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Season 1 - Episode 12

Does Martech Really Help B2B New Business Generation

Digital Selling for CEOs, VPs & Sales Pros

In this Episode...

Following the publication of a White Paper, Liz 'interviews' Nigel Maine to help listeners understand the rationale behind levelling the blame of business failure at the feet of marketing practitioners and their collective reliance on technology to shield them from doing their jobs properly and to blindly deliver KPI's to satisfy ego's.

This podcast does not pull any punches and is a serious indictment to the marketing industry.

Key Takeaways...

Whilst the current business landscape may look bleak, entrpreneurs always rise to the occasion.  This is what separates the 'wheat-from-the-chaff'.  Businesses need to implicitly understand the importance of structured, varied content and the expectations of Google to make a business visible.

Whilst many marketers are simply 'going through the motions', Nigel provides some desperately needed advice that businesses can implement immediately.

Download your copy of the White Paper below: 

<link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" title="Scaling Up B2B SaaS & PaaS with salesXchange" href=""/>