And welcome to the first of a series, a new series of live shows. My name is Nigel Maine, you may know I'm your host and founder of SalesXchange. Well, thank you for joining me. I've got some new friends, some new some new joiners. And there are some people who who've seen me do some livestreams before as well.
So great that you're here. And why would I want to do a livestream now? I need to kind of set some parameters. I think that's probably the best thing is that I have always worked in B2B. So if you work in B2C, specifically selling to consumers, this really isn't for you.
In terms of my audience. I would say are directors.
If you're in sales, well, you too, because you're a director of your area. And so the easiest way for me to communicate is to I'm a director, you're a director. That that that kind of makes sense in terms of how we're going to communicate this. And it's specifically for B2B. Now, bit of a caveat, but it's worth pointing out, if you work in marketing in B2B, you're probably going to be a bit concerned about what I've got to say, especially if your
one of your directors is watching this as well.
We come on to that in a minute. So the point of this is that to kind of nutshell, this the problem that exists between sales and marketing and selling technology council services is that you have not enough reach or engagement, which is why you pipeline's no good. And there are some long term significant reasons that this is this this exists.
The primary reason is that big tech more tech have convinced businesses who sell to other businesses to utilize technology and tactics that were designed for consumers, which if to really grasp this, this is the crux of the problem people talk about that being an and I know an alignment or a better alignment between sales and marketing. Forget it.
It will never, ever, ever happen. And the reason why won't happen is as directors, salespeople, we go to see people and see the whites of their eyes. I forgot, you know, I forgot something. I meant to do that. That's what I meant to do. This is why it's like this is the whole thing about life. And the point of this is that you can do this, and that's what we're going to lead on to.
So going back to sales, you and I will go. And if we can engage or connect with someone, we will go and look, go meet them and see the whites of their eyes to sell to them. People by people. What do marketing people not do? They don't go and see people. They don't go and see the whites of their eyes that their targets are not based upon what they sell to a specific individual.
And this is the this is the absolute crux of the problem. And what I'm going to do today. I want to talk around this problem. This is loosely connected to certain things. I'm going to I'm going to apply. You could say over the next that the coming weeks and today the kind of the theme relates to investment.
So whether you are an investor, an investment company, private equity venture capital, or you're on the other side, you're a company that either is looking for investment or wants investment, these are really critical elements and I'll come to them in just a minute.
So we've got this this situation that you've got this technology that's made for consumers. If I if I want to buy a pair of jeans or buy something for me, I will take my wallet out, take my card out and tap Obama to whatever me, my money, my decision and a story, if I see something on Facebook or Instagram or whatever, and I like it, whatever it says, give us your email address. I'll give them one of my email addresses. I'm happy for that.
And so you when it comes to B2B and someone asks me for my email address, you got to be kidding me. I will never give you my email address because I know that you'll give it to a BTR and the media will chase me down and forever and I'm not a winner.
Now this is the critical thing. So go back to 2009 ten when automated marketing automation came out within a few years. Different research and and work that was done. They realized that business owners hated filling out forms. It's 2014 97%. Back in 2014, 97% of business owners hated and didn't want to fill out a form. So they've known since then that it wasn't really a growth for businesses because you and I want to self-serve self educate and remain anonymous for as long as possible.
That's that's just how it is. It's not I've not made it up. It's how you're not going to give your details out to a salesperson. It's just that's just how it is. So you then take it this kind of this this other look at marketing and you think, well, if they'd known that, why they wanted to keep doing it Well, because we all wanted the golden goose lay the golden egg.
We just saw the MarTech software, that that was great. That's what we needed. We could, we could reach more people and get more engagement and more prospects without having to employ all those beady eyes and tell you salespeople didn't happen. You still got ideas and telesales you still got people saying, yeah, oo rah, rah rah, let's let's get on the phone.
But you kind of bring this together. You go, okay, people don't want to fill out a form, which means you pay per click. It's a waste of money. You're SEO isn't working because the person that you want to sell to isn't searching because he doesn't want to. So you then got your and you then got the situation with your BDRs has 50-60 calls a day, give or take your BDRs have a 300-1 chance of finding someone that might be interested. That's not good. So one person a week with one person's salary, so 50 odd people, they'll find a year on their total salary. That's not good. And the problem is the problem with all of this is that you as a director, you went into business because you understood that you had a total addressable market.
You know, what is it in your business plan? But the problem is that you've never been able to reach it, not, not, not ever effectively, because that the mechanisms that exist within marketing are not there. So big deal. You've got demand, your legend, APM, you've got reverse IP lookup, you've got gifting paperclip capacity, that that constitutes everybody's business plan.
So if you're looking at investment, for example, we invest or look at the past ten business plans you've received, they all look the same. They're all identical because there is nothing else. According to the marketers, they go, Well, if you if you know of Seth Godin, he's a
well-known author and speaker and so on to do with digital marketing, but to do with consumer that's, you know, predominate.
And he said like couple of years ago, yeah, yeah. That the average tenure of CMO's is about eight months, three months to get the plan set up, 12 months to try and execute in three months to find a new job. And it's been going on for years. In fact, it troubles you go back to this golden goose.
If we have all been sold to constantly, constantly sold to. I've got them. Let me show you this.
I've got this. There's this this guy here, he wrote this book. You came in and there are two type two ways to think fast. And you think slow. Fast is reactionary, is instinctive, and slow is considered and researched, you could say.
So you've got these two these two things here. You've got fast and slow. He goes fast. He mentions specifically about marketing that marketing messages are meant to be repetitive because then you think you're doing something instinctive or instinctively. Now look at marketing automation, everything to do marketing automation, all the software that you've got and reason say all the software you've got.
And I might bounce around here and conquer and come back to it because this, this show, this series, I haven't got an end date. So it's just on I'm just looking to do this every Thursday. This is a conversation I have no expectation of me finishing the show and I'm put on saying, See you next week and you've called me up straight away.
I expect you to go, what do we just listen to? This is shocking and is shocking because I'm saying fire everybody in marketing. Get rid of them. Get rid of your podcast. Get rid of all your marketing people. Their complete and utter waste of time and money do that. You just become profitable. So you've got this issue with your marketing.
We all buy the same software. There are 3000 different SaaS platforms are give or take around the world. Half of them are marketing, which the survey they said that
businesses have an average of between 34 and 72 software platforms that they pay for SaaS platforms and half of them are marketing related. So combining this repetition, who are the marketing MarTech people selling to?
They ain't selling to you because you won't see them back to back to the remaining anonymous, you know, 70. They need to sell to you this to your marketers, they sell to your CMO's. So big tech MarTech Sell to the marketing departments within companies and they look at you go, Well, you know, if you want to make some money, if you want to be successful, you're going to have to buy this software and then you get the CFOs controlling the marketing budgets.
You think, wait a second, why? Why is a CFO getting involved in marketing? How would he know whether one bit of software should be used or over another? He doesn't care. It just goes, what actually the raw wine, all of its rubbish. It always has been. Everywhere I've worked, it's always been rubbish. I don't need to look at it so we can dispense, dispense with that or dispense with that to keep the costs down, to make a difference, and marketers go away and sulk.
But that's all so that there is a critical, critical, fundamental problem within the business. Every business is that the marketers are the unpaid salespeople, the big tech martech Unless I mentioned some of the other day, there's two responses. Some people are going to go, I've never looked at this this way before, and I didn't realize, but no, sounds like you.
Yeah, it sounds about right. You've got the other not the other people are the group people who want to fight me and protect what they've been doing and justify what they've been doing as well. Nothing. You tell say to me I've got it wrong. I'm having you tell me that someone stitched me up. I'm necessarily stitched you up.
They just got you to buy a promise. It was always buying a promise. And that. Well, that's marketing, isn't it? Repetition on television go to Tescos is sort of eye level, hand level which go and put it in a basket. It's all the same thing. It's no different. It's a businesses have persistent, they wanted to reach a greater market always, you know you're totally just market.
We've never been able to reach it because the people that should be doing it don't know how to because they're just doing what they've been told. Almost Parrot fashion, puppy tip, MarTech. So it's is a big problem. Not insurmountable, but it's a big problem. And that's what's been going on. And then you have situations and we've got this this this camera angle for effect, and you've got the situation of bringing sales, marketing close together.
It won't happen because they're both at odds with each other, always have been. So the point comes down to sort we supposed to do you got this these, these, these fundamental problems, your job, your role as director was to get other people, other businesses to know like and trust you. That was it. You employed salespeople to do the same.
The market came along and they got bigger and bigger and bigger. They now take something like on average, about 10% of your total budget. You look at the online pitiful and that and there are a variety of you could say not fundamental. They are fundamental because there are things that we have been told again and again and again that we adhere to be to don't get don't think I'm sitting here go I'm so clever.
I never did that. I absolutely did it. Of course, I did a bit of background on with me
up in doing this for nearly four decades. Next year, for decades, I've been selling direct. I know I look really young, but I've for decades. So I've done the direct selling, I've done the cold calling the door, knocking the Yellow Pages card index box is CRM, CRM software, CRM software to integration and then integration to IT to marketing automation solutions.
And it was kind of around about that time, 2009 ish. I couldn't write. I'm not doing what I want to do. I'm not achieving what I want to achieve. I was doing 200 grand per person per annum. I didn't know that was any good. Now look at the average in the UK, 100 grand, 120, give or take. I looked at 75 of the largest software companies and I'm kind of getting off the subject about where I was, where it's coming from.
But but 75 of the largest software companies around, say, business processes, management, RPA, robotic process automation and enterprise architecture, the average turnover per person per annum for those companies, those 75-80 companies was $144,000 per person per annum. Google is $2 million per person per annum, Microsoft is million. So here we are scratching around doing £100k. Why? What's going on? You've got to ask yourself that question.
So coming back to so I got involved in marketing because I needed to find out I must be doing something wrong. I'm just no good at doing this marketing thing because all these people over there in marketing land, they're so, so intelligent, so clever, got a complete hand on all of this. I need to understand what's going on.
And you don't know as a director, not because you're not capable. Why should you know? Your immediate response is, I employ these people, I suppose. You know, I think it was some Steve Jobs that said we employ highly paid people to tell us what to do, not the other way round, and rightly so. You employ these people that use they're supposed to tell you.
But when I now stir around and say, well, actually, they're not going to like me for this, but I haven't done any research in 20 years and okay, why should they care? You're paying them. You get a salary. 80, 100, 120, 150. Okay, whatever is most relevant is still not in the business because you firing them, you'll find I'm not.
I'm saying that there is a problem here. And if you're if you have a kind of an entrepreneurial mindset, you can go there's got to be an angle. There has to be an angle to be able to make this work. And this is it. Let me explain. So you started your business and you got involved in sales and so on and so on based upon the fact that you knew who your total addressable market was.
So let's just this kind of do a bit of maths very quickly. In the UK, between ten and 50 employees is 212,000, give or take. That's 10 to 50, call it 200,000, 52 to 5030 6000 to 50 above 8000. So there would always like 250,000 companies, you know, we can sell to give or take the however big down.
So you, you know who your total addressable market are, you know the size of the business. That's all you need to know. You don't need nothing else. Size of business and vertical, that's it. You don't need to zoom in on all the other stuff that goes around was the point because IBM said to go and zoom in Firewall, Dun Bradstreet or whoever, and then blend that with Leads forensics and Candii and a bit of what's the other what's the other are gifting, gifting, gifting, gifting.
what a what an amazing thing to introduce to businesses. Here's £100 card if you'll have an appointment with us and engage with us some spending 100 candy is that we can make 100 quid and you know what would you like it just opening the door for bribery and poor practice and so on. So put that to one side.
So you now you know how many people are in your total addressable market time. Some, some you've heard of it before so let's go with 10,000. So you, you now know that you have a total addressable market in the whole of the UK of 10,000 businesses. So you go under and most salespeople know this and we've been told this umpteen times that a certain percentage of your total addressable market are always looking to start their buying journey.
So on that premise, say right, 10,000 between one and 50%, they're looking to start their buying journey every week. Cover that go. One person sees numbers of 8000 people every week, look to start their buying journey and you want to engage with them so that so 100 people, 10,100 people want them. So how do you do that? You go round and you get it.
How hard you go about engaging with that. You email them, of course, and tell them you've got a live show before you think, that's why I was going, he's going to start flogging his live show gear. And Chris is watching.
No, I'm not. I'm just I'm just kind of recommending it. But the bottom line is, is that you want to reach your total addressable market, don't you?
That that that's the point of being a business. Your marketing people are not doing it. They're trying to scratch around to extract as much and business from the small number of people that you've got in your market automation platform and sitting there passively waiting for paperclip, click to work which you want. So you need to be proactive to communicate with your total addressable market until 10,000 people.
What you're doing every week, you buy me just over a hundred quid to message 10,000 people 12 times a month with MailChimp. So not only can you lose your marketing team and lose your beady eyes, you now lose your subscriptions to your marketing automation platforms. It's getting worse for them, isn't it? So you've emailed them, you email 10,000 people and of those a a specific number because you don't care about anybody else because this is your target market.
So you're not communicating to your target market. Now in addition, and you should I'm assuming, I mean, you should already have a database of your total addressable market. I mean, 10,000 names and it costs three and a half grand. And if it's less and produce about 350 per thousand. So it's not it's not big money at all, but 10,000 through an off grant.
I sit under quite a month for MailChimp. The only other expense that you would have relating to that to communicate to your total addressable market so they know who you are, what you're doing, because all you want them to do is to get to know like and trust you. Nothing else is you do you upload that 10,000 names to LinkedIn and put banner adverts, so your banner adverts appear on their newsfeed.
Kind of follow us, have a look what we're doing, put them on show. You've got salespeople that are gregarious, outgoing, affable, funny. Yeah, You would have got people to sit in front of the camera. They sit in front of people. They would sit in front of people every single day of the week, give them off to chance, but they just don't.
And that's one of the critical factors that you have to look at. How much time do your salespeople or do you as salespeople or to people in your company, how much time do your people sit in front of genuine, active prospects who, you know, unequivocally are looking to buy? It probably breaks down to minutes and not hours because they're elusive.
You can't you know, no one wants to meet you because they want to remain anonymous. There's some you've all heard of Gartner. So I was following this guy in Gartner, a very I don't know what the title was like, very senior or super senior or chiefs, I don't know VP of to do with them sales marketing related stuff.
You've been there 20 years and you did this, this article for Harvard Business Review and said actually all the demoralizing ABM stuff does work. You've got to be transparent. You've got to give your prospects everything they need so they can self-serve self educate and remain anonymous until they're ready to buy from you. And then he left. He's 25 years.
So, you know, toeing the party line. Does an article Harvard Business Review then leaves. I mean, I thought I'm in agreement so that the point here is this is not rocket science, but it is a square peg in a round hole. Because if you're trying to do something that relates to
the consumer industry and everything within it, trying to make that work, it's not going to work.
It cannot work because you you're your first port of call. The first thing you want to know, what's your line? I don't care what it is. What is your role? I don't care what the product is. I mean, what's your if you bought a pair of trainers, you go, they look good on me. You've done well. When it comes to business, to business, your immediate you go to places.
What is the answer? Why is it going to make me money? I don't care about saving money to to an extent, you can only save so much of what people say, I can save you money. But how much money is going to make your business to make money? You're not a social service to to employ lots and lots of people.
You're there to make money. And that's what this is about. People want to see you. They want to get to know like and trust you and the way that you. You have no choice in this. You must be authentic when you do when you get to the point of greeting them, there's no choice. You know, There is no choice.
So how do you orchestrate something like this? Do you think I know this company is about 400 people in it and the sales director, one of the sales directors, spoke to the CMO about this, about this this this type of approach and the CMO response was, we're too small. And I'm thinking, I feel sorry for this company, too small sales exchange is me.
It might come as a bit of a surprise. I'd like you to go and have a look at the website, of course, and there's a specific reason for that. I'll show you and one of the things that we've got on there is that that particular page is it provides links to absolutely everything that you need in the sequence in which you need them to orchestrate all of this.
Cameras, mikes and lights it. I've got to cut. I'll show you this some. Yeah. Where are we? Where are we? Let's go to go to there. We go to this one here. Okay. This is the key. I've got a couple of cameras here. You can see one there, but there's one bit further back. Light
tech, like a Chris.
By the way, the guy, Chris, he works for company Black Magic and that's the kit that we use here in here and that all the cameras plug in to here and it enables me to switch them here. And this is the background and this does the, the thing that's called the lower thirds and so on. So that the point of this the whole point of this is you can do it.
If I can do it, you can do it. You know, you've got especially with technology now, auto focus, auto sets up auto this any other press, I press one button and I'm streaming to LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube all at the same time with a potential audience of 7000 people to small, you know, 400 staff. This is just me.
I mean, the thing is about this, about this I mentioned about authenticity before is that if I make a mistake, I make a mistake. You know, you bang the mic or you do this or the wrong thing comes up and it's like it's not about the mistakes. It's like, well, I bet he's
always is not happy about that or, well, he's gone.
I can see he's got all red, whatever. And the point is, is that is it complicated turning on lights. No, I've got a light up day so I've got this light on here. Not so much light over here. So I've got a bit of a shadow, a light behind. There's quite a hairline there. Just some things that you need to know.
I will show you how to do that. But there's some things you need to know and you set a studio up in your office because a lot of people work from home, right? So you've got the space. So when I'm thinking of it, because this is life, let's just go back to investment. If you if you looked at the like I said, you look at the past ten business plans, they're all the same.
You need people, or rather businesses need to be in a position to reach total addressable market. You've got high net worth individuals that are putting this money up for investment and they expect to return. Sadly, they don't get one because they're waiting for unicorns. Because they have to, because not enough. I mean 40 like I said before, 40% go bust, 75% don't reach their targets, their own targets.
That's on their business plan. And 95 don't make a return investment for the for the investors. So there's got to be a change. But the simplest way of looking at this is that you have been we have been indoctrinated to sell 1 to 1 across the board. And this this is one too many.
Now, there are this some other things that that come into play when it comes to how you'll
you appear online people get all flappy about pay per click and I see no waste of time, complete waste of time because in the first instance you have people that write for your business, for your company, or you individually may write as well.
What constitutes a good document? And the response typically is What if I like it or not? Okay, that's fair enough. Google don't look at it like that. Google expect your articles because you do not have a blog. I'm telling you now, you don't have a blog. You must not have a blog. You are thought leaders in your given field writing thought leadership articles.
You are not writing a blog about what you did on your summer holidays or recipes or motocross bikes. You're writing to educate your audience how they can obtain and achieve a return on investment. Buying your product. You do not have a blog, so therefore your articles need to be between two and 6000 words, along with an index double clickable content list at the top with bullet list numbers, lists, videos, graphics, infographics, external links and so on to make that makes that article constitute to be a good read, and it must entail and include ITI expertise, experience, authority and trust if order in there.
So you've got this great document. What do you do with it? Put it behind a form. Get rid of all your forms. You want as many people reading that as possible because if they made it to the end, what at the end, your name and address, they will contact you. They will no amount of soft follow ups are going to work.
They'll buy from you when they're ready. So if you've got multiple, multiple, multiple, three, four or five paragraph blogs with some stock image at the top, it ain't going to work very well. So the easiest if you looking at your content, I mean, look at that. Look at our website, look what we've done. Look, look at how it's been structured.
As long form documents. There's downloads and infographics and podcasts and videos and streams and everything. Everything's on them. I don't post them up. I post adverts to promote the content because the content promotes the product. So if you're looking to get out in social media, you need to be promoting your content, not your product, But how much content should you have?
Well, actually not very much. Don't need, don't need very much. You just need the right stuff out there because you can have five, ten, 15, 20 adverts for one piece of content, but you may have already experiences. You can't keep posting the same article, blog, article, whatever you want to call it. You can't keep posting the same thing because
LinkedIn only, but you will let you post multiple pictures up and you've probably seen a number of mine.
So once you've got all that set up weekly, I mean I call it, I call it social four, four, four, four adverts four times a day over four weeks and repeat. So I've got four, four adverts going out every single day, every month. We have to do is just update the article because I'm communicating that information to my target market.
That's the point. I can't think of anything more. So destroying the being passive and just kind of waiting for, you know, I'll just sit here and wait for my paperclip to work and then someone comes in because they are, well, you're not bidding enough. It. So people have been businesses have been conditioned into this, this process of hope instead of being proactive.
So you go back to the you know, there's this total addressable market, 10,100 people being interested. So you'll get a percentage of those watching you. I mean, think how small I am. I mean, only two. I didn't look at Facebook and Facebook, YouTube I got about 5000 people follow me on YouTube, but I don't know how many people are going to watch this.
No idea if that 40 people on LinkedIn. Just think about that in terms of numbers because okay, now everybody watching this is going to be a managing director that's going to go, Yes, Nigel, come in and talk to us. But I know that I'm speaking to influencers, people who get a chance to listen to this guy. And it made a lot of sense because he's basically saying, get rid of our existing marketing operation because it's been set up to work for consumers and not businesses.
That's why we're not getting any business. You can't unhear that. I've done my job and the next stage would be, Well, let's find out what this is all about. It massive website, loads of content, everything that you need. Go, go for it. You might even want to keep some of your marketing people if they've got a penchant for for technology and this kind of stuff.
Well, you might want to get replace them because they're so that they're so stuck in their own ideals that they'll just go and get another job somewhere. Because at the end of the day, the buck stops with you. I make you know, we run our own companies. Anything goes wrong, we lose the company and they can get another job cut.
It's a shame and you lose your house or whatever. So, you know, then they're not going to go, listen, listen, let me let me give you some money, because I can see that you're struggling here. We're not getting a business or chipping set. Nobody ever. So your job, you know, like I said, your job is to get to get people to know, like, and trust you.
And if and you've always, always, always wanted to do it at scale, how do you do it? You do it this way. Email them banner adverts, invite to a show, and then you've got your salespeople get a couple of I mean, I can't I'm doing this just one. It's just me. And I'm like I said before, this is like a I want this to be a conversation.
If you've got a question, email me or message me anything and I'll respond. I won't publish it. Yeah, I'll respond. I've got absolutely nothing to offer, nothing to sell except one thing Speed. So, you know, if I'm trying out, like you said on that, that that poster to some now, you know, things are getting a bit tight. You're quite sure it's happening?
I'll make it happen quickly now. So and so you know we're at this point in in business where something's got to give. And to date, over the past 20 years, nobody in B2B has come up with a better idea, or should I say an alternative idea. You have to think about this. What are we going to do next?
You've tried everything. You've tried everything that's available. You've tried everything that the greater good have told you to do is cost you an absolute fortune. And your your, your, your, your, your mark to people are going, look at me.
I have such a large tech martech stack to to work with. It's like get rid of it because it ain't making any money.
And of course this is quid pro quo because you think you need to employ these people who are highly supposed to be highly technical to run the tech stack to generate business for you. But you per person per annum hasn't changed. In fact, the success of businesses hasn't changed in decades 20, 30, 50, 70, 20% capacity, the first year cert in the second 15, the third 70 in the 10th.
So give or take, 90% of businesses go bust, period. So with all this technology out there, wasn't it working? Why has it changed what we were doing to a person like Google? So that's the critical point. So in terms of what I'm doing, you know, I'm saying that
that we've got a, an opportunity. You have an opportunity to change things dramatically and very excitingly for you to you can dramatically reduce your costs, dramatically increase your exposure to new business and be able to communicate authentically, which is what this is all about.
And so, you know, if you're if you're an investor, like kind of go back to the beginning, if you're an investor, you need to be looking out for businesses that are looking to do this because do what you've always done. You'll get what you've always got. It's a fact. And so if you're if you're in business, you need to change things up.
Well, because it's so low key is just so low cost to do this to any company can do it of any size. Prepare your content in advance. That's all you have to do. And if you're really that nervous, do it in parallel to what you're doing at the moment. Before you get rid of everybody else. Get to gives them an opportunity to save their jobs.
And I'm serious. I'm absolutely deadly serious because nobody's going to come to your rescue. Not ever. They never have the assets strip you, but nobody's going to come to your rescue. This is the only surefire way of making this happen and reaching a total addressable market. And I'm just talking the UK. You could be an international company. You could do the same thing and reach everybody everywhere all at once.
We needed the data to message a message and to say, This is what we're doing. So I think I've been speaking for about three quarters of now. I could probably speak for England, but the critical thing is, is that this is this is the starting point. This isn't and now I'm going to, you know, show loads of slides and convert this into and make it a webinar.
No, this is live. Live. Yeah. I'm going to be here again next week and the week after and the week after and you'll go away and think about this, I hope. And you think, Well, what about this and how we do? How do we do this? And maybe you need to look at us. But the point is, is that this is potentially the most exciting time that could ever happen for your company because your competition, you're not doing it.
I only know a certain number of people, you know, six degrees of separation, all that. So your competition not listen to this. So it's something to think about. So that's it for me. That is it for me.
I'm just thinking if I've got anything else that I missed, I don't think so. Next week we going be talking about SMEs and giants and one size doesn't fit all and there are different ways of doing things and so we'll touch on that.
But we is to create this conversation. Nobody else out there, there's nobody else out there talking about new business generation specifically for B2B, as I'm doing because it's not my work. So that that's it. That's kind of the first foray, you could say, into looking at live streaming. And there's a very specific reason for streaming. I could have done a video, but you wouldn't get the warts and all.
I wouldn't get the knock on the door saying you've been you've been talking for 45 minutes, but it's authentic. And if you've got two people that the most popular
videos that appear to do with businesses, the two people talking to each other in different locations, you know, headphones on or everything else, Person one. Person two talking and just having a conversation.
They're the most popular. So if you've got a couple of your salespeople or a couple of directors sit in front of the camera talking about what you're doing, people want to be is part of our human condition. We want to be engaged with people. We want to see what they're talking about. And if we're also sitting at home, like most lot of people are watching, something like this changes it.
So anyway, that's it for me. If you've got any questions, you can message me privately.
There's an email address is going to come up in a second. And I hope you’ll join me next week. That’s it, bye for now.