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Season 3 - Episode 1

B2B Digital Selling for Investors S3 Ep1

Digital Selling for CEOs, VPs & Sales Pros

In this Episode...

oin me, Nigel Maine, in our groundbreaking new live series that promises to be as exciting as it is controversial. As a seasoned expert in the B2B SaaS space, I've uncovered shocking revelations about the marketing strategies that have been failing businesses for decades.

In this unscripted "New Business Exposé," I won’t hold back. I'll deliver candid insights that will make traditional B2B digital marketers quake in their boots. This is the no-nonsense, brutally honest show you've been waiting for.

I will expose the dirty little secrets of the marketing industry, shedding light on practices that have been sabotaging your growth. And it's not just a one-way street – at the end of each show, I'll host a live Q&A session exclusively for CEOs and business owners. If marketers are brave enough, they can join the conversation too.

Don't miss this opportunity to get the unvarnished truth and actionable advice that will help you dismiss the digital dilemma and rebuild your growth trajectory.

Join in the conversation or start one!

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