all seen adverts all our lives. So if you're doing a live show, why not do your own adverts? It's, you know, we talk about call to action. So you go, you put out a new software release, do an advert, you've got a new platform, anything, do an advert.
Here's another one. You'll like this one. And the point of this one was, was that we were always looking at different ways of communicating who we are, what we do because nobody's doing it. And again, is to it's to, it's to impress upon you these things are achievable. How come this little company is churning out all this stuff and my background's in sales and I in this is not in broadcast or it's not in film or anything like that at all.
So you have to be banging a drum about being creative to captivate the interest of your prospects. So have a look at this one. And so, you know, with something like that, you think, well, you know, it's quite nice. You've got moving stuff, you've got media, you've got, you know, this kind of stuff. Even now for our opening intro, you know, I like it.
Yeah, I like it. You know, we've got the countdown and then we've got the that the things that slide across and just got I've got one more on the kind of intro side which is our I think is this one. I think it's this one. And so these clips, these motion graphics and so on, there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pre-made templates around the world and different companies.
And it's, it's quite, it's quite spectacular. So you get hold of I've got a bit of a problem here with one of my cables who it might be one of my because I want to show you something on a on a website in a second. So maybe that that might be okay anyway. And there are templates and you get these templates changed.
Colors change the pictures, change the text. You could go and, and that is what you, you, you have to consider this all whilst it's technical, there are people thinking, well this is, you know, so a bit too much is. No it's not, it's not. And again we're still talking pennies here. We're not talking lots of money, literally pennies.
You Know you can have a, a subscription to a platform and you can get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these. But the critical thing is it's about how how do you communicate a story? How do you tell your stories? I've got one last one I'll just show you. So this is again, about stories using clips, just stock video clips and typically a bit of a problem there.
Let me just go back to that because technical, technical, technical, that's typical, isn't it? I had a problem with my laptop and it's it's I'm sure is is it's just that little adapter, an HDMI adapter and it was making mice one of them. One of the screens flicked on and off and I wanted to show you, but if I go back to our HD so there you have it.
So one of the things with this is that we, when I go from this view here to this view here, one button, just one button. And if I go from this view to this view is one button playing lots of different clips, you could put them under one button, but I thought how happy I would have to do that.
I know at least, well this kit works and I accidentally touched a button. But the point is, the critical point is, is that anybody can do this. And if you know the kit, you know what? This is how it's supposed to work. I can make it. I can put it right again. And that's why we I want you in front of the camera and somebody else runs the technical runs, runs the buttons, and every single thing can be done in advance.
And one of the one of the really, really important things to be aware of is that you can I could I could shoot this and not broadcast live, record it, edit it afterwards, and then broadcast it as if it were live with all the mistakes taken out. This is really important to remember because some people go, so we've got look, we've got 200 people online and you could be doing it in a different way, record it and just press stream and it plays the recording and you can sit there and watch on it.
We've got we've got 500 people that fancy that, especially some companies have got ten, 15, 20, 40, 60,000 people following them. Imagine how people would how many people could watch. So it again, it is it always comes back down to perfect preparation prevents poor performance. Yeah. So if we go on to this which is the next step really.
Is it a call to action? Yeah, I guess so. I guess so. It's you've got to talk about it with your colleagues. You've got to talk about say listen I've had a look at this. What you record. Do you reckon we could set this up. Would you be up for it? And then as part of it, review our website and this is what I was trying to show.
So it must have been that adapter because the screen's not going to let me just go to this. Hopefully there won't be another, another problem. I'll go onto there and then I'll go onto there and you can see. So this is our oops. It's good answer here. So this is our our site, our go live page on our on our website.
And as you can see, we've got a fair amount of information there. And just as I scroll down here step by step to a stage one, so we've got the article that the information to read or watch or download or video to watch or PDF to read. We've got stage two again, same again, we've got it's a video PDF podcast.
We've got all the information there about what you need to look at. And so on stage three, which is promotion to prospect to podcasting with promotion to prospect into podcasting and then and finally we've got product management, you know what we do, our deliverables, all that kind of stuff. So absolutely everything that you would need is on this one page, which is just exchange and then you'll see at the top go life.
So it's really important that press the right button. You it's really important to review and understand what this is about because the scale is unlike anything you will have you will have ever experienced. And unless you're able to start at that top number, you're never going to achieve what you want, what you set out to achieve. It doesn't matter whether you're a CEO or a salesperson or investor or managing investments.
The bottom line is your investment or your company or your whoever you work for is not attacking that total addressable market number as a priority. As one of one first port of call, you are going to be destined for problems and 91% of businesses go bust after ten years. And if that that's what's going to be the lucky 9%, you know, it's what you have to think constantly.
Think about as far as we're concerned. Well, yeah, it's something you want to do. We will organize an evaluation meeting and just see what you've got. See what you need to do, what we think would be kind of a natural progression for you and all sensible things you do. Will you go all in or just do one thing at a time to do it parallel?
Parallel parallels. Good. So for you guys, for salespeople, you've got to think planning. You've got to think about what you could do. We've got lots and lots and lots of ideas for you to, to, to start off with. And don't think any longer than half an hour. So you've got less than or circa 10 minutes per segment. It doesn't take very you know it they don't need to be long.
They can be as long as you want. No problem. Yeah. So in three segments, ten minute space, couple of adverts, you're done, You're good to go. So it's not it's not a big deal. And if you've got more than a couple of salespeople rotate the people that are doing the shows, if you want, you'll find some that will warm to it very well.
And in terms of your technical team, you may have someone already. If not, there are thousands and thousands of people that want to do this because they want to get into the film industry, the book broadcast industry. But those jobs are few and far between. So they got loads of people going into film and television school coming out and not being able to get a job.
Why do you think there's so many content creators online on YouTube? Just loads people loads and loads of pluses. Fiverr and people by the hour and Upwork and all the other places that you can get people to do specific things for you. And the bottom line is what do your customers want to see? If you've, you've had great banter in front of them, you've got stories of things that have happened with other salespeople, by other salespeople, you know, all that that the stories that you tell in the pub.
But that's, that's the point, is it? It's how if you try and make it too serious, you will come across as being disingenuous. Just be yourself. You got to be yourself. You know, you don't come on here. Hello, London or hello. Hello UK, it's there's a select few people around the country that want to see you and listen to what you've got to say.
So it's not it's not complicated. And I kind of as a final parting shot, businesses don't buy from digital marketers. They buy from salespeople. Always have done so. Get in front of the camera and sell to them at scale. That's what this is always been about. And we're done. Show 11. I think you really whether whether you want to kind of if you're in sales you want to watch this as well.
We have to talk about the content and the structure of content. It's really it's really, really, really important. And I hope that will probably be our penultimate episode. We'll do one after that. Then it's December, all this stuff that happens in December, but we will still be streaming our live shows, but re streaming. And then when I've got all, when, when, when December's out the way we'll also be doing or showing a sequence of series of adverts, video adverts that are auto posted in the same way that our graphic adverts are clearly and obviously they take a bit of time to get prepped up, but we just, we want to test and see what the
engagement rates are to see if they're different to standard graphic adverts and then we'll tell you what the results are and go do it. So that's it for me. I hope you hope you got something out of today. I think that the the long term for you, for you and your company can be absolutely spectacular. Absolutely spectacular. So that's it.
We're on the hour. Just past the hour. I enjoyed it. Have a great rest of the day. And tomorrow and a nice weekend and keep warm because that's what we'll have to do anyway. Bye for now. See you next time.