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Season 3 - Episode 12

B2B Strategy End of Year Finale S3 Ep12

Digital Selling for CEOs, VPs & Sales Pros

In this Episode...

Probably the most significant show so far as we talk about what we've learned about B2B new business development during this year.

We maintain, 'if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got'. 

B2Bs have been misled to follow big tech and over the years new business development has been handed over to marketing, who have never sold direct or communicated direct to decision makers, yet they have been driving all activity that determines new sales.

Pipelines have diminished, sales are never enough and yet there appears to be no solution on the horizon - until now.

Join us as we review 2023 and share our plans and strategies for next year. Yes, we still have even more to explore that B2Bs are not doing. It's going to be great!

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